livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Printable Version

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livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Chemdog - 06-18-2016

[this is a continuation of a thread from the meadow]

A bother? No my dear not even a little bit.” He grins coolly, no traces of malice in his sparkling teal eyes or the show of his teeth when he smiles at her. He steps closer to have a polite sniff, never touching her or the child. “Come with me then, we'll beat the storm no doubt.

He sets off easily enough and moves at a quiet pace for her and the child. His limp keeping him from his normal amount of grace. His senses are peeled for predators, especially once they slip into the forests. He stops every so often to look around carefully and listen in on the winds before moving on again. They walk along a stream and stop for a few sips, even a bite of fodder here and there. He tries his best not to tire them or make the child work too hard; though any strong foal is ready for travel right away, he's seen it many times.

We'll be there within a few hours, Angelle. Just beyond this valley.” And eastward they go. After a while they're moving north along the coast. The sand is warm and almost liquid feeling under their feet as Chemdog keeps the group moving next to the lapping waves. Gulls soar and call out to the trio as they migrate peacefully below – unfortunately for the birds they have nothing to offer them today.

He moves ahead of them in the dappled mid-day light. The sun illuminating his wounds and scars. Revealing just how mangled his coat is. Small patches of fur are gauged from his ebony sheen. Pinkish scars and half-healed wounds betray that he has fought and fought hard within the last month or so.

After the predicted few hours they're home. The beaches turn from sand and rock into a plethora of volcanic stone and lagoon waters rolling in from the vastness of an open sea. It is almost evening by the time they step foot onto Chem's own soil. Salty sea-grass waves just off of the sand, uncropped. Things do not get over eaten here. Fertility and a small population do well to keep the vegetation lush around these parts. As the crest the hill after the beach the limping king of the Village lets out a bugle for his women to heed. He'll have them come forth and meet their new friend, or sister, or however they want her or her them.
astra inclinant, sed non obligant.

[We're just going to assume everyone moved awhile ago and Chem's been off fighting and is just now showing up. It's a meeting of the herd along with the welcoming of Angelle and Malory. It's not a requirement or anything, but it would be nice for everyone to meet <33 if chem and your character have an open and active thread already we'll just a assume the liquid timeline thing OR you can opt out of this if you want. either way works.]

@[Sreva] @[Becca] @[Helleborn] @[Angelle] @[Dacia] @[Sabé] @[Vessel]

i just want to say that i fucking LOVE this herd!

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Angelle - 06-18-2016

The grullo mare and her daughter followed the stallion as they set off towards the herd. She was here to have a safe place for her daughter. She had a few other children but didn't know as to where they where. She turned her attention back to the stallion and her filly. She smiled softly at the passing scenery and then when they stopped her smile grew. It wasn't anything she was used to so that was one thing she liked about it. She was very much excited to be here with her daughter.

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Sreva - 06-19-2016

Seriously?! Did that stallion just not believe in sleep?! Sreva had been peacefully resting under an outcropping of rocks that lined the cliffs around the lake, a place she'd come to like since Chemdog moved the herd here. The place she'd found provided shelter, something she was always thankful for, no matter what. The mare had gone to sleep early that night; she'd had a tiring day. She had just managed to fall asleep, her brain deciding to rest - finally - when Chemdog had called for his mares.

Was it ever only at a convenience for him? Sreva didn't understand it, and didn't want to. Ever since the stallion had brought her to his territory, he'd somewhat ignored her. There was that time in the beginning when he'd spent time with her, but ever since then, he'd always been off, either accepting challenges, recruiting new mares, antagonizing stallions he didn't like, or spending time with the other mares.

Did he suddenly not like Sreva anymore? Had she become a nuisance? Wait, why was she thinking that? She hadn't done anything wrong; what reason did he have for not liking her anymore? Whatever, it wasn't her problem. She had a home, a place to escape from predators, and a stallion that paid only enough attention to know she lived in his territory. Whatever he was calling the mares for could wait. Sreva wanted to rest, recover, and get this injury healed.

She looked down at her belly; it wasn't anything severe. She'd just wandered too far out of the territory and had a run-in with a feline predator. The wound would heal, but no doubt it would leave a scar. The blood had already stopped dripping, which was good. Besides not really caring what Chemdog was calling them for, Sreva just didn't want to move right now anyways, worrying for what would happen to the wound if she did.

She'd deal with the stallion and his problem/issue/whatever it was later. Right now, she wanted to rest, so that's what she would do. Lowering her head, the mare closed her eyes to drift off to sleep again, ignoring the slight pain that went through her belly every time she took a breath.

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Helleborn - 06-19-2016

His call meets the lavender lobes of our striped girl. The zorse youth is moving in regards as to why he was giving an announcement but Helle figured if daddy is calling then she had better.

The long limbs are moving her lithe form through the foliage, skull is lifted high as she treks. It would not take much time to catch a glimpse of the dark male, the white ghostly markings floating on the setting sunlight and making him appear rather eerie. But also in this moment (as Helle is not really keen to her surroundings) she does not see the spotted mare in her spectrum. So with a rather unladylike trip (an uncharacteristic thing for her) she managed practically fall on the appaloosa.

With developing skill, she catches herself and her balance as pale eyes look over her shoulder to the woman. One invisible brow is quirked as to why the mare is laying there but Helleborn keeps moving. "Weirdo." She mutters it under her breath before picking up her pace to meet the stallion but she is surprised when she sees him with another mare. A new face (though all faces are still new to her) and lids narrow slightly at the other woman who currently had a kid in tow.

She looks the other up and down, noting the soft spots on her body. The hell-cat does not offer any sort of acknowledgement just simply looks at her and the child.


Helle flicks her attention casually away to judge the burn of the setting sun before she makes an audible huff and looks back to the new mare. "Hi." Flat, dull, the very least possible effort to make.


  light up the world as i fall asleep

Photograph by

((Helleborn is a butthead so it's not you or Angelle lol dont be offended))

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Sabé - 06-19-2016

you just activated a nuclear warhead

The sun was setting and it was almost fully night; Sabe was scavenging for a food source with Ruri. She hated there new home and much preferred the forest, which was plentiful and never had a drought of food. Ruri was now weaned and almost a year old, she truly did not need to be by Sabe's side all the time but the foal chose to. Her head looked off to the left as she heard Chemdog call out, most likely to the whole herd. She gave a roll of her eyes, she had not yet met any of the mares in his herd and now he wanted to call them all together? This would not be good, Sabe had no desires in meeting these other mares.

She gave a flick of her head, insisting to Ruri she should follow, and moved forward towards the sound of Chemdog. After a few moments of walking, and a dusty trail behind them Chemdog and a few others were within sight. Her ears lowered to her head, letting the others know she was not approachable, she stood off to the side in sight, but not fully a part of the group. She scanned off to a a few mares who were here as well as a couple foals, although they did not look like Chems, and Sabe was pretty sure Ruri was his only foal so far. She gave a snort, letting her presence be known and stood silent awaiting Chem to make some sort of announcement. 


RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Chemdog - 06-26-2016

His lip curls with disgust when he draws his teal eyes up to see them gather. They're measly in numbers and their attitudes are even worse. The  lavender youngling almost falls over Sreva, who's ignoring him – that indeed ruined his frown a little upside down. Sabé's face his contorted with a scowl and her ears flat. “What's the point of that, dare I ask?” He tips his white face to the side and lets his forelock tumble off the edge to dangle over his cheek. He doesn't even listen for the answer, looking down at Angelle, “Don't mind them. They'll get over themselves eventually. You're welcome here – and don't take any shit or you'll be on the bottom.” He chortles and gives her a playful wink before stepping forward, ahead of the filly and mother.

And what, pray tell, is everyone so salty about, aye?” He's too far from Sreva to notice her injuries, but her sluggishness doesn't elude his attention. She seems to be ignoring him, so he returns the favor, settling his stare on his little lavendula. “Hi yourself, how's it hanging love? Playing nice, right?” He makes himself chuckle a little bit.

The Volcanic environment is perfect, in Chem's eyes. There's much more than just the Forest. There are several forests, even a smaller version of the Frontiers – but the meadows, the waterfall, the massive crystalline lake, the beach, the lagoon, the isles – all of it seems to have it's own micro-ecosystem and climate of it's own. The swamps seem tropical, the north is windy and mostly grassy hills, the south full of thick ashwood forests the west is all sea kissing sand and stone. Hot springs dot the landscape in small clusters, ideal for when winter is heavy or after a long journey, or battle.

He finds nothing to be disappointing, necessarily, except for these grumpy gills – of course.

astra inclinant, sed non obligant.

@[Sabé] @[Helleborn] @[Sreva] @[Angelle]

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Vessel - 06-26-2016

» Innocence is always unsuspicious «

My eyes pull open, which brought the tall grasses around me into blurry orbs of green and tan, which mixed and mingled until crisp stalks of  tall vegetation became clear against the dark brown of the wooded forest behind it. I hear Chem in the distance, but it wasn't a call for me specifically, and I can't say I am not a little disappointed. I pull myself up, away from the cool ground and start my way toward the other end of the lands... a bit of a hike but it shouldn't take long. It had been awhile sine I last saw Chem... not since our time spent alone in the cave culminated in well, he would know for  sure soon enough. I never thought that I would be a mother...I didn't know what to think of it yet, but I will sort it out I guess. I am not showing but I am sure he will know. I didn't want to have this moment with the others, wasn't it supposed to be just us?  But if Chem needs all of us, I had to go, I knew that much.

I watched the terrain change around me until a heard the others, a few voices floated to me, I didn't know them, but they were all rather indifferent about the gathering, and no one looked happy--save for one. I stood at a distance, my eyes on Chem, he seemed sour about something, but I watched as he wiped it away with a flick of his head and a curl of a smile. My legs carried me the rest of the way,  as Chem moved through the group talking. Once within the mares, I went to Chem and nudged him in greeting, without interrupting his speech. There was something about being around him,  I just wanted to feel the strength I had with him all the time.

But I move back and away as to not intrude, and wait for a moment where I can say my piece once Chem finished."I'm's up?" I look around, though I don't expect a friendly response, but let my gaze end on Chem as I know at least he will give me a kind glance.


Kimber x Nymphetamine

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Sreva - 06-26-2016

Ugh, seriously, all she wants is a little peace and quiet so she can recover from her wounds, but clearly, she was not going to get that here. It was bad enough when that lavender filly almost fell over her, which could've potentially hurt her more. No, the mares had to converge and talk with the stallion nearby, so that meant Sreva couldn't get any sleep.

With some difficulty, she managed to get back to her hooves, wincing when the wounds she had got scraped along the ground as she stood. When she was up, the mare began to limp off, moving at a languid pace to avoid aggravating her wounds. All she wanted was some peace and quiet so she could rest. Where could she get that, make sure no others could find her while she healed?

The lagoon by the forest, of course. It provided nice shelter, and was quite peaceful. The pintaloosa began walking off in that direction, hoping by the time she got there, she'd be able to get some sleep, and no one would show up to bother her.

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Becca - 06-26-2016

I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, Lead her up the stairwell. This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.

She isn't social, nor is she elegant. She's just a broken toy in his box of shinnies. She was the means of an alliance, a token. She never enjoyed when new equine paraded around a place she had gotten used to ever so quickly. It just never made sense.

Her lobes flick as her silver dappled body came into view. She had never been apart of a herd this large and now it was just becoming too crowded. Extensive scarred legs led her through the group lobes perked when she found a child and a mother entering the herd. Becca doesn't allow herself to speak, words are unneeded for the welcoming of another to the herd that she had decided she would soon be leaving.

There was no place for her. Her true home was Heavens Gates and, that was final. She was done being a slave to all the fuckers in this world. Zayn had raped and abused her, her son had abused her far worse than his father had. But her son had given her away. And she was done with the countless amount of bastards that ruled over her. She wanted to return back to her Kingdom where she had lived in the first place. She wanted to go back but, all was too late.

A smile forms upon her lips, it was malliced with a sort of annoyance and aggression yet, it remained welcoming. She dips her head briefly before introducing herself, "I'm Becca." She stares quietly pinning her ears towards the stallion in a manner of aggression. She hated him and her herd.


image © nathan walker
I don't know what this is but I decided to respond XD

RE: livin' in a powder keg givin' off sparks - [herd meeting/welcoming angelle] - Helleborn - 06-28-2016

The tension, the anger, the hatred is absolutely clogging the atmosphere. Each of these hell-cats were quite literally seething with malice towards once another. Chem had amounted himself a fucking viper pit.

Helle offers up a coy little smile to the ghost faced stallion as well as her own muzzle in greeting. "Of course I'm playing nice. I'm so sweet I'll give you a toothache." A small giggle pursues after the little pun before the lavender tinted pools watch as the women drag themselves towards the gathering. The smile that once sat upon her lips is drifting, muddy as it slips away.

First a buckskin, a ruddy bay, the spotted sleepy head, and then finally a chocolate mare. The pintaloosa appears to be in a bit of pain (not good in these parts) and Helleborn notes the weakness. Her gaze shifts to the buckskin. The mare is older, fit. But the red bay...she closes the space right up between her and Chem. A smirk pulls the right side of her lips like a puppet's string. There were so many stars in her eyes it practically looked like a fucking galaxy floating her her head.

Her curious eyes watch them as they approach in their own manners and at their on pace. Lobes move cautiously...carefully as she finally gets a look at women within her home. The striped mare-child is unimpressed but she is not stupid. Possibly, in time she would get to know the residents...

(the competition)

And with her small skull high and statuesque upon a slender neck does she look back to Chem. "As for you? Behaving yourself?" The tones ripple like rich burgundy velvet from her throat as she playfully probes the stallion passively but with seemingly provocative undertones.


  light up the world as i fall asleep

Photograph by