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Suggestion - feral - 03-21-2016

I know this is a sore subject, but please hear me out. I say this with the utmost respect.

I know that you are trying to get people to stop breeding so rampantly, but instead of making it harder for two traited characters to produce a traited foal (as in two tegteg parents having the chance to produce a TEGTEG foal), why don't we put stricter requirements on breeding? Such as, in order to breed, the characters must have been involved together in at least one thread. The thread would have to have two or three posts minimum by each character and be linked in the breeding stats. I personally do not like playing out the "deed," but I also want things to make at least a little sense. So just an interaction between the characters would be good for me.

Now, I know that people like random babies. I am guilty myself. Maybe only allow one out of our three allotted breeding spots to be between characters without threads? And this breeding doesn't get a trait genetics roll. I've been a little disconcerted that the characters I actually do play actively and have had thread between the parents, end up with untraited offspring. Meanwhile, the random babies I've had end up traited. I know that it's random, but I'd prefer the chances be higher if I've actually played the characters together. I don't want to have to ask permission for traits, twins, whatever. I don't like that. I want it to be fair for everyone.

Now, I know it was asked in an earlier thread if it was possible for a character to inherit magic from a parent. I'm a little bothered that it's not possible at all. Even if there was a very,very slim chance, I think it would be better than not at all. That just doesn't seem fair to me.

Thanks for listening to my opinions. Hope they help.

RE: Suggestion - Leah - 03-21-2016

we have talked about different kinds of breeding restrictions, including how many characters a player can breed and activity requirements. there will be several changes, not just to breeding, that come when we roll out a new version. we completely understand loving random babies - and we LOVE doing stats!! - but we just don't want it to escalate into a breeding SIM game. we like interaction! so there is definitely a lot that we have talked about, and we will definitely talk about your specific suggestions as well.

as far as the magic thing goes, I completely understand. magic would be totally fun to have, and sometimes it does seem like it's only the older players that have it, and I can see how that would be frustrating. but magic is very easily abused, and we've had COUNTLESS complaints - especially during war, and not just this most recent war - about people powerplaying, or otherwise overstepping their bounds, so we are super hesitant to let magic get out from breeding. we like to be a little controlling in that we know certain players and we can be pretty sure that they will or won't abuse it. we've definitely talked about opening up magic for breeding, but I really can't say that's something that's going to be implemented soon.

hope that's a little helpful, and feel free to be like THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT, DUMMY or let me know if you have any more questions Smile