He needs a break from the child, is this how all mares are? He knows that he needs to find another to put the filly in her place, but at what cost? Already the stallion had a pounding headache. Would that one also expect him to love them in an instant. He had just met the girl, could she really expect to own his heart the moment he took her in. Its impractical, besides its not like anyone would be able to weazel their way in there. His habbit of picking up and caring for children seems to be getting out of hand.
So here he is in the meadow for the first time since coming back to beqanna. Puzzling over what to do. Should he count this as another loss and give up on the whole idea? Or should he keep going with it and see where it got him? He couldn't decide, the Dale didn't have much activity going on, much less the battle grounds either. The feild was swarming with amazons and desert members. What was he supposed to do. Not like recruiting is his nature. That always ended in a fail for him as well. Maybe if he made more friends... well that is something to scoff at, not like he would ever speak to them. After all his responses seemed to only consist of grunts, yea and no. other then that, maybe a switch of his tail, or pinned ears.
With head hung to the ground he nibbles on a few loose strands of grass. Even as he fails he still keeps trying, no one could call him a quiter. At least that is something right? As sulky, and grumpy as he gets, Phaedrus always found a reason to keep trying. Even if he quit one project he always managed to find another to take its place. Maybe one day one of them would succeed.