And the cards all fold [Demian] - Killdare - 02-22-2016
no matter what we breed we still are made of greed
Well, this was new, they had taken down that god forsaken ring of fire. Not that Killdare feared fire, naturally his dragon wings were fire-proof. However, they would not be able to shield his entire body from flame and that was where his caution lie. It was not this day though that he would come to find out just how much damage they could save him from. Today he landed at the Valley border, glad to see the miles-high wall gone. Sometimes, change was good.
However the Chamber lord did not mess the new smell, the feral and carnivorous scent of dog. Wolf. The way Lupei often smelled himself, though he had never really discussed the matter with the boy, he had left that demon be. Some demons should be handled that way. No, the smell did not go missed by the nose of all noses, however he remained poised, ready for flight should the need arise. If the need should arise, well, so should he.
Surely the Valley would not take kindly to him tossing a few of them around, he was certain he would get a few good hits in, but he knew the animals were pack. They performed as a unit, as should the horses start taking into consideration, especially with the dawn of war over the horizon.
Which brings him to his current reason for being here, the War. It will begin, just as all things begin and he knows too that it will end. How though, what kind of ending would this battle have? He’s come to make sure their alliance holds strong, he can not rely on Eight to speak on the behalf of the whole kingdom, he’s come to see what is what. Where is where, who is who here in the Valley and how they will play their cards.
“Gallows, Fennick!” He calls loudly because he does not yet know the passing of crowns that has taken place. Then he waits, as patiently as one might, watching closely the shadows. Shadows, he knows….
this is my kingdom come
The Dragon Lord & Colonel of the Chamber
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Rhonan - 02-23-2016
my shadow tilts its head at me,
spirits in the dark are waiting.
It is always worth watching the shadows in the Valley. There are two (sometime three, when Ana pops around – literally pops), shadow spinners in the Valley. Though he is by far the most active of them. Granted, he doesn’t actually come out to play very much. He lurks around mostly, pulling and pushing and shaping and dissipating the shadows as he goes. They bend and move with him, anticipating what he might want.
He’s in the middle of shaping a shadow wolf when the call rings out through the kingdom. Rhonan hisses, annoyed at the disturbance in his quiet. He puts a few finishing touches on the shadow wolf before sending it ahead of him to investigate the stranger on the border. Serves whoever it is right for yelling. Rhonana gives the wolf enough head start to beat him to the stranger, before he pops himself through a shadow portal and to the border.
“Did you need to be so loud?” he asks as the dragon-winged Chamberling comes into view. He has no idea this horse is the Lord of the Chamber, and even if he did, he wouldn’t care. Politics was not Rhonan’s forte. Demian will yell at him, but whatever. Then he’ll smooth it all over with pretty words. “Gallows and Fennick are gone. I think you’re looking for Demian now. But what do you want, Chamberling?”
He’s getting bored. And a bored shadow spinner is a dangerous thing. Rhonan is really hoping that his horse is here to tell them war is truly coming. No more rumors. Rhonan will fight, with or without the Valley behind him. But he’s tired of wandering aimlessly. Might as well do something fun.
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Killdare - 02-23-2016
no matter what we breed we still are made of greed
They slink and slither, the shadows, coiling in indiscernible shapes as he waits. He imagines if they had sound it would be a hiss that lasts forever, one that crawls up your spine and leaves those not dark enough to appreciate it feeling at unease. He knows to keep a watchful eye, allied kingdom or not, thus is why his wings flex and he is almost airborne when the creature appears.
Something creeping from the very dark places he has been eyeing, a wolf no-less. Something taking shape from the darkness, in a way that sometimes the ravens at home did. Shaping themselves from shadow and shade, becoming whispers of beings instead of the beings themselves.
“Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.” He gruffs, glass-green eyes narrowing at the shadow-shaper. “So just Demian again then hmm? Very well.” His words come out deep and matter-of-fact, as if he can’t overly concern himself on the matter of ex King taking back the throne.
“It’s time and it’s time for your king to know. War has begun, I’ve things to discuss with him, such as our standing alliance.” His course black tail swishes almost impatiently now behind him, he had really done his best not to just barge right in. Track the jaguar king down himself and deliver his message, make it known that the Chamber was ready. He needed the Valley ready too, he needed the Valley with them.
"Might you send word with your..mmm..thing?" ,he gestures a scaled wing at the foggy shape of dog, "tell him the Chamber Lord need speak with him. I'm afraid I'm terribly insistent we speak immediately, we've waited for long enough..uhhh..sorry, which one were you again?" He meant to address him by name, except he realized he did not in fact know his name.
this is my kingdom come
The Dragon Lord & Colonel of the Chamber
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - demian - 02-23-2016
I looked at my mother dear, didn't even crack a smile. Said if woman don't kill me I don't mind dying.
It had become almost habit for the valley king to hover close by to Rhonan, though the jaguar stallion was always out of sight and doing his own thing. His lack of sight was made up for by Rhonan's attentive behavior to noises that weren't typical. And he enjoyed how the boy could allow him to wander in peace and didn't feel the need to speak constantly. Sometimes it just worked out where even the most quiet of friendships were the best to have.
Demian enjoyed the quiet and dark nature of the shadow spinner almost more than the rest so when he heard the yells and then Rhonan's hiss follow suit, the muscular stallion's head lifted slowly from the spot he had been grazing. He waits then, listening, trying to pick out movement and before long he hears the younger stallion shuffling towards the border and after a few moments he finds himself following a ways behind.
Slowly he picks his way through the Valley's tall pines, stopping every now and then to listen for Rhonan's footsteps before continuing on. It was only when he reaches the border that he stops, hearing Rhonan's typical complaint of noise and chuckling softly in amusement as a smirk quirked at the edges of the jaguar king's lips. Typical Rhonan. Yet Demian had come to thoroughly enjoy they palomino's grouchy nature.
He waits then when the question is asked, listening for the strangers answer. It is when he mentions the war that Demian's ears prick in interest and he straightens his body before stepping out of the shadows slowly and making his way up next to Rhonan. "Has it now," it is more of a thoughtful statement then a question and with a thoughtful look he tilts his head slightly. "Anything that needs to be discussed with me can be discussed with and in front of Rhonan. He is trustworthy."
Rhonan was one Valley member Demian wasn't about to leave out, especially when it came to the plans and ideas involving wars and alliances. "Now. I had a feeling this was coming soon. The place was getting quite antsy. Yet we aren't sure of your plans and what you're needing of us as I only just took the throne and most everyone who would have known disappeared. We will fight with the Chamber," he turns his head slightly towards Rhonan.
"We will support them. You need not worry about us breaking our alliance." He knows the boy wants something more to do. He knows he is bored, just like they all were. With a quirk of the lips he rolls his shoulders in a soft shrug before finally remembering to introduce himself. "Before we get started on this discussion in depth though, I'm Demian. And you are?"
html copyright to the lovely call
As per the rules i'm going to include this: SECRET (from this post and down)-- in order to keep things quiet and hush hush IC
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Rhonan - 02-24-2016
my shadow tilts its head at me,
spirits in the dark are waiting.
Shadows rarely hiss, though no one but Rhonan is likely to know this. Rhonan does though. He knows how the shadows speak, knows that they are loving in a way most don’t understand. They are only dangerous to those that threaten them (and those that threaten Rhonan, of course). Otherwise, the shadows are agreeable, even friendly in their way. They know Rhonan well, and he considers the darkness his friend. Shadows and Demian were about all the friends Rhonan was likely to get.
“Rhonan,” he offers, not really caring that he hadn’t given his name before. It’s an unimportant thing, really. He nods to the shadow-wolf, and it disappears in search of Demian. Though that was, honestly, just for show. Rhonan knows it’s entirely unnecessary. Demian would be close by, and he’d show his face soon enough.
And, right on cue, Demian joins the little group. The wolf does not come back with the King, however, and Rhonan lets it be. Either the wolf has decided to slip back to shadows on the Valley floor, or it’s off roaming with the wolf pack. Probably the latter, but he never knows for sure once he stops asking for favors.
Demian speaks, lots of words that Rhonan half listens to, and half ignores (as is his usual behavior), though his ears perk just slightly at the mention of fighting with the Chamber. Rhonan had been slightly worried that Demian would stick to this notion of protecting children, playing weak and pathetic and other such nonsense. That was no way to rebuild a powerful kingdom, if you asked Rhonan (and only Demian would ever actually ask Rhonan his opinion on a matter). Playing neutral was how you ended up just like the Falls.
Rhonan has nothing to add, but it’s clear he’s actually paying attention to the conversation now. Curious what plans the Chamber had, and more to the point, what he could do to help. For now, he simply dreams of blanketing the world in darkness. Perhaps that would stop being a dream soon enough.
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Killdare - 02-24-2016
no matter what we breed we still are made of greed
He finds himself watching the tail end of the dog leave, to fetch the King or bring back his brothers he’d find out soon enough. Rhonan It’s all the shadow-maker gives, looking thoroughly uninterested in Killdare’s presence, which was fine by him, he’s never been the sort to entertain or make small talk. It’s not his thing, he likes discussing topics that matter, laying the facts out and planning. Well, when it came to battle he did, otherwise treaties and fancy words were useless to him.
Without the accompaniment of shadow-spun animals another appears, one he assumes is the King. He dips his rather large head in greeting and respect, he’d come for help, not hostilities. He makes no qualms with the discussion taking place in front of his, greeter was it?
“As you say, and yes indeed War is come, the Chamber is ready. We’ve sat still long enough and with the passing of the Gates spotted queen we no longer have promises to keep.” They had mostly left the Godly Kingdom be, just as they said they would, and the Chamber had not harmed her. Not a single hair on her head, well, not after the initial incident with Gryffen. No, as fate would have it she had brought about her own demise, in the form of a son.
“I’m glad to hear you will support our past alliances, we welcome you to the fight. I may go as far as to speak for them all and say, we’re glad to have you.” They were sorely opposed, the realms likely to take up arms against them, they would be wise to welcome any aide. It's then that his sea-green eyes look around, lingering at their position and relative closeness to the borders. Easy pickings for those that would drop in unwanted or at the very least listen in where their ears did not belong.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust the Valley, but there are eyes and ears everywhere of late. “Is there somewhere or somehow we might speak…more privately, borders have a funny way of harboring eavesdroppers.” It was time they all played the secrets game.
this is my kingdom come
The Dragon Lord & Colonel of the Chamber
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Eight - 02-24-2016
no matter what they say, I am still the king
The Valley was quiet – as she usually was. It was really how they liked it here, it seemed. Shadows and sullenness and keeping to one’s self. Eight didn’t mind it, not really. He was more of a lone figure himself. He arrived when he was needed (and somehow he always knew when that was) – and he stayed on the sidelines elsewise.
Now, it seemed he was needed.
It was no secret that the tremor of war hung on the edges of Beqanna. For the past few years, there were stirrings of words, inklings of tension in the lands- and now it seemed it had come to fruition. The first wheels were turning- and once set in motion, they would only begin to whir faster and faster. There was no stopping warfare once it begun.
There was no soul that entered or left the Valley without Eight’s knowledge (benefits and hindrances of being a magician, I suppose). Now, whether he chose to act upon greeting or bidding them farewell was another thing entirely. For the most part, he chose to stay silent – to continue his lurk through the tall trees of the forest and meander upon his own.
However, every now and then there was a reason for him to stir from his throne of thorns and come down the mountain and see what was array. And this, was one of those cases.
The faces and voices of the little group roll through his mind like a reel – shadow wolves and formalities and the news of war. The Death Parade was just about to begin.
He arrives with a small shudder of air in the atmosphere – appearing quietly at the edge of the group. “ I believe I can help you with that.” He spoke well stepping closer to the trio, and once reaching the edge of their small cluster, closed his eyes ever just a moment longer than a usual blink. When he opened them, a slight blur surrounded them. The group could still see perfectly outwards – however to the rest of the world, they were imperceptible in both sight and sound. As private as could be. “Eight.” He said, towards Rhonan and Killdare. Best not to be rude, right?
and now the storm is coming, the storm is coming in
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Evrae - 02-24-2016
some say the world will end in fire
some say in ice
It really isn’t a party until she arrives. Everyone knows this. Or at least, they ought to. But it doesn’t matter if they know or not, because she will make sure they do. She’s always listening in in Beqanna, keeping tabs on things going on. Like Eight, she knows when she can be of some use. And to be fair, she doesn’t really need to come to this meeting. Eight can handle a simple, magical shield easily enough. But they have business to discuss, and she might as well snag Eight while the both of them are actually showing their face.
It’s sort of rare, you know. Except in times of war. Everyone comes crawling out of the woodwork then.
She pops into the Valley colored bright pink today. Why? Because it is a party. Confetti falls from her bright blue mane and tail, littering the Valley with ridiculous splashes of colored paper. “Mind if I join you?” she asks, managing to sneak in right before Eight sends his blurry shield into the air around them. Obviously, her question is not a question at all. It’s a statement. She’ll be joining. Please don’t try and stop her. It won’t end well.
“Evrae,” she offers to the group before turning her attention mostly to Eight. It’s why she’s here, really. “ “You and I have a task, if you’re up for it.” She says, that Cheshire grin spreading on her face. Oh, how good it was to be causing a bit of chaos again.
from what i've tasted of desire
i hold with those that favor fire
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Killdare - 02-24-2016
no matter what we breed we still are made of greed
It is truly spectacular the way they emerge in time of need. He isn’t speaking of only the magicians either, the residents of Beqanna had an ear for bloodshed it seemed. Why, even Kimber had managed to show her familiar blue face at the Kingdom meeting, even if she had some rag-tag children flanking her.
No, they all came out to play and he really couldn’t complain. If he had a penchant for men he could have kissed Eight just for showing- with or without his magical shield. They’ve only met once, briefly and Killdare brushes away his introduction, no time. There was not time to stand and exchange names or how do’s or how the kids? There was too much on their plates already and they’d barley begun their meal.
Evrae is a welcome addition, the Magician’s seemed to feed off each other’s presence- let them. In truth he had never fully trusted a Magician before perhaps that is wise, of course it was not entirely stupid However, he had learned that they were a welcome acquaintance and so he had begun to treat them as such.
“Fine timing, now if we might get to the meat of the matter…” He looks long at each before he begins, he knows they would like to know the plan.
“We’ll draw them out, we want them to come to us. Bring them with steals, take their young, their horses who hold high ranks. Challenge them…fuel the fire.” He could laugh at that little joke, the Chamber had once been turned to ash, and now like fire sometimes will- it rekindled the flames. “When they come for their revenge that’s when we hit them, hard, where it counts. Their precious Kingdoms, destroy them, see if they have what it takes to be born again from the ashes.”
He missed this in a way, the fighting, the battle and bloodshed. It had been a long time since he had sat down and hashed out the details but he recalled it like riding a bike- some things just come back to you like that.
this is my kingdom come
The Dragon Lord & Colonel of the Chamber
sorry i thought it would make more sense for him to go ahead with the 'meeting' and now I shall patiently await your replies <3
RE: And the cards all fold [Demian] - Eight - 02-25-2016
no matter what they say, i am still the king
The time of war is upon them. And it is a fire that burns fast.
Evrae approaches – and Eight acknowledges her with his eyes. This is not the first time they have met – nor the first time they have stirred the pot with one another. There’s always a bit of fun involved when two magicians come out to play. As Killdare speaks, Eight knows that the time is near – how near, they had no idea.
Moments after Killdare ends his speech, Eight looks to the horizon – smoke wafting across the tops of the trees of the Valley. He closes his eyes for moments, before lazily opening them again. “Killdare – I do believe it is your kingdom that is turning into ashes.” Again, he channels his magic to expand past the Valley, to see what the ruckus was in Beqanna. Quickly he imprints the visions he has seen to the others (although Evrae no doubt was doing the same) – the towering dragon of Yael with the Chamber princess in her clutches, breathing fire down. Straia’s spree throughout Beqanna – crushing hearts and taking prisoners. Ah- turmoil had risen at last. “Evrae – of course I’d love to join you. Perhaps you should go slay a dragon first? I have some quick work to do here.”
With that, he steps from the group, disappearing with a small pop, and reappearing in the heart of the Valley. He raises from the ground a protective barrier around the kingdom –no, the Valley would not be burning today. He calls the wolves to him – the shadow creatures that protected the Valley, prowled its borders and saw all who passed. To each of them, he tipped his horn into their skulls- the sharp point piercing their crowns, burying into the bone beneath. Into them he poured magic - their bones turning to steel, giving their skin ability to heal faster. A pack of wolverines, dare we say it? When each of the pack had stepped up to him and completed their transformation, he apparated back to his king and Killdare. “Now, I suppose the wild rumpus begins.”
He send a message to each of the Valley-dwellers, calling them from their shadows - beckoning them to stir their battle scarred bodies, awakening their dark hearts. His voice seeps into their skulls, with brief flashes of the events that have ocurred, Valley-dwellers, the war has started- let us fight.
Just wanted to get this up to protect the Valley and all. I assume we’ll just head to the Chamber or something from here – Kyra, I can have Eight follow Ev to the Chamber and she can fill him in on their plan..)\