i'm about to catch a case; offspring/any [cave initiation] - Printable Version

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i'm about to catch a case; offspring/any [cave initiation] - vaughan - 04-04-2016

if you lovin' my bark, let me bury my bone
Who the hell does this guy think he is? Suddenly just showing up like he's really some great father or some shit? His bunny rabbit ass would prove Nymph he was fine and would survive the Tundra even though he didn't understand the lack of women or whatever. Vaughan wasn't really a hot head like his mother, he was more apathetic really with an occasional slip in his filter. He was young, naive and invincible in his own eyes but it was strange that he viewed his sister much differently.

He'd walk through this cave and go find her, simple as that.

It had to be some type of scare tactic anyhow, in his experience it always had some underlying reason to make him fearful. He didn't have the heart to let his mother know he wasn't sipping the tea. He heads towards the cave and feels a gust of cold wind pick up, his nose begins to run with the sudden climate change and it nearly freezes as soon as it reaches the edges of his nostrils. He turns to see if anyone is watching him and without being noticed slips quietly into the cave and for a few moments stays silent, wondering cautiously if a creature was looming within but what he would come to find would be far more worrisome. He feels like he's drifting in and out of consciousness - like when you fall asleep and jerk yourself awake. His eyes are slowly starting to adjust to the darkness -- a faint image stands ahead, Vessel. "The fuck? You have everyone worried, did you think this was funny?" he grows irritated and goes to approach her to bite at her, something he did frequently to keep her 'in line' but this time it was different. She was always two steps ahead of him and untouchable. "Stop moving away from me, we're taking you to the Chamber to find Mother." he says but she doesn't respond, a vision of Kimber appears too and he gets thoroughly confused -- they both start screaming, it's loud and shrill and then the word begins he watches as they're assaulted and he is stifled. He cannot move, he cannot call for help the black colt can on stare in complete horror. He watches as his sister and mother are both raped, beaten and tormented by this unknown beast; it has no face but it creeps deep within Vaughan's soul. Part of him wants to take the pain away but another part of him wants his eyes to be burned from his face so he never witnesses anything like this again.

He furrows his brow and falls into the side of the cave, finally yelling out as he shuts his eyes and winces, "STOP! STOP, YOU'RE KILLING THEM. STOP. TAKE ME INSTEAD, PLEASE DON'T HURT THEM ANYMORE." he spits out with desperation and suddenly the smell of blood and bile is washed away, a beacon of light submerges and standing as if almost a silhouette is another man. His face is blurry but he is tall, black and has some sort of horns - he smiles, kindly at them and looks over to Vessel and Kimber. He gives a curt nod to Vaughan, "Who was that? Who are you?" he says as he watches Kimber join the male, confused and worried that he, too, would harm her. The black stallion shakes his forelock, an unspoken "no" and cheeks the blue mare. "Let's go ho-" he cannot finish, he shoved quickly into what feels like closing walls. The rocks pile and start pushing him out as he takes off in a full run for what he hopes is the way out; it's all dark. "Hello?" All is still, no beacon of light - no beasts, no sister or mother. He closes his eyes once more and he starts to smell burning hair, his left shoulder begins to ache and feel inflamed. The hair is slowly being etched off and his eyes grow wide with equal parts wonder and fear. He hears a low voice, almost a growl and feels his twin's fear but before he can find the voice it belongs to, he is out cold.


He doesn't remember walking out of the cave, he is almost certain that he didn't but someone lifted him out - either way, he's genuinely shell-shocked. And devastated. What has happened to Kimber and Vessel?  He stands in a pool of sweat, his chest rising and falling at an alarming rate. Vaughan had never felt the way he feels now, both paralyzed and on edge all at the same time. A scar in the shape of an anchor has found a new home on his left shoulder, he doesn't understand it but he doesn't try right now. He scans the area for Offspring or Brynmor, the only two he even could recognize - he wouldn't admit that he proverbially pissed himself but even the most untrained eye could see the shaking of his knees. He has always been the protector, he always felt a duty to his twin and even to his mother despite her being more capable than him even.

Some sense of responsibility is just hardwired.

"I've survived but I never want to go back again," he says with a cracked voice, his nostrils flaring wildly as he attempts to catch his breath, he doesn't care if anyone hears him. He is spent but he knows that there are other priorities. The Tundra had shown him something he would never forget, he wonders what else it would unfold for him.


RE: i'm about to catch a case; offspring/any [cave initiation] - Offspring - 04-05-2016


  Though spring had sprung in the flatland, it was an unusually brisk, ice-laden morning - the brush and blossoms that were beginning to thrive beneath the warmth of the sun, without thick layers of snow to force it into submission, suffered greatly with a frost that came overnight and coated the terrain in its beauty. Everything sparkled beneath the pale morning light, and it was these chilling early hours that the black king loved best.

  He rarely slept - his eyes were always searching and he was always listening - he had always been this way; too many rousing memories and stirring thoughts evoking the insomnia out of him. He most grew weary and tired beside his precious Isle, but she had been restless with the tumbling and rolling of a growing child within her and had difficulty with sleep as well. Any day now, he thought. He must stay close for the inevitable.

  Today, his presence was virtually null. He stood towering on a ledge many feet up along the side of the mountain; peering and watching below. His mind was heavy and his heart was as well. Soon, though, he was pulled from his silent reverie by the shifting of movement across the permafrost-painted plain. He studied the movement for a long, hard moment, recognizing it as one Vaughan. He had been a difficult adjustment, and undoubtedly would be for some time, but he held promise. He had dealt with men with much thicker skulls than this one. He merely had a bite to his bark. Nothing that couldn't be handled, especially with a king made of sinewy muscle and scar tissue.

  By the time Vaughan has ventured in, his rolling muscles and massive physique is loping idly towards the cave. He knows it will be some time until he emerges from it, and he knows from experience how it will affect him. His hefty weight causes thick imprints of his hooves to press into the moist soil as he waits, out of the line of sight. And he waits.

  "Welcome to the Brotherhood." His voice rises above the echo of thin air as the boy searches around for the presence of any, but fails to look behind him. His searing red eyes set pointedly on the young, trembling male before him as he steps forward; his massive stature dwarfing him as he stands beside him. He studies the still burning, albeit healed mark settled across his shoulder - an anchor. Interesting. He had seen enough of them stranded upon various beaches in his time to recognize the symbolism of it; but what symbolism did it have for him?

  "You don't have to, unless you rise in the ranks of our castes. Those who lead the castes must re-enter. You are now one of us; a Brother. You can lean on us in times of strife and depend upon us in times of need. We expect the same. I do not expect you to change; you are who you are. I would never stifle that. But I do expect respect, for myself and for your fellow Brothers." I will not hesitate to put you in your place, he says with only his eyes. Now is not the time for threats. His gaze wanders to the ruins, where memories of his loved ones splayed open and bleeding are still burned into his memory. "It's a terrible experience, isn't it? But it shows us what we are most afraid of, so that we may face our demons and fears head on. A blessing and a curse." He pauses, and then. "Interesting scar .."


the ice king of the tundra