Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Printable Version

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Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Verilis - 06-16-2016

A life woven from fragments of past and future. Of possibilities and failure. One who has never given into the hands of thoughts and actions that grasp and pull her towards the crumpling defeat of surrender. The mare walked through the long waving grasses of the field as they bend to her will with the very steps she took. The dawn claimed the field in a red, dusty light that covered everything it touched. The wind, oh so quiet, felt like the soft hands of a cloud as it flowed over her sleek, moving body.

The summer had come ever so quickly, taking away the bitterness cold of winter. Verilis though of it as the time when everything is unfrozen from the spell of winter and filled with warmth of a soothing life. It might not have been one of her favorite times of the year. She preferred the fall. The time of the year that introduced the coolness and decorated the land in the ever so beautiful shades of crispy gold, yellow, and orange.

Verilis stood for a moment, as if she were a vibrant painting on a canvas, while capturing the sounds and vibrations around her in the long, cupped ears that complimented the structure and color of her face. Silence. That is what she heard, if even possible to hear. The air surrounding the area was filled with drowsiness, or in other words something calming, like a lullaby. In a way it dulled her senses a bit, filling her with the notion of sleep. Reluctantly the dappled mare floated to the ground, like a moth falling soundlessly to the cushioning earth below. Her dark chocolate eyes peered above the tips of the grasses, just low enough for her to look, and watch the horizon ahead.

Beckoned was she to this place. The need of someone by her side. Someone to enter her isolated life and help guide a path through it. That is what she came here for. Right? Certainly. All that is needed now is patience. To wait for the moment and take the chance. The moment that might not come.

RE: Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Archam - 06-16-2016


Archam made his usual trip to the field, Summer was quickly ending leading to Autumn and he wanted to expand his herd. The large bay roan stallion prodded along until he hit the heart of the field. Many equines were out and about, conversing with each other, a few off by themselves. The field had so many scents in them today, many kingdoms were here, many equines that did not carry a Beqanna scent were also here. He slid to a halt to scan the area for someone who caught his eye.

His eyes trailed to a pair of squirrels wrestling in the nearby trees, squealing out to one another. He cocked his eye, confused with there way of life. He gave a shrug and continued to scan the field stopping when he spotted a dappled mare by herself, she looked new and almost like she was waiting for someone to approach her. He gave a smile to himself, hoping she would return to his herd lands with him. He picked up a trot and made his way over to the mare, letting out a small whinny.

He slowed to a halt about four or five paces from the mare, allowing her space. Hello there, My name is Archam, are you new to Beqanna? He asked sparking up a conversation, feeling out the way the mare felt around him.

Lead Stallion of Cobblestone Creek

RE: Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Desirea - 06-16-2016

ooc // crap I thought I was fast! lmao

Raising a child had proven to be more difficult than she had imagined. It was a very involved process, nurturing the little life she'd brought into the world. It was a rewarding thing, for sure, and she dearly loved her son. But sometimes it was nice to slip away for a moment. He was growing quite big and bold these days, anyway -- she had already noticed his proclivity for exploring.

Desirea stood near a tree, surveying those who came to the field. She was here mainly to relax, but she figured she may as well keep an eye out for untraited mares who might like to join up with she, Szeth, and the little fallabella mare.

A beautiful silvery mare came into the field like a dream, moving with grace that captured Desirea's attention. Ears pricked, she followed the mare's movements until the beauty sank nimbly down to the earth, her mane trailing softly in the air. A small smile came to Desirea's lips, and she started forward.

She had only crossed a few long steps, however, when another came into view. Desi's smile turned to a frown, but she kept moving closer.

"Hello," she called softly, with her delicate voice. "I'm Desirea," she offered, sinking down to lay across from the mare and flashing her a shy smile.

RE: Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Verilis - 06-16-2016

The silence was gradually lulling Verilis closer towards the sleep that pulled at her in the back of her mind, but was quickly broken by the rustling of another equine nearby as it walked through the tall, golden stalks of grass. As the equine's presence gradually approached, she flared her nostrils and twitched an ear in it's direction, taking in the sweet and earth scent of the field, and catching a whiff of the approaching equine. A stallion it was then. Not too surprising, as they almost always seemed to be lurking about trying to spy a new mare to join them. Seemed as though Verilis was the fresh meat around here.

The stallion let out a whinny, more to let Verilis know he was there than a greeting, but of course she already knew he was coming. She watched above the grass tips taking in more of the scene as he halted near her, only giving him her gaze when he introduced himself. "Archam," she mumbled, the word taken away by the little wind left running through the sky. The name rung a bell in the back of her head. She looked up at Archam for a bit with a questioning look, taking in any possible details about him, while racking her mind for an answer to her suspicion, but every time Verilis though she grasped something, it always slipped away and out of her reach.

Taking her attention back to Archam she gave a curt nod before replying. "Archam. I am Verilis, and no I am not new to Beqanna. I have simply traveled around here, getting to know the area. It is a beautiful place, is it not?" Verilis says with confidence lacing her voice as the words came out smoothly, not bothering to stand up from the comfortable position she was in.

Soon after the words were spoken she was interrupted by yet another equine coming their direction. With a small intake of breath she quickly new this one was a mare, though she could well enough tell that just by looking at her. The rustling of parting grass stopped as the equine introduced herself and quietly lay down before her.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Desirea. My name is Verilis, and if you don't already know, this is Archam, as I have quite recently found out." She offered back, giving her a quick small smile.

She stopped to observe Desirea as she did Archam for a bit before talking again. "So, I'm guessing you both came to me with the same interest?" She opined to them both with a slight smile.

RE: Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Archam - 06-22-2016


He gazed at the silver mare who returned a questioning glance at him, they stood in a moment of silence before she spoke. She was not new to the lands, but did not state if she had ever been apart of a kingdom or herd, just simply that she had been traveling around. He gave a humble laugh as she asked if the lands are beautiful These lands are, I seen some less than beautiful lands, and some very beautiful lands I guess the idea of beauty was up to the beholder though. Dirt was not his thing, although surely some of the Chambers members enjoyed having little greenery to view.

He took a deep breath ready to expand the conversation but another approached, a blue roan mare. She gave a greeting and before he could reply Verilis responded, introducing Archam and herself to the roan known as Desirea. They stood there for a moment of silence again before Versilis spoke again, questioning if Desirea and Archam were here for the same reason. He had never met the blue roan, but imagined she was not here for mere conversation but instead was a recruiter for a kingdom. A small nod of his head I would imagine, I am the lead stallion of cobblestone creek. If you are interested I would love to bring you back with me. I belong to the kingdom known as the Falls, you are free to be apart of them as well as the herd. He spoke in a strong voice, proud of his herd as well as his kingdom.

Lead Stallion of Cobblestone Creek

OOC: Sooooo sorry it took so long to reply


RE: Peering through the dust of dawn (Any) - Verilis - 06-25-2016

The cold scratchy air filled her lungs with a quick breath as she listened to the stallion talk. His deep, humble laugh filled her with the notion of happiness and she too felt like laughing. She blew out a breath into the crispy air, watching as it dissipated into the open sky above her. The lands were indeed beautiful, but everyone should know that when beauty is sought there is more, or less of that found.

The wind curled through the air, snatching her mane and sending it blowing through the air. She stood soon after the new mare, Desirea, settled in front of her and the introduction was finished. She game herself a quick shake, cleansing her dappled coat and settling her mane back into place. She was certain these two were here to recruit her, and Archam's next words only proved that. An invitation to join his growing herd and kingdom? How noble. The tone in his voice spoke of how proud he was of his home. She has only ever caught a glimpse of the kingdom from the outskirts. What might it look of from the inside? It was a tempting offer to accept, and she might have if she didn't steal a glance at Desirea. Why give her a chance? Find out what she has to offer.

"I would gladly accept your invitation Archam, but first I want to see what Desirea has to offer in the likes of a home and herd. I want to be fair, should I not?" Verilis questions to no one in particular, a partial grin pulling at the edges of her lips, knowing after this a long road ahead waits.