A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Printable Version

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A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Ashara - 04-12-2016


The trio hastily headed back to the cover of the trail, the shadows a relief from the sun’s rays. She took the lead but glanced back at the other two as she spoke. “Of course anyone can become a warrior but I warn you it’s not an easy task. You’d be responsibly for fighting for the kingdom should it need protecting, for sharing border patrol, and mock battles to hone your skills. You’d also be responsible for recruiting, stealing (friendly or otherwise) and blocking steals. Are you sure you’re up to the task?” She half expected a snarky remark to the question given her answer to Jedi’s first question but such a job shouldn’t be taken lightly.

It didn’t take long to reach the west entrance to their home. It’s rolling hills spreading out like a banquet table full of food. The mist welcomes them, the soft moisture refreshing and keeping the flying pest population low. The hum of the falls grows louder into a roar as they make their way towards it, safely inside the border. Amber eyes, study the new mare gauging her reaction, hoping she’ll be a good fit for the kingdom. "You know you never did tell us your name?" she adds.

If you're ever gonna find a silver lining
It's gotta be a cloudy day


RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Jedi - 04-12-2016

The paint stallion followed along with the two mares, his ears were flicked forward as they entered the kingdoms lands. Ashara was explaining to the roan mare the duties of a warrior, he gave a nod as she was correct. Jedi held the highest rank in the Caste aside from the King, he took pride in his duties and was willing to teach the mare of her duties. "I can teach you the responsibilities" he added to Asharas conversation. He gave a whinny to the kingdom members as they reached the entrance.



image © Lisa Dijk

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Raxa - 04-16-2016

"I've already had my fair share of fighting. I'm pretty sure that I can stand up to those that threaten your home, especially if they are trying to steal something. I don't like that one bit. Of course, I wouldn't say it if I was stealing from another to benefit the kingdom's health," Raxa stated, throwing her head up.

She chuckled in good manner before the stallion spoke up. Though she was unsure about what he said, she eventually relented, "I'm a quick learner, but obviously even my skills may not be fast enough, so yeah, I'd appreciate being taught how things around here work."

The trio of horses were quiet as they entered what must have been their home, and it remained that way until the stallion neighed. Perhaps he was calling the others who lived here? Not like Raxa cared that much, unless one of these kingdom horses threatened her to get her to leave. Now that she was used to.

In the meantime, Raxa decided to look around from her vantage point. Her blue eyes widened; this place was beautiful! A waterfall roared in the distance, its blue color popping out against the rolling hills of green grass. The bugs were definitely less of a problem than they had been in the field, and for that she was grateful. Those flies had been a bunch of pests.

Then, Raxa heard the mare ask a question. The brindle roan mare hesitated a moment before turning to look at the palomino mare and the stallion, "It's Raxa."

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Ashara - 04-18-2016


She listened intently, reading the confidence behind the words. Perhaps she would make a good warrior. “It’s nice to meet you Raxa. You are free to come and go from the kingdom as you please so long as your duties are fulfilled. I hope you will like it here. Have you come very far?” She asked about the mares past in the most mediated way possible. Trying to carry on the conversation. The brindled roan seemed to be locked up tighter than Ash was and even she eventually came undone… mostly anyway. As she waited for a reply her amber pools wandered back to the painted stud. She was curious how he was fairing with the ladies, curious if her matchmaker skills with Sorea had led anywhere now that the autumn season was upon them. A season she’d rather recoil from.

If you're ever gonna find a silver lining
It's gotta be a cloudy day

[Sorry I ran out of muse today....]

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Raxa - 04-18-2016

"It's... nice to meet you too..." the mare replied, looking at the palomino. Ashara went on to tell her that she was free to come and go from the kingdom as long as she fulfilled her duties, and that was already a big plus for Raxa. She was definitely of the free-spirited nature, and while she didn't mind staying in one place for a while, Raxa wished to roam every so often, to stretch out her legs and let her heart run free.

Not like anyone else would be looking for it anyway.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'll like it here. Very nice place, lots of open space, plenty of room to run," she noted.

In regards to Ashara's question, Raxa nodded, "Yeah. I came from... well, I lost count of how many days I traveled. Never stopped running really, not until I found this place. Others in the Field weren't exactly welcoming of me but they weren't like the other herds I've come across. The fact that the horses weren't chasing me away with teeth and hoof was enough of a bonus that I decided to hang out there until I found someplace more my style," she explained.

Raxa was not one for letting a lot of others in close to her; she'd placed her trust before in those around her, and they'd misused it. She was not going to go through that again, and so she was careful with what she allowed past her lips. She felt that her explanation of where she came from was enough to satisfy the curiosity of these horses.

Yet, at the same time, Raxa had a feeling that they would keep trying to pry her open like a walnut, until they could get at the secrets she'd buried deep inside the still-bleeding wounds of her heart.

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Jedi - 04-19-2016

Jedi smiled as Ashara spoke to mare who introduced herself as Raxa, he almost forgot how exciting it was recruit a new equine. He turned his head to Raxa as Ashara asked if she traveled long; the roan mare explained that she was certain but she had traveled for countless days. He was curious to what lands she ran through that chased her out, unwilling to accept an outcast. "Are you familiar with battling?" he asks, curious to her past skills that would be helpful as her new warrior duties. The Falls was quickly growing, and although alliances were being sought, there was sure to be kingdoms plotting an attack. As the highest rank in the warrior caste (Aside from the King) it was his responsibility as much as any equine to teach the new mare the ways of there caste. He wanted to get a feel for her experience, and show her the boarder so she could start boarder patrols. The stag gently flicked his tail, removing the insects that crawled on his pelt, his gaze was on the roan, ears flicked forward interested in her past.



image © Lisa Dijk

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Raxa - 04-19-2016

"Unless you guys have a style here that's different than from where I come from, yeah, I am. Every herd I've lived with before, unless the boss stallion thought you were worth defending, it was every horse for herself. So, as you can imagine, I had to learn to fight my own battles. I may not be the strongest compared to some stallions, but I am quick of mind. And I know how to use my teeth, so you give me a reason to use them to fight other horses, they'll be feeling it," Raxa explained.

Like the mare said, she wasn't sure if the horses here fought a different way. She'd always grown up learning to fight with her teeth and hooves, keeping stallions and unwanted predators away. Other horses too, if they proved to be a nuisance.

"I may not seem like the biggest fan of following orders, but I will do so if they make sense, and the one giving them knows what he or she is doing. Otherwise, I like my own style."

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Ashara - 04-25-2016

If you're ever gonna find a silver lining It's gotta be a cloudy day

Her lips curled into a smile while listening to the mare speak, particularly about room to run. The kingdom seemed so much smaller now that Ashara knew it’s topography so well, and with it’s numbers growing the once empty seeming field was now usually spotted with an equine or two. She wasn’t complaining though, her anti-social self was a distant memory and now she quite enjoyed the company. Plus, it was the fruit of a hard working kingdom, something she hoped pleased her superiors. Her smile turned to sympathy at the next statement. She was no stranger to exile, and that wound left a forever aching scar. “I’m sorry to hear you were unwelcomed elsewhere, that’s not a nice feeling. I was chased from my family herd as a yearling.” She left it at that, this mare didn’t need to know her secret.

The pinto roan delved a little deeper into her past. Her experience with herds was different from the golden vixen’s knowledge. The benefit of herd was protection at the cost of producing an heir. Having to defend oneself can and all that rejection could make anyone bitter. Ashara had taken to out smarting the predators she encountered during her 5 years of solitude. Of course there were close calls where hooves kicked in an unorganized panic to live. But there was no skill involved in those blind flurries of adrenaline. The way the conversation was headed sounded like the two should mock. Styles didn’t matter so long as they were effective.

“Sounds like you don’t need me then.” She jokingly feigned hurt feelings, trying to lift the mood, followed with another bump of her flat skull on the muscular shoulder of the painted stallion and a nip at his mane and quickly side-stepping to avoid retaliation. Her playful energy almost contagious as she turned back to the other femme. “If you need anything, just ask. I’m never far away.” dipping her honey-hued crown in farewell but she waits for acknowledgment before heading off for a drink.

Credit Image stock (starrlightstarbright.dA)/ Artist (Vita)

RE: A warrior you say? [Raxa, Jedi, ANY] - Raxa - 04-25-2016

Raxa rolled her eyes, "I may not right now, but somebody may," she stated with a cheeky grin. She noticed how the stallion and mare acted around each other; if they weren't lovers, or at least in love, then Raxa was secretly a water buffalo.

As the palomino mare nudged the paint stallion and turned to acknowledge Raxa one last time, the mare dipped her head, "If I do ever need you, your advice, then... I'll be sure to look you guys up. For now, I think it's just about me getting used to this new place and the fact that I'll have to listen to the rules of some horse that calls himself king."

Raxa turned away as well, intent on going out to explore the kingdom and its boundaries. Before she took off, she glanced back at the two horses, "Thanks... for what you've done."

The pinto mare reared before she took off at a gallop through the fields, eager to let herself loose and see what this new home of hers was like.