The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Printable Version

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The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Archam - 03-29-2016

all of us have a hero and a villain in us

Although Archam was new to the kingdom and how everything here worked he was pleased to be bringing home a new mare for his herd. Not only is she for his herd but she also is here to join the kingdom, he was pleased to introduce her to the kingdom so she can do as she pleased throughout the day. The two did not speak much on his desires, although he would be pressing for a foal with her in the next breeding season. "Nadlei, this is the Falls" he spoke with pride as he entered the entrance of the Falls. 

He gave a whinny curious to were Light was, and if any of the other kingdom members were around to meet Nadlei and show her around. "How does your leg feel?" he asked hoping she hadnt hurt it more in the walk over.



RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Nadeli - 03-30-2016

Nadeil looked around terrified she leaned against Archam in fear " its so big and the scent of horses is overpowering." she replied frightened she then heard him asking if she was okay she put some weight on her leg it felt a little better " i'm fine its just sore i think i twisted it a bit" she leaned even closer now her petite frame looking tiny compared to him.

RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Lightningflame - 03-30-2016

She had been out for a walk in her new home, she still couldn't believe how beautiful it was. Her walk was slow her large belly was noticeable, still it was obvious she wasn't ready to give birth just yet, her back legs were still tense, her belly wasn't quite lowered yet. The chestnut mare breathed a content sigh, the falls where so beautiful. Soon though she heard a whinny 'Archam' she thought, the whinny was unmistakable. Deciding that she had enough sight seeing she focused on where the whinny had came from. She arrived at the scene slowly she wasn't in a rush. Light immediately noticed the slightly taller mare "Hello I'm Light" she gave a welcoming smile to the mare before nickering to Archam "You leg is hurt?" well that was what she had heard so she assumed. Light knew she shouldn't assume things but one just couldn't not make assumptions at some point. The other mare looked rather frightened and that she could sort of understand, the world was big and many unknowns lurked in it "Please don't be afraid" she slowly plodded closer to the mare trying to make a friendly introduction, it wasn't good when you had a fearful horse in tow.

RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Nadeli - 03-30-2016

Nadeli heard the mare before she saw her, she reared terrified of seeing another horse she pressed her body against Archams then she saw her and saw she was with foal and calmed. " hello yes i twisted it when i was running sorry about my freak out there im not used to being with so many horses." she neighed softly she trotted to the mare and dipped her head showing respect to her " your with foal i see." she replied friendly before going back to stand beside Archam she was obviously still feeling a bit scared of the scent of so many horses.

RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Archam - 03-30-2016

all of us have a hero and a villain in us

Archam was glad to hear Nadleis foot was better and not damaged further on the travels here. The scent of Light was near and the stag could not keep a smile from his face. Before he knew it the mare was standing before them. Her stomach was now bulging and obvious she was with foal, there foal. He could not wait for there child to enter earth, but they still had some time  

Light was so gentle and Nadlei, who was very skittish. Archam had concerns for the mare pressing hard against him, she was excited in the field with him and Titanium, and now skittish to be around Light. He hoped that as time passed she would learn to enjoy the company of others. At lesst the company of there future foal. He moved from his position to rub against Light. He breathed in her scent as he rubbed against her, he circled around her nuzzling her neck before returning to the middle of the mares were Nadlei returned to lean on his side. "Hello Light, this is Nadlei, she is new to the kingdom and our herd"  he gave a smirk watching the two interact. It can be very tricky to introduce a new mare to a herd, but Light was a perfect match, and Nadlei did not seem to mind to much. 


RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Nadeli - 03-30-2016

Nadeil felt relieved if Archam trusted the mare she knew she could so she suddenly felt playful so she ran around bucking up her long legs enjoying the feel of the wind in her mane she reared happily she finally came to a stop and nickered softly " um does anyone know where some good grazing is?" .

Nadeil paused suddenly remembering her mother the whines of fear fire smoke she neighed loudly shkaing her head to dispel the memories.

RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Lightningflame - 03-30-2016

The mare reared up. Light found it odd but she could tell the mare was rather skittish maybe she hadn't been around others for a long time? Something must have happened in her past but Light decided not to ask any questions. Soon the mare calmed and said that she had twisted it "It's quite alright" her voice was gentle as to not startle the mare again then the other trotted up to the chestnut and bowed her head before stating what Light already knew herself. Then she went back to the stallion, it seemed like a ping pong match as Archam walked to her and rubbed his body along hers. Light leaned into the touch as she was circled by the stallion before he came to a stop to nuzzle her neck and then he was off again into the middle "Well then it's an absolute pleasure to meet you Nadeli, the falls are utterly bewitching i must show you some time" even though Light was new to the falls as well she had taken quite a few little walks an new her way around well enough not to get lost very quickly. Suddenly Nadeli seemed to gain a buttload of energy as she ran around bucking and rearing before asking where good grazing was "The frontiers have some good grazing, i haven't been myself but i think i know where it is" she was a little taken aback but the sudden mood switch in the mare one moment she was skittish the next hyper. Light gave a smile before casting her eyes to the stallion "Archam, how has your day been?" she liked to know things where going smoothly and plus she could be rather nosey at times.

RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Nadeli - 03-30-2016

Nadeil suddenly just wanted to cry she was remembering all of the moments of the fire she suddenly ran off not knowing where she was going Archam kind and loving gesture towards light had brought back mermories of her childhood. Death. Death.Death was what filled her mind.

RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Archam - 03-30-2016

all of us have a hero and a villain in us

Archams ears were flicked forward as Light was quick to chat with Nadlei, and offered a friendship to view the Falls. It was perfect that Light was so kind towards others, she had a perfect attitude and would make a great mother.

Light asked how his day was and he gave a sigh, happy to be back at the Falls. It was a hard job recruiting, and Titanium was quick to run in his mind, the stallion he continiously saw on his journeys and proved to be an annoyance when trying to court a mare. Although he would not let his stress rub off "It was alright Light, I met Nadlei" he smirked pausing to gather his remaing thoughts "How about you?" as he finished his sentence Nadlei had bolted off, her body showed pain but did she run to hide her pain? The stag was not interested in dealing with emotional mares, he would offer protection and affection but calming a depressed mare was not a trait he had. He looked to Light wondering if she knew how to handle the situation, before finding out he lowered his gaze to the ground pawing the snow around to reveal the grass.


RE: The Quiet Kingdom is Now Full of Life [Nadlei, Any] - Nadeli - 03-30-2016

Nadeil was glad no one came after her she did think one thought i need to tell my story it might make me feel better she sighed and curled up under a near by tree and took a nap. When she arose she grazed calmly she was going to talk to light she was a nice mare she could be perfect to talk to.