On the road with no destination (Azael; any) - Printable Version

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On the road with no destination (Azael; any) - Tashi - 06-04-2016

One thing about this grand old world is that it never stops changing, always and forever trapped in endless cycles of life.  The spinning earth never failed to bring about new seasons and new life, always a new page to add to the life stories of those whom called it home.  Winds continued to shift - ushering in the fierce winter chill and snows and before warding it off with the warming breath of spring.

The urgency that had once been in the winds as winter took hold had mellowed with the passing months... no longer holding the threat of dangerous cold and treacherous snow and ice.  Now they slowed with the promise of more prosperous seasons with fewer worries for the wild creatures that resided in the whole of Beqanna.  Yet again, Tashi continued to find herself defenseless to the siren call that the winds held for her.

This spring day, the dappled buckskin mare had wondered into the unfamiliar area that was the Meadow.  Though it was still early yet in the growing season, the heads of the lush grasses already brushed her flanks with ease.  In a few months' time, it would be likely to even reach her withers or higher if conditions were favorable.  The Meadow was any foraging creature's dream and Tashi was no exception.

With the pleasantly warm spring sun glinting across her dappled back, the fem waded through the essentially chest-deep sea of green.  Fluted ears flick almost lazily as she lets out a contented snort and halts after traveling a short distance into the open meadow, picking happily at the tops the green surrounding her.  A buzzing fly causes her to pin her ears slightly and she shakes her thick mane with annoyance before snorting dismissively and returning eagerly to her grazing.  What a wonderful day this was!

RE: On the road with no destination (Azael; any) - Chemdog - 06-18-2016

Breezy. Sunshine. Perfect temperatures. Calming sway of grass and the warmth of the sunlight on his speckled back make it perfect conditions to graze for a little while before heading home. He bears the limp and the scarring, the marred coat and the tired walk of recovering fighter. By now his wounds have no dried blood but only pinkish healing flesh and rough scabs. His under belly is marked up sufficiently and it's obvious that horse-teeth did the job. His rump displays a swollen slice in the shape of a rough half moon. A horse foot with much volatility and power.

He grunts exhaustively as he bends to graze, lifting his sore leg to let the weight off of it. He's starting to think he may need to find a healer for this shoulder. It does not seem to be getting better. It remains inflamed inside and hardly usable. He limps pretty badly for now and cannot run at all, which is much like caging a wolf, it won't fly for long.

Respite is all he seeks for now though. Some quiet grazing away from everyone. His ear quirks to the side. So, not everyone, he supposes. He ignores her at first and simply accepts that she'll be grazing happily near him...but after sometime her dapples and her excited gobbling of the grasses at her feet makes her hard to resist for long. His head perks, along with his big scooping ears. His white face splashed with a mix of charcoal and bone-pale forelock, hiding his bright teal eyes. He chews his mouthful while he watches her carefully. “Are you alone here, lass?” he speaks up, his accent hardened upon his gritty voice. He grabs another bite and lets his eyes explore the extent of her golden dapples.

astra inclinant, sed non obligant.


RE: On the road with no destination (Azael; any) - Tashi - 07-20-2016

For a time, Tashi was at one with the Meadow, or at least from her perspective that's the way that she saw it.  Nothing else had existed except for her, these lush grasses, and the warm sunshine across her back.  The grazing here far outweighed that she had experienced in the field which seemed to her as a more densely populated area, frequented more by the equids in search of companions and recruits for their homes.  The forages there were grazed more often and by more horses.  Yet perhaps it was only the difference in seasons.  Tashi had not been here all that long herself to know if that was true.

Though she could probably be convinced she thought, especially if there was the promise of more exquisite days like this... and more first-rate grazing.  Her contentment in her present situation remained blatantly obvious as she'd continued to pick at the tops of the grass, posture fully relaxed and dark tail flicking lazily over her dappled haunches.  In fact she is so caught up in her own blissful world that she failed to notice that the rest of the world still spun about and sometime in the midst of her grazing, she had ended up near another.  Tashi is quite oblivious to him at first - or if she did notice him, it was not consciously, not enough to truly click - but when the unfamiliar tone of a nearby voice broke the relative silence surrounding her, the mare abruptly paused and sought out the owner to the voice.

The mare's rich chocolate-hued eyes land upon the white splashed stud with apparent surprise, a few blades of grass awkwardly sticking out of one side of her mouth in the moments before she is able to compose her and remind herself to breathe.  He could have been described as a handsome fellow, or at least he had been, with that catchy black and white pelt - it was almost the first thing she noticed about him, almost.  What prevailed in her initial observation of him was his apparent battle weariness - for his coat was marred quite thoroughly with scars and scabs of varying degrees.  She stares at him for only just a moment until realizing that she is indeed staring and shakes her spanish head as if to clear her thoughts.  "Well, I.... had been."  The hint of a vaguely amused smile tinged the fem's youthful and warm voice at the observation and a bit of her own humor.  "Not quite any more now."  The buckskin shifts slightly so that she is angled a bit better towards the male, fluted ebon-tipped ears twisting forward and her brown eyes resting sharply on him in intrigue as she fell expectantly silent, curious of the battle-worn stallion's interest in her.