Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Printable Version

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Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Flamboyance - 03-15-2016

Flamboyance blinked as she stepped out of the cave, and into the sunlight. Her mother, Raincloud, had never let her out of the cave in which she was born, because Raincloud never let her out. She had done this, not out of motherly love, but out of self-preservation. She knew that if Zayn saw Flamboyance's amber eyes, her appaloosa blanket, then she would be punished for breeding with Flamboyance's father, Below. But Flamboyance didn't know that. She only knew that her mother was keeping her from an amazing adventure; outside. She was currently playing with her new friend, the blue butterfly. She laughed and trotted along, having the most fun she ever had.

OOC: Sorry for taking so long. I think that Zayn should squish the butterfly so she hates him.

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Waylan - 03-16-2016

he was the snake and she was the mouse, a tedious little game he played with his victims. He cloaked himself from sight, now mastered his once foreign ability the young boy was so very skilled at play his little game of snake and mouse. 

Yet the yearlong boy found himself ever so delighted to see her, a target within his father's own territory? Oh how delightful! Why not take a bite, literally. He weaved between brush entertained by her whimsical movements and how she was so mystified by a pathetic creature as a colored fly? Pah! It was absolutely daunting the idea of bringing horror to her amber eyes, the enjoyment as he plucked flesh from her bones so skillfully.

Once again something stopped him on raining upon her parade, it was that of the mare that crept within the cave, surely she wasn't of proportions of his mother's rage. Not even barely close, he had been thought multiple lessons as a little babe, one of not to bite. But did he listen? Hell no! He was bad to the bone yet, not as fearless to enrage a hormonal mare.

So there he sat, his prey lingered about playfully. As he watched her Crimson eyes peaking through the foliage awaiting for his father to find her. Something that did not look nor smell like one of his offspring, a disappointment towards the herdland. A little petite filly he would gladly pick flesh off of her bones like a vulture once his father finds her.

Yes, he'll wait and he'll appear when his father finds her and, he will. He always finds them and he's always watching.


RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Zayn - 03-17-2016

All in all, it’s been a great year.

The war has finally erupted and passed, his position in the Chamber is finally rising, his herd is growing, and there are four new children running about the mountain territory. Life is good.

The golden stallion stands in the centre of his little herdland, breathing in the cool mountain air and surveying his little domain, pride in his heart. It’s been a good year, and he only sees it moving up from here.

He’s contemplating heading out in the direction of the field (he really should try recruiting for the Chamber), when a small movement catches his eye. Red eyes zero in, spotting a small blue roan filly with a speckled rump.

How curious … only one filly had been born to the herd this year, and this filly is most certainly not Ferox.

He breaks into a trot, zeroing in on the little girl. He notices a little blue butterfly, flitting about the girl’s head. When it alights on a nearby flower, he raises a hoof and crushes it, grinning. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? What’s your name little girl?” She smells distinctly of … Raincloud? But that can’t be right, he’d bred with Raincloud, to no result - the mare had told him herself. And this girl, this girl can’t be his - the spots are a dead giveaway. “Who’s your mother?”


I'm an ugly mess

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Raincloud - 03-17-2016

Raincloud, who was, until now, obliviously sleeping, woke to an eerie silence in the cave. She sprang to her feet and called "Flamboyance! Where are you?!?" Although the little filly was deaf and could not hear her, she had to try. If Zayn found out, he would be very angry at her. Forget the child, the blue roan mare needed to protect herself. She raced out of the cave to try to find Flamboyance before Zayn. She stopped short at what she saw. Too late.

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Flamboyance - 03-17-2016

A sharp hoof came down on the butterfly. "No!!!!" Screamed Flamboyance. The little blue butterfly's wings fluttered once, as if to escape, but in vain. Then it went completely still. The innocent filly's amber eyes filled with tears and she sat on her haunches and began to cry. She looked up at the murderer's palomino face, into his blood red eyes, and said, sniffling, "Her name was Bluey. She was the sweetest little butterfly I ever met and you killed her." Flamboyance was screaming now. She was kicking him with her little legs and crying. He might have said something, but she was deaf and couldn't hear him and wouldn't care anyways.

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Waylan - 03-18-2016

The boy's ears perked as his father's figure came into view, so cleverly and delecately he broke her little heart by simply snapping the fly's wings off. How cleverly and skillfully disputed upon his father's side. 

In the moment, the boy craftily stayed concealed as he so foolishly chuckled to himself as he watched the child kick at his father so pathetically. With little g ace the boy appeared behind the filly, grabbing ahold of her rump he yanked flesh out f her hind so skillfully. Quite like a vulture in fact. 

Little blood was visible upon his muzzle, as he courageously kicked the child away with little force sure to scrape up something or other. Then gallantly the boy took his placed next to his father, his frame flickering in and out  in a specialized manner.

Glancing up at his father, crimson eyes locked with eachother, "So, dad... How'd I do?" He puffed out his chest in pride, as he licked his bloody lips, swallowing the price of flesh clasped within his jaw.

His gaze returned to the girl, and he glared quietly her once pristine coat soiled and littered with drops of blood upon her rump. What a shame really, she was such a pretty little prize... But all things gold con't stay can't they? And wether or not she would be soiled by his father sooner or later.


Pm if you consider any of this power play it's one of his little habits.

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Zayn - 04-08-2016

A familiar voice calls out, and a very nasty smile crawls across his face. It’s Raincloud, and the way that she’s calling out … this must be her child. And this child is very clearly not his. Someone’s been roaming very far from home.

The nasty grin widens further as the child’s eyes fill with tears at the sight of the little butterfly being crushed beneath his hooves. He barely notices the girl’s ineffectual kicks. “Oh I certainly hope so dearie. That was the point after all.” Then he turns on Raincloud, grin disappearing and eyes narrowing. “Now, Raincloud. Tell me … whose child is this? For it’s certainly not mine.”

The sound of a little scuffle rings out behind him, and his red eyes swing about to see his dearest son, Waylan, standing by the girl with a dash of blood about his lips. A corresponding bite has appeared upon the girl’s rump. Zayn grins as the boy moves to join him. Very good my son.” Funny that the son most like himself in temperament would have come from Becca.

He pauses suddenly, golden head cocked to the side, an idea forming in his mind. “I have a thought … I will forgive your transgression Raincloud,” for it is very obviously a transgression, “on two conditions.” His grin widens yet again, once again taking on it’s previous nasty air. “One being that you provide me with a child next season, and two, being that, from now on … this illegitimate child of yours belongs to Waylan. To do with as he pleases. If not … I will kill it. And you.” Then he falls silent, waiting for her response. He would think her choice would be clear, but who knows. She could try the entirely stupid route …


I'm an ugly mess

Sorry for the horrendous wait!!

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Raincloud - 04-10-2016

Raincloud stood, thinking for certain that Zayn would kill her. He asked who Flamboyance's father was, she said "I-I don't know," That was true, she didn't know. "Some stallion just came and did it." Ah, now there's the lie. She had really told him to, because she was bored of Zayn and the stallion looked....... interesting.

A sick smile grew across her lips as she listened to Zayn's terms. "Of course, Zayn. You know I intended to give the little brat to Waylan. And you know I would have killed it if it was a colt." She rubbed her blue roan body against his, and just so he totally believed her, she kicked the filly's shoulder, drawing blood. A mother who cared about her filly would never do that.

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Waylan - 04-18-2016

He leaned on his father watching the little child being thrown about by it's own mother, he felt sorry for her. Nor did he even want her as a herd mare, she was blind injured and probably mentally retarded, he didn't want damaged goods.

He glanced up at his father a roguish smile spreading across his lips,"But, dad... I don't want her. She's damaged goods." He spoke almost thoughtfully a hint of scorn in his tone, his crimson eyes fluttered about as he cloaked himself darting towards the filly and appearing once more to inspect her. "She's like my mother but, worse. What do you expect me to do with her?" He pulled her up by the ears figuratively of course so she was back on her feet, and stared at the ugly mess that Raincloud had bore to this earth, even Skyfire was prettier than she was and that says a lot considering he's an ugly son of a bitch.

"Dad. I don't want her, just kill her already why don't you?" He rest his case, he wouldn't have an ugly mare prancing about his herdlands, not on his watch. He cloaked himself once more shoving the child over towards his father and slamming her to the ground, "Kill her, she''s your mistake. You allowed one of your mares to breed with another stallion on your watch." He provided the obvious evidence in his father's err, and rolled with it appearing by his fathers side once more.

He knew his father had quite a temper and well, it would be easy to escape if is father couldn't see him, just bolt to his mother's cave. His mother wouldn't allow Zayn to touch her perfect little son, the only child she had fought for to protect from Zayn's wrath, and surely the little mare would do it again for her firstborn son.


I thought flamboyance was supposed to go, but I guess not I'm just rolling with it  Tongue

RE: Little lies and butterflies; Zayn, any - Zayn - 04-22-2016

“You don’t know?” His lip curls in a nasty sneer at Raincloud’s words. Exactly how many stallions had she been tarting it up with, that she didn’t know who the father of her bastard child is? He considers striking her, but is caught off guard when Raincloud very willingly agrees to give the child over Waylan. He’s even more surprised when she actually strikes the ridiculous child herself.

He pauses for a moment, eyeing her, unsure if this is a ploy, or if she truly does care so little for the girl. But he shakes his head and turns back to Waylan. It matters not what Raincloud’s true feelings for the girl are. The girl is Waylan’s now.

But Waylan …

Zayn’s face grows stony at his son’s words. He’d thought to give his son a gift, but to have it thrown so disrespectfully back in his face? “You will watch your tone. I don’t expect you to breed with her fool boy. I expect you to use her as practice.” He’s tempted to strike the insolent boy as well, but he doesn’t bother. He knows Waylan would just make himself invisible and go crying to his mother.

“She will be yours to do with as you please Waylan. Experiment with her … figure out what makes her tick, what makes her shy away, what makes her submissive.” He snarls as the boy insults him, teeth gnashing angrily. “She might be a mistake, but she is a good learning opportunity. For the both of us. I will certainly not be so trusting,” he eyes Raincloud momentarily, “again. And as for you, well, I think you will learn much from her.” He reaches towards the speckled girl, and gives her a nudge towards his silvered son. Then he turns his head to look at Raincloud. ,b>“Come. I think we should leave them to get to know each other.” It’s a test for both of them - will Raincloud come quietly and leave her daughter to certain abuse, and will Waylan shut his mouth and finally see the use of the gift his father has given him?


I'm an ugly mess