Lonely and afraid - Printable Version

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Lonely and afraid - ciscorox - 01-02-2016

I nervously walk into the field letting my long forelock hide most of my features. My hooves drag as I round the side watching the other mares with discontent. I stay to the side of the woods finding my quiet corner and laying down while nibbling on some grass. 'What if nobody likes me..' the thought keeps swimming in my mind even though I wish it away.

RE: Lonely and afraid - Fynnegan - 01-02-2016

♦ Fynnegan ♦

I stood off in the trees, watching the field. I feel as if I had been here forever, but I need my new lands to be filled... or at least occupied. I had Esileif, she would want people there too, no point in being an Alpha if there were no betas. and ther was Elfa- she seemed sweet, hopefully she would come too. The more the merrier, or at lest that is my opinion. Maybe it is my own shortness that drew me to others like me, and it seemed that now that I had a place for all us short ones to group together, they seem to all be working out of hiding. Funny how things workout sometimes, I am definitely not complaining.

I was dozing off, my black pelt still fluffy from winter. But a new smell drifted in- new, different, foreign, and I found myself curious, so I decided to postpone my nap. My eyes searched the area and fell on a short little mare, grey- almost metalic. she was a little taller than me, but I am quite used to talking to taller mares.. taller everyone. I push my feet off the soft ground, still soggy from the snow melting. I stop a small distance away from the lass, as she looked a little nervous and I didn't want to make her feel cornered. I dipped my head slightly in greeting. my tenor voice fell smooth and deep, "Hello, I'm Fynnegan, or Fynn, what brings you to the Field? I must say it is nice to see another shorty like me around here!" I looked at the mare kindly and awaited her reply.

ยป death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily «

RE: Lonely and afraid - ciscorox - 01-02-2016

I stand quickly slipping awkwardly and blush tucking my head to the side nervously. I look up at you with delicate eyes, with a hint of determination. "My name is AppleJaxx, or Jaxxie. I am looking for someone to take me in.." I peer through my long mane looking like a scared homeless foal.

RE: Lonely and afraid - Fynnegan - 01-03-2016

I listen to her words closely, the silvery mare came across sweetly, but it is hard to judge the mare on an introduction alone. I nod my head at her quest. knowing the feeling well myself. With it being spring and not wanting to have a new home sit empty, I was searching for those needing homes too. I smile at her, my gaze slightly upwards as she was a few inches taller. "Well Jaxxie, I happen to have a lovely herd land within the kingdom of Dale. I find it quite nice, a lovely shady place, a babbling brook that has the freshest water I could ever ask for. It quiet and quite the sanctuary. I would love to show it to you, if you are so inclined?"

RE: Lonely and afraid - ciscorox - 01-03-2016

//Quick note: I'm gonna try 3rd person, I've been practicing Smile

A home? The thought seemed almost to be an invasion in her mind. A home that wasn't with the older mares was... frightening. Her 'family' had urged her to go. But she had resisted for so long... Could she handle a new home? Even with a horse she didn't know all that well... She took a few steps toward him as she made up her mind, and offered a friendly snort toward the stallion. "Sure!"

RE: Lonely and afraid - Pride88 - 01-04-2016

I'll post a reply in Echo Trails soon, <3

RE: Lonely and afraid - ciscorox - 01-05-2016


RE: Lonely and afraid - Fynnegan - 01-05-2016

Fynns herd land. I'll tag you in the post so you will just get a notification when I post.