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Miamor - Miamor - 12-02-2015

Her black tail flicked left and right, center, left, right, center, rhythmically, as the flies nestled into her shedding coat. She looked mangy, unkempt, her mane rather knotted, falling distressed over her eyes. Those eyes - enormous and as black as can be, staring so intently at a few nearby birds who hopped cheerily throughout the grasses. They picked here and there, chirping to one another, every so often glancing at Miamor to be sure she was still safe. Mia lowered her head to the ground, taking a few inching steps towards the perky little creatures. So full of life! They frolicked a few inches further. Don't go, she thought, as she ceased her progression towards them, her ears perking forwards in their direction, the tips nearly touching in such curiosity. She exhaled forcefully at them and breathed in slower, taking in the clarity. The air went still and silent - at least to Mia - as she began reminiscing. Her mind entered that purgatory where unwanted thoughts crossed, filling her with memories that she couldn't stand to replay. She heard herself squeal and felt herself ungracefully pounce into the air, landing clumsily back to the ground. The birds jumped, too, but they flew away in a synchronized effort, never falling back down. Scarlet, Mi amore! her mother's words echoed through the winds of a few dozen wings. Mia emitted a shrill whinny, surprising herself upon hearing it. She glanced left and right, embarrassed, and lunged at a bite of grass, forcing herself back into the world around her.

RE: Miamor - Ygritte - 12-03-2015

Spring was always a prime time to check out the field. It was at this time that all animals came together in the celebration of new life. Ygritte herself had not know this but the young mare was ok with that.

Upon rose dipped limbs brought the brassy mare into the floral scented field. Long grasses tickled and caressed the bay underbelly teasingly till she finds the beaten path of equines that came before her. The chiseled skull tilts upon a svelte neck as she eyes the other horses mingling and moving like the pulse of a heart. Many stood in little cliques, content and engaged. Ygritte draws closer till she sees a woman spring like a jack rabbit into the air. Ygritte paces back in her surprise as a small croak exits her lips. "Oh!" Dark eyes dart to the woman as she regains control over her body. "Hello there, hope you're okay." The words flow like a cool creek on a humid August day. The bay looks to the buckskin. Her expression twists slightly with concern as she watches the other woman


RE: Miamor - Miamor - 12-03-2015

Mia's vision unfocused as she gnawed contentedly into the familiar tastes of the grasses between her teeth and over her tongue. She ground them into a wet pulp before swallowing the tasty morsels. She hears a voice cooing something from nearby. It wasn't the words that Mia focused on, but the melodic sounds that filled her with a comforting sensation. With a slight tremor of the eyelids, she refocuses her vision and looks around. Who had said that? As her vision clarifies, she sees this dark mare beside her, appearing somewhat concerned. Mia raises her head high into the air and slowly presses her ears back against her crown. She takes an immediate defensive stance as she glares at this dark beauty before her. Silence surrounds them as this mare still stared at her, as if waiting for something. What had she said? Hope..something..okay..? Mia released the tension in her stance, relaxing her neck lower and unfolding her ears, which landed softly in a neutral position. One flicked backwards again, the other pointed towards this mare. "Erm, uh - it's okay," she croaked, her voice not nearly as graceful as the one she had just heard. She wondered what she had just agreed to. Mia coughed once, parting her lips and closing them a few times, just now realizing how dry her mouth was. She hadn't spoken in a long time. Everything lately had been internal dialogue or muffled whispers to herself or to the inanimate world around her. She looked hopefully at the mare, seeking affirmation that her response had made sense. Feeling awkward, she spoke again, this time in a higher, embarrassed pitch, "Who are you?" She felt so vulnerable at this point, which she tried to hide behind a firm, almost aggressive stance, but was all to clear from her wide, frightened eyes.

RE: Miamor - Ygritte - 12-05-2015

Observant pools watch the pretty woman spook at the her presence. Lobes flick to and fro as she hesitates in her step and waits as the other jars a bit. Ygritte shifts to pivot away in case the other decided to lash out. Thankfully not much time is wasted before the tawny doe releases her ears when she see that Ygritte is not a threat. Our bay and pink woman still holds her place, not quick to near the obviously startled lady. Russet lobes flickering in the mare's direction. "I'm Ygritte." The syllables are a slow lullaby when she sees fear in the dark depth's of the unnamed mare. Ygritte offers a small smile and extends her delicate skull in greeting. "I'm sorry I startled you." Sincerity glazes her words whilst she looks to the stranger's face. "What's your name?"


RE: Miamor - Miamor - 12-05-2015

There was something very reassuring about this mare; her presence was solid, almost tranquilizing. She spoke gracefully, and again, it was not what she said, but the cooing of her voice, that hypnotized Miamor into relaxation. The tension released from Mia's posture and she resisted the overwhelming urge to step closer to the mare, to be nearer to her enchantment. "Ygritte," Mia whispered to herself after Ygritte had revealed it herself. Don't be naive, Mia thought, as she felt herself lowering her guard and practically throwing her trust towards this stranger. Mia listened to her speak yet again, banishing those doubts. "Mia. My name is Mia - Miamor," she grimaced as she exposed her own name, again hearing her mother's voice inside her head. Scarlet, Mi Amore! Mia looked over the dark mare, noticing the salmon colors in her coat. She looked her all over, burning the image into her mind, determined not to forget her if she ever saw her again. She imagined Ygritte flying away, like the birds. "Don't go," she pleaded, and then quickly realized that she had said that thought aloud. "That is - where are you going? Or - what are you doing here, I mean to say - why are you here?" Once again, Mia fumbled between thoughts and spoken words, still rusty with speech. She wanted to clarify herself again, but let her clumsy words hang in the air, her enormous black eyes staring fervently into the other's.

RE: Miamor - Ygritte - 12-06-2015

The buckskin is haunted. Those dark, dark eyes are deep and pit-less like an abandoned well. They drink in Ygritte's form and enveloped the bay woman. Ygritte watches from her place, lobes forward and attentive. Her name is Miamore and it is melodic and sweet like honeysuckle. BUT the sienna doe's next word's catch Ygritte off guard. Concern flashes over her face like the casting of a shadow. Mia? The tones are soft as she takes a pace closer. Vocals almost a hushed whisper of worry as the mare stammers along to her inquiry. "I'm here too see if you would like a home, Mia. I live at the Dazzling Falls." A small smile crosses her lips as she thinks of her home briefly before looking back to the mare-child. "Perhaps come and see first? Then decide?" It was a simple enough request. Mia could leave if she decided without any opposition.


RE: Miamor - Miamor - 12-07-2015

Miamor's glance was instinctively quick to shift towards the mare's feet as she stepped closer. Her primitive eyes transformed into tranquil pools as they raised to meet Ygritte's while she listened to the mare's intentions. She wallowed in disbelief for a moment, pondering, her pools drowning out of focus. Home? She muttered, barely audible, as she remembered her mother always talking of such a place. Alas, they never nestled for more than a few days in any one spot. They would slow down, sure, perhaps even circle the same lands for a week or so. But Mia knew it was time to leave when her mother's eyes would fill with remorse right before she'd have to reveal to her amore, yet again, that they mustn't stay here. Mia glazed over momentarily, drowning into the flashbacks. Why, she would ask her mum each time between frowns, and her mum would answer, Mi amore, you trust me today and you will see tomorrow. Mia always trusted her, each and every time, but that tomorrow never came - but this one sure did. Mia shook herself from the retrospection and back into reality with a jolt forwards towards Ygritte, "I'll go with with you. I want to see home." Her voice was clear now, as her crown bobbed up and down a few times, her knotted tresses bouncing across her face. A bluster of excitement overcame her as she imagined the place she'd spent so long in search of.

RE: Miamor - Elle Belle - 12-08-2015

(( i'll put a post up in the falls for her tonight! i'm excited Big Grin ))

RE: Miamor - Miamor - 12-08-2015

(12-08-2015, 09:24 AM)PunkRockPrincess Wrote: (( i'll put a post up in the falls for her tonight! i'm excited Big Grin ))

(( Perfect! Me too! Gee, I haven't RP'd in a long time. This is my swing back into it. Thanks for taking Miamor in  Smile ))