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The Gentle Giant - Hugo - 02-13-2016

The large mare was grazing happily, her long white stockings covered in the luscious grass, her white blaze almost disappearing. Her short tail swished lightly, trying to gently swat away the butterfly that was tickling her barrel. Her teeth ripped off the grass from the earth, her teeth grinding the grass in rhythm. Hugo lifted her long neck a little to shake her mane a little, small gnats whispered into her ears.

She stayed in her spot, moving a little here and there to find sweeter grass to graze upon. She hadn't decided to explore, no not yet. She needed to fill herself up with some grass before she could do anything. The draft girl thought about laying down to catch some sleep, considering the weather was warm and it was in the middle of the day. No predator would try to capture her, right? Well, she wouldn't push it, besides it would be hard for her to get back up after she's down and sleepy.

She snorted a little and just kept grazing. The land around her was quite a beautiful picture, although it was just first glance before she dove for the grass. She did see the few groups of mares, no stallions have approached her yet, nor did any other horse. She didn't mind though, isolation was sometimes good, although she was a herd animal. 

"Soon I'll find a herd, just not right now..." She thought to herself, dark brown and eyes staying on the earth.

RE: The Gentle Giant - demian - 02-14-2016

This was the way the night had cashed in. Choices had been made and things happened, and here we were. It was sad, and funny. My life was made of this. Stuff like this.

It seems like the field had been the one place he frequented most these past months. He was constantly searching for new faces to fill the Valley's walls with. The silence had grown too great and once again it was time to fix that. For it wasn't something that could last especially with the silent threats whispering on the wind that blew throughout Beqanna.

Not that the Valley was the target, but to go unfilled was a risk they were taking in allowing others to come in and take over their home. Of course though, that wasn't something Demian could allow... So he steps into the Valley with a new determination. His orange jaguar spots glowed brightly in the sunlight against his light gray coat, wings tucked comfortably at his sides while his ears twitched slightly in search of the sounds of a loners travels.

It would be easier if he could just see who he was looking for, but listening for them was becoming easier due to his lack of eyes. It took a while but he soon caught the sounds of heavy hooves stepping tenderly through the grass as the one they carried grazed. Like the mare, Demian had never minded isolation. In fact, he had sought it many a times.

Before the jaguar stallion had made his way into view in the Valley he had spent years living alone in the back caves of the kingdoms along the oceanside, avoiding all contact he could.

And he had enjoyed it.

Slowly he stepped forward, making his way towards the mare, clearing his throat slightly before calling out with a deep and quiet voice. "Hello," coming to a stop a few feet away he shuffled his wings gently against his sides before letting a small smile tilt the edges of his lips. "I'm Demian... May I ask your name?"


carnage x adalind


RE: The Gentle Giant - Hugo - 02-14-2016

As the draft girl kept moving along in her grazing, she had slowed down on her pace. Lifting her head the tiniest bit, she wiped off some of the grass onto her white stocking, revealing clean lips. Her long neck raised itself to once again look at the land 'round her. It was truly breath-taking, it was something the mare enjoyed and appreciated. Just being around the vegetation and open area made her breathing slower, her heartbeat was tender and relaxed. She breathed in a long breath through her nose, intaking the sweet scents around her.

Hugo was about to return her head back towards the grass, but a clearing of a throat and a voice came with a sound of hooves. Her head rose up, ears pricked forward to the speaker. Standing there was a horse she had never seen before. His patterns were much different, not to mention he had wings of a bird! Last but not least, the stallion held no eyes. The sockets were still there, but they held onto terrible scars. The girl shifted a bit in her heavy hooves, taking a little step back but then a step forward. She was no woman to judge by looks, that was not her place.

She tilted her head a bit at him, her black forelock falling near her eyes. His voice was a quiet one, but deep as well. He spoke of his name, Demian and soon asked for hers.

The draft mare smiled at him, seeing that he was friendly and spoke gently towards him. "A pleasure to meet you Demian, my name is Hugo." She replied to him, her short tail whisking around with the soft breeze that made the grass blades dance and sway softly. "I must say, I have never seen a horse quite like you in the time I've been around." Hugo didn't wish to come off as rude, if anything she was as polite as can be and was just curious. She took a few steps towards him, watching where she stepped carefully so she wouldn't tumble.

RE: The Gentle Giant - demian - 02-14-2016

This was the way the night had cashed in. Choices had been made and things happened, and here we were. It was sad, and funny. My life was made of this. Stuff like this.

He listens, hearing her move closer. You could say he was almost able to feel the way she watched him, studying him quietly. Yet it didn't bother him. He knew there were still those who hadn't seen the traits he had been gifted, and surprisingly so, in the womb. And so he lets her look over him and when all she does is introduce herself he chuckles silently in response, his lips twisting up in a slight smirk of amusement.

"It's nice to meet you, Hugo." His smile grows a bit more as the mare introduces herself. "Well, now that you say that I'm glad I could be the first." had he been able to wink he would have, but instead he lets his smile grow into a small smirk of amusement to show off his joking tone and let her know he wasn't being disrespectful.

Demian wasn't about to be the type that would flirt in order to get his way, or ever in any instance really. He was so oblivious to the feelings of flirtation and romance that it would be a surprise if he ever found an attraction one day. You could almost say it wasn't just the traits that made him unusual but his lack of desire to find that other half everyone else were so hellbent on finding.

Tilting his head slightly he listened to the way her mane and tail moved about against her coat and how her breath matched her heartbeat rhythmically before speaking up once more. "Hopefully though your first time seeing such things isn't a disappointment." He teases Hugo with a good natured and increasing humor.

For a while he lets himself grow quiet, enjoying the soft and warm sunlight as it danced upon his back before speaking quietly. "I hope you don't mind at my hastiness, but I was hoping to offer you a place to live. That is, if you're searching for one. The kingdom in which I live is in need of some new faces and I think you'd like it...." For a moment he grows quiet allowign her to take in his offer.

"It is a bit different than a herd, we are ruled over by a queen and king sometimes one or the other. But there is much more freedom and a mixture of both genders. We have a rankings system as well that you are allowed to work up through, but don't have to of course, and if you just come to see it at first we can let you stay and decide whether or not you like it. If you decide the latter, you will have all the freedom in the world to leave and find somewhere else to go."

Growing silent he takes a small breath. This was always nerve wracking for him. He had never been too social, but he had always done his best ever since emerging from his hermit like way of life.


carnage x adalind

RE: The Gentle Giant - Hugo - 02-14-2016

Hugo stayed quiet, but a smile still graced her features. Demian was strange, but Hugo didn't mind. It just made him unique, extra considering all of his neat features. What mostly caught her attention though was the winged stallion's words. He was offering her a place (excusing his hastiness) and was explaining about it. It was not a herd? Hugo's ears twiddled around, how could horses not live in herds?

Her question was answered though, Demian explained that it was called a kingdom instead, ruled by a king and queen with a few other higher-ranked horses. The mare nodded her head to show she was understanding his explanations. The girl had never even heard of the term 'kingdom' for horses to live in. What made her beam was when he offered the spot, she was also given the opportunity to leave or turn down the offer.

Hugo didn't think of leaving a kingdom, no it didn't really seem to fit her. She would rather live with a family rather then by herself (with substitutions of isolation every once in a while). She walked a bit closer to him, her man flowing the tiniest bit, a gentle smile etched onto her soft face. "I would love to see the kingdom, I doubt I would leave though. It peaks my interest indeed though." She offered to him kindly, her feathers became entangled with a few grass glades.

RE: The Gentle Giant - demian - 02-15-2016

This was the way the night had cashed in. Choices had been made and things happened, and here we were. It was sad, and funny. My life was made of this. Stuff like this.

He could feel her move closer.

The warmth of her body radiating outward and he could feel it against his chest and the side of his face. His smile grows before nodding softly. "I am glad to hear it as I would be happy to show it to you." He pauses for a moment, taking a step away from her as he turns towards the paths that lead out of the field and towards the south where the Valley kingdom could be found.

"How about I take you there now?" He begins to walk his pace steady, but just slow enough for her to keep up. "I do hope Hugo that you like it well enough to stay. We have quite a variety of personalities, but we all do our best to get along and keep our kingdom running smoothly." A small smile traces the edges of his lips, giving him a sort of peaceful look despite his sharp features.

"I want you to know about the state our kingdom is in at the moment. We are currently working at a realigning our kingdom into new leadership." He tilts his head slightly in her direction as he continues to lead her deeper south. "I once ruled the Valley as it's king. I worked hard to build it's activity, bring forward a strong front." He pauses for a moment to let her take it in.

"Those I put in my place have all but disappeared and because of it I have stepped forward once more in hopes of doing the same thing and eventually finding a new leader for the Valley." He comes to a stop outside the Valley's border. "I do hope Hugo that it wouldn't be inappropriate of me to ask for your support." He knows it's a lot of him to ask in their short time of knowing each other, but it was a necessary question.

While waiting for her answer he stands at the Valley's border next to the taller mare patiently, not pushing her and giving her time to answer and take it all in. He can smell the pines as the tall pine trees towered over the both of them and he can still see the way the mountains peak above the tall tree tops to the southeast borders of the kingdom in the back of his mind.

With new faces came change and so gently was it carried along in the wind.


@[Hugo] feel free to post in the valley continuing this thread <3 i'm sorry this took so long i was waiting to get approval for my plot in the valley and valentines turned crazy since it was also my mother's birthday <3