Where Does Pain Meet Insanity? - Printable Version

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Where Does Pain Meet Insanity? - SaphiraG1rl - 01-31-2016

G'reth had tried to find his sister's scent and follow long enough to find her, but he could only get about halfway before losing her scent to the fiery scent. It was an odd scent, horse, but mingled with fire. And love on my sister's scent. She found a stallion for her, and apparently went with him somewhere.

"Where does pain end.. And insanity begin?" He asks angrily, believing if one more time he lost he would go insane with pain for losing his last piece of family. He had even lost a mare friend to a queer. Some queer stallion drove her away with odd questions, ones that weirded me out, made me shiver for this odd thing. But I left him, as any straight horse would, to find a mare instead.

RE: Where Does Pain Meet Insanity? - Dagny and Olivier - 02-01-2016

I won't let you go; so don't leave go of me

They venture farther and farther from home, recently. There was a time when neither ventured terribly far from the Tundra (or rather, neither ventured far from the other, and the Tundra was home to both) but childhood has left them, and adolescence is well towards past, and as young adults they grow restless. Or rather, Dagny grows restless, and Olivier is ever by her side. Only once had she ventured where he could not go, and she had returned with nightmares and strange colorings and a temporary need to stay close to home.

She is just slightly shorter than him, a bright chestnut framed in white, and would be average if not for the blue that marks her at her legs, ears, and eyes, and the yellow streaked in her mane. He is more striking – a glossy gold-champagne all over, and a horn spiraling from his forehead. They are galloping, paces matched exactly, wild across the distance from Tundra to Meadow, and have just slowed to a walk, breathless, when they stumble upon the stallion and both turn, catching his mumbled words with flicking ears.

Two pairs of hazel eyes focus on him, curious, and she takes a hesitant step towards the strange, head tilted. “Hello,” the greeting is offered brightly, a smile painted on her face. Ollie is half a step behind, plastered to her hip, and he does not smile, but he does not object to her friendly overture. “I’m Dagny, and this is Olivier. Where are you from?”

Dagny & Olivier
no one can ever follow; no one can ever know

RE: Where Does Pain Meet Insanity? - Blazed - 02-23-2016

I am the dark and I am the light

 Two horses, stride for stride matched perfectly. When they arrive in front of me, I shift to face them; I was trying to hide the scars on my back and hind legs. They greet themselves, and I greet them back.
 "Hello, Dagny and Olivier. I'm not really from anywhere, but my name is G'ren. What's your past? All I can remember of mine is wounds and lost families." I say blankly, hoping for them to go away.
 I hoped they would leave at that, but it appeared unlikely. I cocked a hind leg, revealing the scarring on my legs, and went back to eating grass slowly but tensely. You never knew what could happen with fresh horses, fresh minds, fresh beginnings with possibly a past chasing you.


I am the moon, I am the starless sky

@[Dagny and Olivier]