little bird, little bird; any - Printable Version

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little bird, little bird; any - Quinn - 02-11-2016

The little one never really wandered far from her mother's side. Even now as a half yearling, she preferred her mother's side.

It was warm, soft. The little amethyst painted girl child loved to lay in the soft grasses of the meadow and just watch the vibrancy of Syl's coat gleam against the sunlight.

There were hidden galaxies in that coat and stars in those eyes. Quinn could not help but think her mother was the most beautiful creature in the world. Syl loved her little girl fiercely and protectively. Day in and day out the mare watched her child closely for signs.

Syl had the ability to shatter things. Plant matter, minerals...other things. There was no real limit that she had happened upon and so she was indeed curious if the little purple filly was able to as well.

Little did Syl realize but the encounter with Carnage that resulted in Quinn's birth had also granted the child shattering abilities and more...

And so now Quinn finds herself in the playground. Little lobes prick high and forward at the foreign voices of others. There are squeals and peals of laughter beckoning her closer. Thin, spindly limbs draw the young girl closer till she nears the other children with a wide smile.

"Hi there! I'm Quinn! What's your name?" She quips excitably. How could she not be? This was her first time meeting another equine!

((I hate starter posts. so awk))

RE: little bird, little bird; any - thaniel - 02-12-2016

If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live on after he's dead, then maybe he was a great man.
Since he had touched the ground and the earth's air had wrapped tenderly around him, Thaniel hadn't seen a mother or a father to call his own. With sturdy legs, the small dapple gray colt soon found himself traveling through the world on his own. Yet he had always somehow known though that the two that had left him behind had loved each other and that he had been born of romance and care. He also knew that their reason for leaving him on his own was a far greater one and it didn't mean they didn't love him.

The young colt would never remember, but his mother had whispered the words to him as he slept, assuring him of these facts before she disappeared into the darkness. This is why he was so sure. This is why he didn't doubt them for a second, or hate them for their disappearance. As there were far greater things in the world to hate, so there was no use in wasting his time on something so simple he'd come to learn later on.

It was the playground he found himself in first. Long slender legs carrying him through the tall spring grasses as he stepped through them awkwardly his small nose stretched out infront of him as he allowed the tips of the blades to tickle the soft skin of his nose and chin. Gentle snorts of excited curiosity escaped his nostrils as he pricked his ears forward at the discovery of new scents.

It was then he sprung to a stop with a small hop, legs splayed out awkwardly, small head held high as his nostrils and eye spread wide and small tail stuck straight up in the air. It seemed like minutes to him, but within seconds he was suddenly running. His long legs churned at a great speed underneath him until finally he was at a dead run as he sped in circles in one of the corners of the playground.

Then he was gone.

With a flash he disappeared into the trees, only to quickly pop out the next corner of the playground with a burst of added speed. His fuzzy mane and tail stuck straight up as he headed towards the group of foals, bursting into the center of the group causing them to fan out in all directions before sliding to a stop in front of the excited little purple spot of a filly. "I'm Thaniel."

His voice is light as he huffed from the exertion of his little spazz and with a tilt of the head he looked around at her purple coat curiously. "You're like a flower, Quinn." He doesn't necessarily care how she takes the statement, he was just the type to say exactly what he thought as he had no one to tell him otherwise. "How'd you get to be like a flower?"


<3 oh hai. @[Quinn]

RE: little bird, little bird; any - Quinn - 02-12-2016

Holy cow!

The little girl certainly did not expect this! In one moment she is bounding across lush grasses and soggy sod and in the next a rather rambunctious boy is nose to nose with her! With a little squeal the girl slips and falls and -plops!- right on that little purple hind end, front legs propped as the hind ones stick out rather unladylike. Lavender pools watch him, big and wide.

"A flower?" The girl envisioned herself as a purple pony flower with her head as the center and a stem body. She laughs high and child-like before quite ungracefully falling over to the ground. With a quick shimmy and a couple wobbles she is once more grounded on the thin sticks that were her legs. It's nice to meet you Thaniel." The young lass gives him her biggest, bestest smile. "My momma made me so maybe she knows how to make flowers..." The consideration furrows the little brow- "but she is like the evening lights and stars." She sounds her words out like a big girl, eyes rolled to their right corners and the very slightest bit of pink of her tongue exposed at the side as she names off the most beautiful colors that make up Syl.

"You look like my dad...well, what my momma tells me that my dad looks like." Quinn had never met Carnage but she took her mother's word for it that he was a busy stallion off doing important things.

Once again the big, big smile covers the little amethyst painted filly's features. She is happy to have a new friend. He makes her smile and he smells good. Those are both VERY important things. Very important indeed. Quinn takes a pace closer to Thaniel. "I've never been here before. Have you?" Purple pools widen as they ask. The colt seemed so much more older (though not truly) than her and so much more worldly. Such an expert on life he must be!

RE: little bird, little bird; any - thaniel - 02-14-2016

If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live on after he's dead, then maybe he was a great man.
He is giggling at the sight of her as she plops onto her hind end, a sound of pure amusement slipping into his light voice. He most certainly hadn't expected her squeal and tumble reaction and it quickly had gotten the best of him. "Yes... a flower," he manages to get out inbetween giggles of amusement. It took only a second but as she laughs, his giggles turn into just that, laughter of his own.

It mixes with hers delicately only calming once her own laughter does and he watches her quickly come back to her feet. "It's nice to meet you too, flower." A smile tilts at the corners of his dark gray lips as his small tail swishes from side to side and he catches sight of her quite large smile. He likes the way she is so happy he realizes. It helps him to stay distracted from the loneliness being on your own could bring.

The way the young girl explains her mother, has him at complete attention. He stands there still as a statue, eyes stuck on her own lavender colored ones and his ears pricked forward nice and straight. "Like the stars?" His words are breathy in wonder. "That's really cool! Your momma must be the queen of flowers! Which would make you the princess! Princess Flower!"

Such a young mind he had. It was logical to know that would one day change, but for now Thaniel lived in his innocent and unique view of the world quite comfortably and happily. It was when she refers to his father that he tilts his head slightly, curiosity sweeping quickly across his features. "Do I?" Turning his small head, he looks back at himself noting the dapple gray that made up his coat.

"I haven't met anyone else that looks like me yet. He must be pretty cool!" He refuses then to mention the lack of her father in her life. He could see how her smile fades for a moment, and he of course knew how strenuous it could be to miss a parent you never met and he wasn't ready to break the happy mood with sad talks. He smiles a bit more a fast paced glance of relief passing across his features when she smiles once more and shifts his weight.

If he knew that it was him making her smile he probably wouldn't know how to react. He had never made anyone smile before, not in his short time outside of the womb and so he wasn't yet aware of how much of an effect that could have on someone. It was when she steps closer that he tilts his head slightly in curiosity staying as still as possible once more almost as though he was afraid to move in case he scared her off.

"No, this is my first time here! I was exploring when I found it." He giggles slightly at the sight of her eyes getting a bit wider and then smiles. "I just thought it was a big meadow! But then I realized its for us!" Of course he wasn't referring to just himself and Quinn. He was referring to all the foals but he didn't feel the need to vocalize such. It sounded better that way anyway.



RE: little bird, little bird; any - Rome - 02-28-2016

he laid low the warriors of old
Rome wanted to come to the Playground again soon after he left his first time. His mother, Lucrezia, did not say no to his pleas of bringing him back to the Playground the first time. In fact, Rome’s mother was rather happy to see that he wanted to play with other foals and make friends. She had found her own friends here in the Playground and still to this day enjoys the memories she created with her childhood friends. So when Rome is dropped off at the border of the Playground, his mother does not worry. She wishes him a good time with kisses and nuzzles before she takes off back to the Deserts or whatever she will be doing that day. Rome has no idea because he is too busy trailing off towards the wide open meadow.

The young boy is familiar with the territory. He already knows where the other foals like to play since he discovered that last time he was here. For a second he wonders if the goat-horned colt he met last time will be here. Rome would be happy to play more with his friend, but he also isn’t against meeting others. In fact, he wants to make friends with everyone here in the Playground.

It doesn’t take long for the boy to find a bunch of other foals. He decides the first foals he sees will be the ones he will introduce himself to. So it happens to be the amethyst-purple tobiano filly and dapple gray colt. Rome starts to quickly make his way towards the group; however, he slows down as an idea forms in his mind. The young cub slows down. He crouches low in the grass and begins to slow sneak up to the two other foals. When he reaches close enough to the foals, he stops. He lets out a soft giggle, unable to conceal the excitement. Rome quickly silences his giggle though, hoping the others did not hear him but his cat-like tail is evidently waving above in the grass.

Quickly, Rome jumps forward. He lets out a playful growl. “This meadow isn’t big enough for both of us!” Rome shouts as madly as he can at the colt. He prowls close to the colt, pretending he is about to chase him off (and will follow after the colt if he chooses to run off). However, he is already in a mess of giggles. A smirk grows across his muzzle as he then looks at the two others. “I’m Rome!” he says with pride but Rome is not arrogant in anyway.
tarnished x lucrezia
html © venge | character info: here | character reference: here

@[taz] @[PunkRockPrincess]

RE: little bird, little bird; any - Quinn - 02-29-2016

Amethyst lobes are completely trained to the granite dappled colt. Her small jaw is agape as he tells her how he had come across the playground. "I guess we can explore together!" Enthusiasm swells the excitement in her, her voice high and girlish.

"As for my daddy, I bet he's the coolest...wish he wasn't so busy..." Lavender pools drops for a moment before the tiny shoulders throw a quick rolls and she laughs quickly. "I'm sure he'll be back soon." Quinn gives Thaniel a big smile with a nod as though she was punctuating the statement with fierce certainty.

It is when he calls her Princess Flower that she bursts into a quick fi of laughter, legs moving the lithe form in a series of bounces around the taller gray boy. The little filly bounds like popping corn as she hops around him. "I love it! Princess Flower!" The little purple poll lights bumps the ash colt playfully. "Thaniel, you're so funny>" Quinn gives him a small, crooked smile before something catches her attention. She not sure hat it was, if it was anything. "Did you hear that?" The little voice quivering slightly in her uncertainty but as they strain to listen it is then a foal-cat comes bounding out from the brush.

Rome spooks the filly so much that she stumbles and tangles her spindly limbs against Thaniel and she trips and falls. A small cry follows as her eyes begin to well with tears but the only thing to keep them from spilling is that Rome quickly rescues the near disaster by laughing. Light purple eyes watch wide and wild as the little chest heaves deeply, looking over the new boy. When she decides that he's not going to eat her she quickly gives him a big smile. Just like most young foals, she is very quick to forgive and forget.

"Hi Rome. I'm Quinn!" The girl chirps as she starts to find her feet, the amethyst and white now dirtied from he ground but Quinn pays no mind. And with the unapologetic curiosity of any child- "Are you a horse, Rome?" Quinn ask softly in her wonderment, petite crown tilting slightly with the same little lopsided smile.
