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Sorea - Phaedrus - 04-17-2016

He nickers out across the border, waiting at its edge for the mare to make her appearance. Every minute agonizing as it crawls by, sweat begins to bead on his black coat. He shifts embarased at the whole escapade. His head dodging to his hooves when he finally does see her aproaching. Sheepishly chocolate eyes widen begging for understanding, searching for any sign that she might not hate him. Sorry about that, it was rude of me not to be there when you called. He shuffles his hooves unsure of how to continue. The cat cocks her head to the side looking up at the pretty coat. You look beautiful She spills out his thoughts and he glowers at the bobcat agian for the twentieth time that day. He keeps his wings tucked to his sides hoping to hide the scars, and telltale signs of why his presence had been lacking in the herd lands. Right after their meeting his kingdom called on him to fight, and fight he had. Now... well now that he was fully recovered left only wtih the reddened scars left from spikes on one side of him, he was making his rounds and checking up on the diplomatic, missions that his kingdom had sent him on. Along with checking up on the few recruits that he had encountered and accepted his offer of a home in the Golden Plains. I hope I can make it up to you.
i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must


RE: Sorea - Sorea - 04-18-2016

It's by his scent being carried through the air that Sorea knows the stallion Pheadrus has come, and to the place she now considers home. Knowing it better to face him than flee, she follows the scent slowly and gravely, until she can see his form in the distance. Jedi had been absent for some time, and so it appeared she would be handling this matter alone.

He probably doesn't really believe I belong here... she thought to herself about the painted stallion. My heart yearns to stay here, but what can I do now that Pheadrus has come? I suppose I'll find out...

When the mare is near enough to the stallion, she's surprised by how much her memory seems to have forgotten his mythic appearance. Black coat, wings, heavy body set... he had suddenly become quite formidable. His words however, which she reads from his lips, are gentle and apologetic.

"Do not worry," Sorea replied without offense. "But it has been quite sometime since I met you in the field... and, well... I've grown quite close to the horses of the Falls. I... I wish to stay."

The mare held nothing personal against the stallion, and she hoped he would see it that way. Her eyes remained hopeful on him as she waited for an answer.

RE: Sorea - Jedi - 04-19-2016

The paint stallion had returned to the Falls from a border patrol, the day was ending and the sun was setting. He stood still and scanned the horizon of the Falls, it was peaceful and the waterfall was still roaring as loud as the first day he entered the kingdom. A grin appeared on his maw as Sorea's scent ran threw his nares, he picked up a leisurely trot as he made his way over to the mare. He was quick to stop as a second scent ran through, he didn't know exactly who it was but it was a Dale scent. The paint stallions ears flicked back with anger and anxiety, he figured it had to have been Phaderus, the stallion who claimed Sorea a few seasons ago. He had hoped this day wouldn't have come, but knew all to well that a herd stallion would fight for a mare he courted.

Jedi was quick to break into a gallop towards the scent of the two horses, his heart raced as his hooves beat into the ground, leaving an imprint with each step. The two horses where in eye sight, the stallion he has heard so much of but never met was there infront of him; to his surprise the dark stag had wings. He slid to a halt a few paces from the two, he gave a snort and his ears remained pinned. He caught the tail end of the conversation that Sorea had wished to stay at the Falls, he looked at the stag with hope that he would allow the mare to stay without a fight. Although Jedi has never fought a horse with powers (wings) he  would if it meant Sorea could stay in the kingdom.



image © Lisa Dijk

RE: Sorea - Phaedrus - 04-19-2016

He nods as the mare approaches. His lips thinning into a strained smile. Dissapointment floods through his body as she tells him that she would like to stay. He lowers his head, once again accepting the fact that he had dissapointed yet another creature. With a flutter of his wings he opens his maw to speak. Before he can say anything to her another stallion is present. Did they really believe that he would break his word? The blue tipped stallion cant decide which one hurt his pride more. That as hard as he tried he would always come up short, or that as trustworthy as he was others had a tendency to shy away from him.

I'm Phaedrus, this is Sheba He nods to the bobcat sitting at his side. Lovely to meet you both She purs out aproaching the mare with softly padded paws. I had no intentions of forcing you. He pauses for a moment taking in the looks between the two horses. Sheba flicks her slitted eyes towards him and he knows.

Chocolate eyes hopefully look towards the mare. I apologize if gave the wrong empression. He had only intended on offering a home away from home. A place outside of the Falls that she could stay as well. He never forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to. All the mares currently within his borders were there out of their own volition. Most of them worked with one kingdom or another. They still made time for the herd, just as he did even with his duties to the Dale. I never force anyone to come or go at any specific tìme you are more then welcome to come at your leasure. When you are ready I will hopefully be there when you come calling again. He shifts getting ready to leave the border.
i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must

OOC: I'm a bit confused, are you still wanting her to be a part of the herd? If not I can just delete this thread.

RE: Sorea - Sorea - 04-20-2016

OOC; Unfortunately not anymore. Sorry about that!