A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Printable Version

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A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Phantom Rose Petals - 06-29-2016

I am a change
The young equine's ear's flicked as she walked through the field many question's popping into her head only one did she quietly say out loud to her self. "Did I make the right choice to leave the herd that gave me a home"?, she bobbed her head pushing the question out of her head, she snorted she made the choice and was not about to change it she trudged through the tall fields grass a hint of doubt tugging at her mind. Her Dark red roan dun tobiano coat twitched every once in a while, the spring's bright inviting sun ray's made her white face sparkle like snow, her white tail swished against her side as she walked. her velvet mane laying against the side of her neck.div>

RE: A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Cassi - 06-29-2016

Hi there! I noticed you have your horse's abilities listed as "controls fog and mist able to walk on water."
These are traits that need owner permission, so if you didn't get permission from Dianna or Kortnee (or myself, but I have no record of any correspondence with you), please remove it. Thanks!

RE: A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Kena - 06-29-2016


The ebony warrior never found herself recruiting for her petite kingdom but, since the change of leadership she had begun to stray away. Finding herself within the field in search of a change of tune, otherwise she would challenge or steal other equine from the other kingdoms. This was all in a means of ranking up in her station, in order to be gazed upon as an equine of importance within her kingdom. This was the only other way without resulting in combat or war. She became a diplomat.

Her indigo eyes search the crowds of equine gathered in clumps or pile ups as they begged equine to join their herds and kingdoms, by slyly pretending to give them a choice. Kena knew this was the basic tactic of a power hungry diplomat like her comrades, all they wanted was more power. In order to be looked upon as greater than all. Her intentions weren't in the category of being power hungry, all she wanted was the loyalty of her peers in her kingdom. 

So, with that little thought the mare sought out a tobiano individual. "Hello, I'm Kena of Heavens Gates." Her mind stumbles briefly before she continues, "My kingdom can offer you a home. But in exchange my kingdom needs your loyalty." She pauses lobes swiveling towards the female, "We are small in numbers. Heavens Gates remains only because of the loyalty of it's residents that reside in it." She ends. Her expression remains straight, hailing importance. "There are many options in beqanna but, the most prominent is Heavens Gates. I hope to see you soon within the kingdoms bounds." 

She was very literal, it was extremely important that her kingdom was to grow in it's change of leadership. Limited members in the army and peace caste represented weakness, something she wasn't proud to represent in her homeland. So in order to get out of the situation they would need a stronger kingdom, where the loyalty of residents greatly impacted the society of her kingdom.

I Will Answer Injustice With Justice

RE: A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Phantom Rose Petals - 06-29-2016

The time for my change is now Wrote:
I am a change
The young equine took a few step's back not excepting another equine to step up to her hearing the words my kingdom she lowered her head in respect, and nickered in respectful tone,"Kena is it your kingdom sounds very nice and I am honored by your invitation and am honored to join your kingdom as well" her blue eyes watched the black mare's movement taking notes down in her head as she waited for the mare to speak.

RE: A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Kena - 06-29-2016


Kena couldn't help but allow a smile to form upon her velvet lips. It was quite an amazing first try at being a diplomat and the girl had already succeeded in finding an equine that seemed loyal enough to meet the standards of what her kingdom needed.

The girl snorted pleasantly, "You chose wisely." She paused dipping an inky black head Kena strode past the mare in the direction of her kingdom. Indigo eyes shift behind her body towards the mare, "Now come on. I'm sure Wrym will be pleased that another equine is joining Heavens Gates."  The mare charged forwards into an immediate gallop. Strands of ebony glossed mane brushes against her neck as the wind licks her cheeks. The nares of her nostrils flare as an azure eye lingers are the painted mare.

I Will Answer Injustice With Justice

Just post a reply to the activity check/mandatory kingdom thread.

RE: A change for good or for worse(Open All) - Phantom Rose Petals - 06-30-2016

I am a change
Phantom flicked her tail her ear's perked upward and alert as she galloped after the ebony mare, her muscles under her coat twitched with every movement she made, her white nostrils flared intensely watching ebony mare in front of her side's heaved with ancipation .