Don't let the man get you down [Sakari & Aziz cont.] - Printable Version

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Don't let the man get you down [Sakari & Aziz cont.] - Pevensie - 04-08-2015

The sun is beginning to wake. It blinks open over the horizon, slowly peaking over the distant mountains in it's skyward quest. According to Roman legend, the sun was pulled across the sky by a god and his chariot, making their epic quest to spread light daily. When the sun did not come, the gods were angered. Luckily it seemed as though the gods were well appeased today, for the sun flickered a fiery red light over her desert home. She paused to let the beauty of it all sink in, to inhale deeply and appreciate the splendour of the moment.

Pevensie glanced behind her, with Sakari at her side and the stallion still trailing them. She did not mind his presence, especially with the sunlight on the horizon. There are no threats to the sun-mare during day time.

"Welcome," she said to Sakari with a smile. It was like seeing a scene fit of the Bedouin tribes, seeing her here amongst what she can only assume is natural habitat. Certainly, she must surely move across the dunes with far more ease than the buckskin mare ever could. Her heavy body sinks rather than floats. Never mind though, she takes the opportunity to trot up a hill, ears forward, and see the full expanse of her home in the glory of first dawn. A breeze ripples her mane, tosses her forelock, as she summits the dune and stares out across the endlessness. From here, she can see Vanquish's garden off to the far east, the palms that surround the oasis far off into the distance beyond a peak.

It'll never be her first home. She will always love the waterfall more. However, she has learnt to admire this sandy expanse. Moreover, she can admire the heart of the inhabitants.

"So, what do you think?"

RE: Don't let the man get you down [Sakari & Aziz cont.] - Sakari - 04-13-2015

((Hey, sorry I didn't post. My life's been busy :/ Also, I'll try my hand writing in the present tense, so I apologize for any choppy sentences))

Sakari's first view of the desert is extraordinary. As soon as the little silver girl crests a sandy dune, her breath is taken away by the fiery ball in the sky, and she cannot take her eyes off of the scenery painted in front of her. If this is what it is like living in the desert, with the sunrise being the first thing to see in the morning... Instantly, Sakari is smitten with the desert. It feels as though she belongs here, from the hot sand underfoot to the expanses of dust dunes. The wind has swirled some of the sand to make patterns in the dust, and she cannot help but admire what Mother Nature has put out for her to see.

She trots after Pevensie, her small hooves making their way easily through the deep sand. Though she struggles (she has never really been in deep sand like this before), she is noticeably at ease in her surroundings. She tosses her head, mane dancing like it has been set afire, and almost rears in sheer happiness at finally having the possibility to call someplace her home. In her bliss and ecstasy, she almost doesn't realize that Pevensie is talking to her.

The little silver girl turns to the pony next to her, and it is clear by the gaiety dancing in her eyes that she is already at home in the desert. The much younger female whinnies in reply,"I love it. Everything about it is amazing." Her voice is awestruck, and it's clear that "amazing" is by far an understatement. But there are really no words that can possibly describe how she feels about this place. She gives Pevensie an apprehensive look. Might the other mare ask her to stay? she wonders.

RE: Don't let the man get you down [Sakari & Aziz cont.] - Aziz - 04-16-2015

Sorry i was away on holiday and there was no internet so i couldn't post))

The stallion halted and drooped his head to the sand, he took in a new scent and lifted his head once more, he let the small breeze carry his mane as he made his way down the hill finding it reasonably hard to walk, the stallion then gave a canter up the hill then walking to the two mare's

the stallion then gave a greeting and lay down on th warm sand wich would now heat his black and white pelt, Aziz then threw his head back up again and stood up looking at the mare's he was thinking about making a herd but then again he wasn't really tought how, the stallion just stood there looking into the distance as the breeze swept the sand over the dunes uncovering many exotic things he had never seen bfore (lizards X3)

A black and white figure upon the yellow seas - Aziz - 04-18-2015

The pinto cantered up and down the sand dunes giving a whinnie as he went he for now stays with two mare's, now he was seen cantering allong the dunes with his mane flying with the breeze left in the dry air, the stallion was looking for water as he was not locked in a conversation, the stallion was also looking for greenery in this dry and plain land, of course there could be wonders and things like oasisis here as he had heard but of course these things would have to be found.

As he cantered Aziz tripped as he of course would have to get used to walking in the sand, the stallion got back up and gave a snort, he shook his body and mane getting the sand of and continued, the endless dunes were now begining to make his muscles ache but the only thing that kept him going to be honest was his formidablle stamina, the stallion kept going until he saw a small palma covered with a patch of resonably green grass, the stallion started to rip off a leaf from the palma and snip grass putting it onto the leaf, the stallion then picked it up level and very slowly made his way back.

The sun was now begining to fall as the stallion had finally got there, he lay the leaf and grass and imediatly drooped his head down and closed his eyes falling asleep almost instantly