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searching for a home; any - Sena - 12-23-2015

ooc: I'm new here, so I won't have as much understanding/experience as some of the older players

Sabine stood near the edge of the field, but partially close to a group of strange equines. She wanted to be friendly, but was unsure how the others would take it. Her dark tail brushed the ground, her flank shone brightly in the sun. She was looking for a home, but was wary of those who would could offer it to her.

RE: searching for a home; any - Zayn - 12-23-2015

His father's territory is finally his to command, but there's one, important thing he's missing. Mares. He isn't much of a herd stallion without mares, after all.

And, so here he is, back in the field, searching for a mare to take back to the Mourning Mountains. He soon spots a blood bay all alone, and zeroes in. She's a passable creature, not stunningly beautiful (in his opinion), but not ugly, and quite healthy looking. Which is all she really needs to be for his purposes.

He slinks up to her and stops what he believes is a respectful distance away. He just barely manages to keep the predatory note from his voice. "Well hello there. I'm Zayn. What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?"

RE: searching for a home; any - Sena - 12-24-2015

Sabine watched the stallion, wary for anything he might try to pull on her. Something in his tone had warned her not to trust him fully. She was not old enough yet to know betrayal, but she still didn't think much of stallions. She let her eyes drift over him, taking him in. Her dark coat seems a contrast to his pale one. "My name's Sabine," she told him, "And I'm looking for a friend." Not that she seemed to be able to find any here. Sabine was watchful, but decided to give Zayn a chance to talk.

RE: searching for a home; any - Becca - 12-24-2015

The Golden Princess
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale, I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, Lead her up the stairwell This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down, Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around.

Becca entered the field with grace. Her brass coat shone in the sun, and her golden mane danced in the frigid winds of winter. Snow began to spot in patches within the field, as few snowflakes dared to get entangled within her mane. The overwhelming scents of other equine entered his nostrils causing the girl to become queasy. She had never really left Heavens Gates, nor recruited before.

Her child was left within the bounds of the Gates, and was hopefully being overshadowed by her son Jhonathen. He was now a yearling and could make choices for himself yet, he tended to become preoccupied with things other than his petite sister. Mainly two; Amorette, Magnus's daughter, and the need to return to the playground. Hopefully he kept his words, she became at ease allowing a deep inhale and exhale to calm her nerves.

The dark chocolate women sauntered into the field, catching eyes of stallions as she seemed to dance into the crowds. Searching for someone who had only been confronted by one. There, she was. A blood bay mare, she seemed quite tense within the presence of the palomino fellow that stood in front of her. He seemed familiar. Yet she couldn't
Grab ahold of who he was or where he had come from.

The palomino patched brute, had few features of what it seemed like Fiasko, the lost queen of Heavens Gates. But Becca passed that by as a complete coincidence but, something did lead her to suspect something. Her golden tail lashed out at the cold wind, he still seemed familiar with those red eyes. She did hear something about an equine with red eyes that attacked Heavens Gates along with the chamber crew, yet a name wasn't present in that matter.

She kept quiet for a moment until she heard both names of the equine, " Hello Zayn. Hello Sabine." Her voice was as sweet as honey. Gathering her senses, Becca constructed an hello, " I'm Becca, Becca from a Heavens Gates." She allowed a welcoming smile to curl upon her burgundy tinged lips. Turning her head towards Zayn she allowed a short welcoming bow in greeting.

"You would love Heavens Gates then." She paused adding on. "We are plentiful with equine that would love to be your friends." She ended with a smile. Before breifly eyeing Zayn, with caution, if he was from the chambers, he definitely meant trouble.


image © nathan walker

RE: searching for a home; any - Zayn - 12-31-2015

Well apparently he isn’t near subtle enough. She doesn’t say anything, but he can detect the immediate suspicion emanating from her. Pity. He’ll have to work on that. But there’s no point in giving up immediately - he might as well continue to practice his charms.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Sabine.” He nods his head, smiling slightly. He’s about to comment on the second part of her statement, when another horse slips up to join them. Damn. It’ll be more difficult with competition.

His irritation grows when he detects the scent of another kingdom - one that he knows well, though he’s never visited it himself. The Gates. An angry sneer briefly crosses his face, but he hides it just as quickly. His blasted mother’s kingdom. Perfect. It would just be his luck to come across a member of that kingdom.

He nods politely though, offering a smile to the dappled mare as well. There’s no point in starting trouble here in the field. Not yet anyway. “A pleasure to meet you as well Becca.” He will make a point of remembering that name though … just for future reference.

As Becca suggests the Gates as a place for Sabine to visit, Zayn turns to look at the bay mare once again. He’s probably already lost this battle, but he won’t give up on it entirely quite yet. “My home is another place that you might consider. I am currently trying to start up a herd in a territory called the Mourning Mountains. It’s a quiet, peaceful place. At the moment I’m trying to find mares willing to join me there. But, if herds are not your thing, the Chamber is a wonderful place as well. It’s the kingdom that I also belong to. We are a fiercely loyal group - very protective of our friends.” He briefly eyes the silver dapple. They also show no mercy when it comes to their enemies.


I'm an ugly mess

Sorry for the wait!!

RE: searching for a home; any - Becca - 01-01-2016

The Golden Princess
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale, I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet, Lead her up the stairwell This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, I was a dreamer before you went and let me down, Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around.

Becca, flashed a smirk. Her dark chocolate lobes swiveling in Sabine's direction. Zayn was in fact right about the chambers being feircly loyal but, that loyalty only spanned to Straia their queen. Burgundy lips returned to a welcoming smile, "Oh, please. Your just sugar coating it." She spoke her words cautiously in his presence yet, with flaring confidence. "The Chambers, is not for the fair hearted. It's for equine with evil, perhaps diabolical intentions." She ended quietly seeking the eyes of Zayn. She knew too well how recruiting worked, you either get down and dirty or don't try at all.

Her silver dappled body shifted, "Nor will I sugar coat my kingdom." She spoke politely. " The Gates, is at the brink of war against The Chambers. They have already stolen our queen, and damaged our mother tree. But for now we stand still not retaliating. We believe in peace, while they believe in destruction." Her voice was laced with honesty, and clarity. While both kingdoms stood at a stand still, she only wished for Sabine to find her own home. To her liking.

"I think it is best you know what you're getting into before aimlessly striding yourself into a war-zone." She added. "For now, if you would wish to visit both kingdoms before deciding, and grab ahold of their feel. And perhaps meet their Kings and Queens. I would be happy to show you around Heavens Gates." She allowed her words to flow out like honey, sweet and thick.


image © nathan walker


RE: searching for a home; any - Sena - 01-04-2016

ooc: sorry I didn't respond, I was trying to do a name change since I accidentally signed up with a name repeat. The new name is Sena. Also, my posts won't be as long as yours because the rp I do is mainly short, but I'm trying to learn how to do longer posts. In my opinion, though, detail is better than length, so that's what i'll strive for for now.

Sena looked at the golden princess, and could tell that her tongue spoke the the truth. She looked at the palomino stallion, and wondered how one with a pelt as light as his could hide a heart as dark as Becca said it did. Although Becca had also said that her own kingdom's conscience was not without blemishes. But in a way, that simple act of telling the truth as it was made her deserve at least a chance.

Sena's thoughts then turned towards herself. She wondered for a moment how her path had lead her here, how she had let herself come here to begin with. But then, she never really had a choice. Sena's thoughts snapped back to the present, though it was still a while before she spoke.

"I am not weak-hearted," she said strongly, and it was then that a flare of her temper arose beneath her quiet exterior, similar to Becca's confidence. "But it may be that the ideals of the Chambers may not match my own. I don't think I would want to spent a day as a part of a kingdom that could be seen as evil or corrupted by others." Sena stared at Zayn, her brown eyes boring into his.

RE: searching for a home; any - Zayn - 01-05-2016

He'd honestly been trying to be polite. He hadn't lied, had held his tongue, hadn't made any disparaging comments about the Gates ...

But clearly this foolish little mare can't do the same.

His ears instantly lie flat against his skull and he paws angrily at the ground, red eyes glaring at the mare. "Get your head out of your ass. The Chamber is far from evil. We simply happen to accept those that might not fit in elsewhere." Completely true. The Chamber sure has its share of oddities - where else could a mare with a penchant for eating bunnies find acceptance?

"And you are certainly painting a pretty picture of the Gates, no matter how much you insist that you are not sugar coating it." He snarls. She is unlucky that he knows so much of the place. "The Gates is weak and vulnerable. The Chamber was not the first kingdom to attack the Gates, and neither will it be the last. If you want a safe and peaceful life, the Gates is a very poor choice." The former light kingdom has been attacked a myriad of times over the coarse of Beqanna's history - each time its members ending up injured, kidnapped, or even dead. "And as for your 'queen' ..." A note of derision enters his voice. "She happens to be my mother, and she made her choice. She decided to make a deal with the Chamber of her own free will, the foolish thing. She is a very poor example of those ideals you pretend to uphold."

In spite of his attempts to control himself, he can't help it - his golden neck snakes out and his teeth snap at the mare's chocolate coat. "As for yourself, perhaps you need to re-think what kingdom you belong to. Picking a fight with someone in the field is very unlike a member of the Gates, and incredibly foolish, considering your kingdom's current position."

His head wheels around to meet Sena's eyes then, red eyes boring back into her brown ones. "As for you, perhaps the Chamber is indeed a poor choice. But, do you really want to join a kingdom as broken and vulnerable as the Gates? A war is brewing and the Gates will not be on the winning side. Perhaps you should search out a kingdom that is not as determined to self-destruct."


I'm an ugly mess

RE: searching for a home; any - Becca - 01-05-2016

You Should Keep In Mind, There Is Nothing Better I Do Than Revenge.

At the snap of his hostility, " Watch your tongue!" Becca spoke utterly annoyed by the pathetic stallions cold words. As he swung out a bite at her neck, she knew she had enough of him. In deep annoyance, she shimmied close to the stallion swinging out her hind leg in a strong held kick upon his hip. Scooting back to her own space, the dark chocolate women glared at the stallion with blue eyes.

Did he speak of Fiasko being his mother? Was she raped? Injured in the process? Her body tensed as she remembered  the name of a pale red eyed man. A stallion which held mares in his herd against their will according to the equine that were rescued from his treachery of his reign. That individual they called him, Gryffen also known as the wolf. Why had he done such a thing? It was pathetic if anything."Fiasko? She sacrificed herself for her kingdom. It isn't cowardly, nor pathetic. It's an act of pure selflessness." She paused for a brief moment. "If a war is brewing, we will have our queen back soon enough. The deal was the Chambers would leave Heavens Gates alone, if she joined the kingdom." She stated in a peaceful tone. " And a war? I believe that breaks the deal. Fiasko will be back in Heavens Gates soon enough." she added.

Turning her attention back to Sena she spoke," Yes. We are a vulnerable kingdom." she allowed a long exhale to be released. "Sena. Wouldn't you like to be apart of something? Apart of a place, where you feel at home. A home, you would fight for." She paused her gentle gaze upon the sweet mare. "Heavens Gates needs equine like you. Not Fainthearted nor seeking intentions of tyranny." She glared up at the palomino fellow. "We need horses that will fight for their kingdom. I am not suggesting you to join the army. That will be your choice if you indeed choose the Gates." she ended quietly.

Returning her attention back onto the stallion she peacefully added,[b]"Aggression will not get you close to recruiting a mare. Why would they wish to live with you, if they can barely trust you when your temper fires so quickly?" ?
She stared at him with deep distain, her body language giving a faint warning. He knew not how to treat a lady. Didn't Fiasko teach him any manners? If he didn't know how to treat a lady, he didn't deserve the presence of one nor even two.

She was at the brink of walking away but, she would wait for Sena's response. "Sena, I believe it is time to choose. Shall it be, Zayn's Herd? Or perhaps The Chambers kingdom itself? Or Maybe Heavens Gates? It's your choice. She ended quietly, her golden man covered the bite mark upon her dark chocolate coat. All Becca hoped was that Sena would be happy with her new home.


image © nathan walker