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New Horizons (Open) - Kodaline - 02-08-2016

.female .mustang .15hh .blue roan
Upon entering the field my lungs fill with air, immediately I could smell the countless bodies of homeless mares. I add to their ranks as I walk amongst them now. My legs keep their pace as emerald eyes flicker from one mare to another. Their bodies are scattered against the green of the meadow, some of them linger by themselves while others cluster together in small cliques. I decide it would be wiser to not intrude on anyone and go my own way.

The weather is pleasant now that spring is upon the world around me. The foals that have been brought unto creation do not linger in the homeless lands of the fields. No, the only company to be found here is that of a lonely mare or a stallion looking for one. I could count myself as a lonely mare now, as I walked by myself towards a solitary spot away from everyone else. Upon reaching my destination, I bury my muzzle into the thick green grass as my tail swats away the flying insects around me and the sun warms my roaned back.

OOC: Feel free to claim her! c: 

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Zayn - 02-09-2016

Everything is finally going his way.

The golden stallion is still smiling as he makes his way into the field, his mind still back in the Mourning Mountains. Back with his two brand new sons, and their still recovering mothers.

So much has changed for him in the past year. In the summer of last year he’d had all but nothing to his name. He’d simply been the son of Chamber prisoner. A no one.

But now, a year later, everything has changed. He has a herd, he has mares and two young sons to carry on his bloodline. And he’s finally beginning to claim a place in the Chamber and try to work towards the position his father had carried so long ago.

But why stop there?

His red eyes focus once more on the the field around him. Three mares to a herd is nice, but he could always do with more …

He zeroes in on a blue roan mare, as yet unapproached by the many other stallions and recruiters in the field. She’s passably pretty, and quite young - a good choice for potentially bearing his future children.

Once upon a time he would have played nice, putting on a charming facade to convince her to join his herd, but now he doesn’t bother with pretence. He’s not desperate anymore - while a fourth mare would be nice, it’s not like his herd will die out if some white knight swoops in to ‘rescue’ her.

With a nasty smile on his face he slips up alongside the young mare, and sinks his teeth into her shoulder in a claiming nip. “You’re mine, darling. Follow me.”


I'm an ugly mess

If she doesn't put up a fight, Zayn's herd is here

If she does put up a fight, I am totally willing to play it out further. Big Grin

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Kodaline - 02-09-2016

My experience in this world was limited and I had not seen enough of the evilness out there to soil who I was. On my journey to the fields from the lands from whence I came there were a few creatures that given up hope and had turned into former shells of themselves.  Mean and ill-tempered beings they were that would frown upon any invitation of company. Shunned from any herds they spent the last years of their life in solitude. Perhaps that was their undoing, for I had been on my own for less than a year and the confinement was not unbearable; but who knew what years’ worth of loneliness could to one’s inner being. When I found myself upon the numerous numbers of mares and stallions I was unsure of what to do with myself, and so I picked my spot of isolation.

I would not be by myself for much longer, however. Green orbs spot the able bodied silhouette of a stallion in the distance. I continue grazing, watching as he drew himself closer. A part of me was slightly shocked that I would even be bothered with within my first day of being here and I can’t quite come to terms that it’s me he’s coming to until I can feel the heat of his body next to mine.

And then his teeth sink into my shoulder. Auds pin against my dial as nares flare and I snap at the air between us with bared teeth. "I like to play a little, why don’t you make me?" Though my body says anger my eyes sparkle with flirtatious amusement and I prance away from his side before throwing out my back hooves in a play kick. Eyes flicker back at him as I wait for a response and hope that I wasn’t trying to tease the wrong stallion.


tell me pretty lies

OOC: She's not fighting per but feel free to have him do what he wants so long as it doesn't cripple her for life xD

(forgot to add this and don't know how to edit it in without screwing up the HTML lol)

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Zayn - 02-09-2016

She’s a feisty one, he’ll give her that. He grins as she presumes to snap back at him, daring him to ‘make her.’ If she’d actually been serious he would have lashed out immediately, but the playful twinkle in her eye leads him to believe that she’s just looking to play a game. She just wants him to work for it, and that he can live with, so long as it doesn’t take overly long.

If she decides to keep him waiting too long she’ll discover exactly how nasty he can be.

He bounces away from her playful kick, still grinning widely. It’s refreshing, this sort of playful, flirtatious attitude. Once upon a time mares had shied away instantly the moment they saw his red eyes, but now he is not feared … is perhaps even desired, if only a little bit.

“Play eh? And what kind of play do you like exactly?” He’s certainly not opposed to a little rough play if that’s what she’s looking for. With a half rear he sets after her, nipping at her rump with perhaps a little more force than is necessary. He speeds past her next, kicking out as he passes by her side (though he doesn’t put enough force into it to cause any serious damage if it hits home). Then, when he’s in front of her, he swings out across her path, cutting her off. There’s a dangerous glint to his eyes as he watches her now. He’s enjoying the game, for now, but he doesn’t want to be toyed with. He’s not the sort of stallion to simply walk away after being screwed with. “Now, dear, why don’t you tell me your name? I’m Zayn.”


I'm an ugly mess

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Kodaline - 02-09-2016

I am thankful for the grin that is upon the stallion’s lips. So it seems he wouldn’t take offense to my pesky little antics. I study the male, pausing at his orbs, their blood hued color catching my attention for a moment. He is pleasurable to look at, though I wouldn’t show it. If anything it would grow into a childish crush and nothing more, being so young didn’t help much either. This was the first stallion that had caught my interest since leaving home.

His words put a mischievous smile upon my lips, but before I can reply he is rushing towards me and planting an even harder nip on my hide. I squeal and aim a snap at his shoulder as he races by. As he passes me one of his hooves flies through the air and only slightly buffets against my side. My laughter fills the air before my words do, ”I like this type of play...”

I race after him before he cuts me off, the dangerous flare in his red eyes puts some excitement in my heart and it flutters within my chest. I decide to answer his question instead of toying with him further, ”I’m Kodaline. But if you’d like you can call me Koda.” I flick my black dome forward and aim a soft nip at his cheek, my eyes flickering with a flirtatious flare.


tell me pretty lies

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Zayn - 02-11-2016

He pauses as she pauses, taking the brief opportunity to look her over again. She is, as he’s already noted, a relatively young thing - only slightly younger than Zayn himself. Perhaps this is where her interest in him comes from - youth and naivety. Most of the mares that have rejected him have been far older than himself, and the two that have shown interest (Raincloud and this roan) far closer to his own age. Perhaps they are simply too new to the ways of the world to recognize him for the predator he is (or at least, the predator he considers himself to be). Whatever the reason though, it certainly is working in his favour.

She giggles at his playful attack, and he grins in return. “Well you are quite lucky then, for I like it as well …” He is amused when she chases her, and pleased when she decides to relent (at least for now) in her game of cat and mouse. “Well it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you Koda.” A pleasure indeed. He’d been lucky to find her in the field. He’ll be glad to add her to his little herd … even more glad if she gives him sons like the other mares in his herd. He wouldn’t even mind daughters.

But he’s reaching the end of his patience for her game. He wants confirmation that she is officially is - he doesn’t want to spend too much time playing around and risk some other stallion swooping in and attempting to carry her off. “Well Koda, what do you say? Shall we get out of here so I can introduce you to your new home?”


I'm an ugly mess

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Kodaline - 02-12-2016

Zayn was quite fun to play with, I found that out rather quickly. He was rambunctious and young, but not quite as young as I. His amusement his plain on his face when he speaks of luck, and I snort out a laugh, ”Lucky for you, you mean.” Our play comes to an end after I introduce myself, a soft smile pressing against my lips when his reply reaches my auds.

Though I wanted to play and frolic with him some more, I knew it was neither the time nor the place. It had taken me a lot longer than it should have to realize that the claiming fields were perhaps not the best location to dawdle. He seemed hospitable enough and his patience had not yet reached its limit with me. It doesn’t take long to convince myself that it would be best to go with him; perhaps I would one day birth him a son or daughter even. He had the musky scent of a stallion mingled with the perfume of other mares on his coat so I had a notion that I wasn’t the first mare he had succeeded at claiming and not the last either.

When I raise my green eyes to his sun kissed face I can see a twinge of impatience on his features and a coy smile begins to creep onto my lips. I let an amorous laugh slip between my mouth at his words, ”I think you know the answer to that already, Zayn.” I move my roan body close enough to his that I can feel the warmth radiate from his hide and wait for him to lead on.

OOC: You can move this thread to Mourning Mountains now if you’d like c:


tell me pretty lies

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Tinsel - 02-16-2016

Sorry for the wait! It's been a busy few days for me. I'll try to get something up tomorrow! Smile

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Tinsel - 02-17-2016

Posted in Mourning Mountains! Sorry again for the wait!

RE: New Horizons (Open) - Dottie - 02-17-2016

Great! And don't worry about it c: