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ALL KINGDOM // ACTIVITY CHECK - Topsail - 03-21-2016

It seemed like only yesterday she had tasted the stars, felt the sting of the suns burn on her delicate ankles. And now here she stood, the weight of a proverbial crown heavy on her pretty head. Though she did not know it, generations of this kingdom ran potent in her bloodline. She had been raised a child of the Gates, and though she had more often than not chaffed under the collar of her responsibilities there, it had been home. The forests and the deer and the Mother Tree were as much a part of her as her own silvery flesh. But now here she stood on the border of a new kingdom, on the cusp of a position she had never wanted nor asked for. Long gone were the days of stardust and silver-skinned strangers.

There was no room for self doubt. Not here in this unforgiving land. After all, kingdom ties were worth much more than family ties.

With a reckless toss of her pretty head she stepped forward, she presence as quiet as the fog that shifted through the trees. She was unassuming, plain even. Though the fairies hadn’t seen fit to gift her with a conventional voice, they’d give her a much more powerful tool. She could delve into the mind of others, swimming their thoughts like a salmon on a current. In addition, she could force her words into their minds, filling every crevice with her soft soprano voice. As she stepped from the tree line she called to them all, using her powers more than she ever had before. It was one thing to push into a singular mind, it was quite another to push into multiples minds at one time. “Citizens of the Valley! Please, come forward. I’d like to meet you all and introduce myself.” she said, her voice echoing clearly in her own mind. Slowly the came forward from the shadows and she turned her brown eyes to every face in turn. “I am Topsail…your new Queen.” She stopped here, watching their faces carefully for reactions. She knew as well (and probably more so!) as they did that this was an abrupt change, and there would be explanations later. For now though she would stop at introductions.


even an army of sheep should be feared, if they are being led by the lion

** She is a telepath, so her words are strictly in characters heads!
ooc - Hi! As you all have noticed, Topsail is your new Queen. So please reply to this post, be it in or out of character, so she can get to know every one! <3

RE: ALL KINGDOM // ACTIVITY CHECK - Call - 03-21-2016

Issa is here

RE: ALL KINGDOM // ACTIVITY CHECK - H20 - 03-22-2016

Hugo is a student and hopefully going to be in the peace caste. She's present in the valley!

RE: ALL KINGDOM // ACTIVITY CHECK - Pride88 - 03-22-2016

Slaybell is here as a student. Though she might leave, since dem is gone.

RE: ALL KINGDOM // ACTIVITY CHECK - Rhonan - 03-22-2016

I have seen the night torn into thin darkling strips

and woven into shapes too bleak for dreams.

The voice pushes into his mind. It is unfamiliar, not Eights. Not that he’s ever appreciated Eight voice in his head, but at least he is used to it. The boy grimaces and hisses. Noah gives him a disappointed look from the corner of his eye, sensing the anger sensing the anger roiling in his friend. Of course he senses it, being a figment of Rhonan’s imagination at this point (at least, that is the only logical explanation Rhonan can come up with, but he doesn’t really know). “Stop it,” he mutters under his breath. He tries to turn and face Noah, but that doesn’t work. Noah isn’t really there. He just lingers on the periphery. So instead, Rhonan blinks, and his dead friend is gone.

Instead, his shadow wolf has returned. There’s no color to the creature, though it’s solid. For some reason, this particular wolf decided to stay wolf. All his other creatures eventually turned back to shadows on the ground. But this one stayed, coming and going as it pleased, but usually not terribly far away from Rhonan. In truth, he’s not sure the wolf can be that far away him without the magic unraveling.

He pops through the nearest shadow, emerging near where the girl stands. There’s no nod of the head, or even a friendly look. No, he stands draped in shadows with his shadow wolf by his side, muddy orange eyes the only trace of color on either of them. “Queen?” he scoffs. “It may be your title, but that does not make you a Queen.”

No, she’s just a little spoiled princess. He’s not actually sure where that thought comes from. He’s never really bothered to think about things like that, and just gone about serving his kingdom. Actually, he’s never even been bothered to be angry. Perhaps it’s not him, but the darkness that’s been creeping into his heart. Taking over. When you are ruled by shadows, it is perhaps inevitable. Though perhaps he is simply angry because his home has been tossed into the hands of someone who has no reason to care what happens to it.


dark wolf of the valley

sorry, he's an ass, and Kyra likes the dramaz