I Don't Suffer From Insanity...{Vanquish/Any} - Printable Version

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I Don't Suffer From Insanity...{Vanquish/Any} - Girr - 02-05-2016

I don't suffer from insanity...

George and I had been gone a long time, but well, there was this pretty butterfly and we just had to follow it! We followed it far enough that it took me forever to find my way back home to the Deserts. Maybe I should have dropped a breadcrumb trail or something so I could have found my way back sooner. My hooves danced to the beat of a music only I could hear, George dangling from my lips like a giant cigar. The sand was no longer pink, but the Deserts still had the warm scent that I remembered. No barking, George stealing sphinx came to greet me as I entered the borders, and my heart saddened a little. No more Gumby? I'd miss him, even if he did like to steal my George!

My nose wrinkled slightly, I wasn't catching Cam's scent either and my heart fell again. I could scent other horses, true, but none that I had known before. Maybe this wasn't going to be my home anymore, it took special people to put up with me and George. As I had that thought, the nasty voice in my head decided to rear her ugly internal head.

Of course it takes special people to be able to put up with you and that stupid stick! They have to be as mentally ill as you are or have the patience of a saint! Now go on and find some of those other horses, so we can gauge our chances of still having a home here. And for once in your pathetic life at least TRY to act normal.

I came up to the oasis, noticing how thirsty I was after my trek across the arid reaches of the sand dunes. Gently I lower George to the ground and  dip my nose into the water, taking a long cool drink. I dribbled some water on George in case he was thirsty too, and then I loosed a soft call into the air. At least I could take her advice that far, though as for acting normal..well I thought I was pretty normal. I just had a good imagination. They'd find out soon enough that I wasn't their definition of normal, it'd be a good surprise..right?

Gypsy Vanner
15 hands
Maximally expressed Cremello Sabino (ee/aa/CrCr/nZ/SbSb)
Invaderless/The Deserts/No Clones
Voice in her head is in italics
I enjoy every minute of it!!

RE: I Don't Suffer From Insanity...{Vanquish/Any} - Yael - 02-08-2016


Yael vaguely remembers the stick-carrying horse, though they’ve never met. She keeps tab on everyone in the Desert, whether she has a personal relationship with them or not. Now that the Kingdom is kind of-sort of back in her hands, she surmises that she should welcome the returning wanderer.

In truth, Girr reminds her of Zilpah, with her childish innocence and naivete.
She misses her daughter. She misses all of her children, and the feeling of being a mother.

Yael is resting not far from the main oasis, beneath the boughs of Van’s everlasting tree, when she hears the call. A quick ‘feel’ shows that she is the closest, so the gold and silver woman shakes herself out of a doze and ruffles the feathers on her wings to get the blood flowing again. When she comes within speaking distance of the white mare, Yael smiles and wonders if she remembers the then-elusive magician. If not, she wouldn’t blame her. Yael was in deep mourning then.

“You’re back,” she says by way of greeting, though her gaze travels between the mare and her stick - who knows who she’s addressing?

[i'm sorry this is shit :/ ]