Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Printable Version

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Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Archon - 11-25-2015

Archon awoke just inside the trees, he stood and stretched his gorgeous all white body in an attempt to relieve the cramped muscles in his chest and all four legs. After a few minutes he walked through the shelter of the trees and seen more horses than he'd ever seen in his life "Were they all here looking for that special someone too?" He thought to himself before continuing further down into the meadow he was here to find a beautiful mare to call his own. His nervousness got the best of him he decided he'd allow someone else to approach him he stopped and began to graze he thought he felt eyes upon him he didn't know whether to look up or not he decided on the latter of his options and continued to grazehe hoped that if he was right that the other horse would approach him.

RE: Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Tabithi - 11-25-2015

The white ghost relished the feeling of the cool breeze on her hide making her close her glowing yellow eyes from a brief moment as she halted her movement. Her long white,grey and black mane flowed around her framing her face. She begun to move again taking long graceful steps showing off her linage of Andalusian and Halflinger, but her markings are what make her different, she was all white except for the tiger stripes starting at her withers and ending at the middle of her chest. She looked like a proud animal but in all reality she wasn't she tried so hard to act okay but the memories haunt her still to this day. Today is one of her good days where her mind did not attack her as usual. She spotted a stallion, he was attractive and everything but would he want someone as haunted and messed up as she was? Well there is one way to find out. Talk to him. She walked and flicked her tail as she approached him.

"Good afternoon. How are you on this fine day?" she asked her glowing eyes looking him over. Yes he was very attractive. She smiled at him and she tossed her multi colored mane as her small cupped ears awaited for his answer

you can't jump the the track
we're like cars on a cable

RE: Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Archon - 11-25-2015

Archon heard falling hooves approaching him he glanced upward only to pause mouth half closed and full of grass "Oh My Goodness! She's beautiful" the little voice in his head screamed at him it took him a moment to realize that he looked like a silly foal sitting there with his mouth full of strands of grass falling from his half open mouth. He quickly snapped it shut before quickly chewing and swallowing he didn't need to make more of a fool of himself by choking on half chewed grass. She spoke, asking him how he was doing this afternoon he replied "much better now that my eyes have caught the sight of someone more beautiful than any other in this meadow" he looked deep into her eyes, beautiful glowing? yellow eyes and was unsettled by what he saw.....he saw that she had not lived a priviledged life like he thought she deserved she had in fact lived quite the opposite with memories still to this day bursting through her subconscious to haunt her it appeared that she was, with difficulty, holding them at bay for the moment.He wanted to take her sadness away but didn't want to push her away so he decided on the safe route by offering his name with a heartfelt joy he smiled at her and said "I'm Archon and what name does the beautiful mare in from of me claim?"

RE: Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Tabithi - 11-25-2015

A giggle escaped the mare as she looked upon the white stallion before her, his mouth half closed with strands of green grass hanging from it. Still that didn't make him any less attractive to the ghostly mare.He quickly recovered and chewed the tender grass and swallowed slowly making sure he didn't choke on it, this caused the mare to smile yet again and walk slightly closer to the stallion of her color. He replied to her question his voice warming her to her bones, it was rich and deep making her skin crawl in a good way. If horses could blush Tabithi would certainly be doing just that as he called her the most beautiful one out in the meadow. Such a flatterer he was, such a sweet stallion already. He kind of reminded her of Finnick when she first met him and he took her to the Valley with its fiery wall that would not harm the good willed. She just didn't feel at home there. She felt him looking deep within her eyes and her anxiety racked for fear of what he will find and he would run away to the hills because her life wasn't as it should of been. But his smile made her relax and return his smile as he announced his name as Archon, a fitting name for him, warrior like suiting his stater. She spoke to return his question. "My name is Tabithi. I am genuinely surprised you didn't turn and run from the things you saw in my eyes. Most do. Run away I mean." She said rambling slightly then catching herself and quieting herself in anticipation of his voice again making her fears disappear by the second.

you can't jump the the track
we're like cars on a cable

RE: Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Archon - 11-26-2015

Archon's heart almost burst through his chest at the sound of the little giggle that escaped her lips he'd never heard anything more feminine and cute before in his life. Archon returned the smile he saw on her as she walked slightly closer "I'm liking her more and more" He thought to himself. She seemed worried as he stared into her eyes almost as if he would run away "Why would I run from her its obvious she needs someone?"Almost as if she'd read his mind she smiled and said that she was surprised I hadn't run away and that her name was Tabithi. "Why would I run Tabithi, should I be frightened of you? If so your not doing a very good job of scaring me away."Archon said jokingly with a smile

RE: Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Tabithi - 11-27-2015

The mare watch the white stallion before her as the cold wind blew her mane around her face yet again, she tossed her head to get her forelock out of her eyes as she studied him for any sign that he might run away from her. What are these feelings that he made her feel? She felt as if her heart would burst from the unfamiliar feeling of happiness. Her small ears flicked forward to catch every syllable of Archon's voice, she smaled when he told her that she wasn't doing a very good job of scaring him away. She chuckled softly "I wasn't planning on scaring you away Archon, I was worried that you would think differently of me when you saw my issues" She said her eyes taking on a dimmer glow as she was hard on herself. But that comes with her issues, she has a huge self hate thing.

you can't jump the the track
we're like cars on a cable

RE: Treat her like a princess and you'll always be her prince - Archon - 11-27-2015

Archon smiled as Tibithi flicked her forelock out of her face it was cute, his heart leapt when he noticed her ears perking forward to catch his every word, it made him feel like maybe she liked him as much as he liked her. But sunk again as she told him that she thought he'd run from what he seen in her eyes. "No I wont run from what I saw, in fact I want to do the opposite the more I talk to you the closer I want to be to you, I want to help you conquer your demons Tibithi." It seemed cheesy to say but it was the truth Archon got the feeling that She hated herself but why she's perfect why can,t she see that about herself. He thought to himself perhaps she would enlighten him to what haunted her conscious and why she hated herself.


day by day what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become