The creature of the night slips through the fog. It shifts and turns, twisting through the pine forest like a snake. It clings to him like a leech, never letting go. Rodrik inhales the familiar scent. The smell of pine and mountain’s dust are distinct trademarks of this evil kingdom - a reminder that this place still exists. The Chamber has always stood strong, its foundation will never break and the monsters that lurk within its very darkness will continue to roam. After all, there is no rest for the wicked.
However, it is the very image of this forest that resurfaces his memories. Rodrik recalls his time ruling the Chamber well, and rather memorable. He had come to this place merely a foreigner, to both blood and resident, and turned into something more. He had ended the long lineage of blood ruling this chamber. However, that did not happen completely. His own mixed blood with the old and his the new, now sits upon the throne. How could he not forget about his own daughter overthrowing him? It was simply something he despised from Straia at first but has soon realized it was the right timing and overall benefit for the Chamber.
The crown had once been important to him then, but now it simply meant nothing to him. He may love the Chamber and what it has offer him, except Rodrik has always being a selfish creature. It was his very nature to be so when you are the devil. It was only the crown that had held him back from his true potential. And now the once blood king is far beyond being simply a past king of the Chamber.
He crawls forward, continuing to slip through the trees. His decomposing body scent mingles with the fog and mist from the mountains. Rodrik walks in a fashion of self-righteousness and glory. After all, he is the devil himself.