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Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - Nymphetamine - 11-22-2015
The meadow was empty, or at least it could have been for all Nymphetamine cared. While in truth he was surrounded by many he only cared to see one. He had messed things up so terribly, all for what? His own closure? For power or status? When he thought of the fae with the lavender eyes he didn’t really know why anymore. Summer was still obvious in the meadow when he last saw her, tears stained her face, her voice shook in a slurry of anger, hurt and betrayal. He didn’t really know what he would do if he saw her, how he would explain why he left her so upset without much of an explanation. There was little to say- or that he could say, not with the raven on his back. The damn invisible bird that watched and reported his interactions to Straia was always there, just no one knew it but him.
He didn’t blame the raven queen for not completely trusting him especially since he came from gates with the front as spy. Luckily he had worded the situation to his favor. Gates thought he was spying for them, chamber thought he was spying for them, and he had to find away to make sure no found out the truth. How could he safely tell her that? What was the best way to keep her safe? There simply was only one thing to do—not tell her anything and pray she would accept him. The blood bay shook the thoughts of the fae away. He hadn’t seen her in quite awhile. Fall was all over the meadow now, the leaves were changing and some had found their way to the ground. He doubted the fae would be here, or come soon. But he was determined to wait—she would have to pass through here eventually, until then he would stay in the meadow. Gates and Chamber could wait.
in my heart, that barless prison discolours all with tunnel vision
RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - MischeifManaged - 11-23-2015
Numb. That is all the mare felt a few months after Nymphetamine turned and left her after they had a little spat of miscommunication. She of course felt the stabbing heart break after she watched the blood bay high tail it to where ever he was destined to go. But after weeks passed and she hadn't seen nor heard from him her heart finally gave out, no she didn't die, her soul just broke. But this fateful day she felt something off on the wind, something that made her shattered heart lighter and the agony ease a little bit. She finally moved from her spot on the outskirts of the meadow near one of the many creeks under a decent shade tree. She had changed, not to much mentally, more physically. Her eyes were slightly sunken in, her ribs were apparent under hide as were her hip bones. She was far from malnourished but one could tell that she hadn't eaten a decent amount of food for a while.
The scent told her of him before she saw his ever familiar red hide. The relief was almost to much for the small mare, her knees quaked under it. Tears gathered in her no longer dull unique eyes. He had come back for her, but his scent seemed off. Thats when she figured out where he had been. The Chamber. But the joy she felt overshadowed the horror that was to come later in the twos story. She couldn't help but trot a short distance towards Nymphetamine her heart slowly but surely reversing the shattering effect. "Nymphetamine!" She called a grin on her tired face as she cantered towards him. She finally reached him and she pushed her muzzle in his chest nickering softly to him her heart about ready to explode with happiness and the effort of running to him. Her body wasn't in the best shape. "I thought you were gone for good." She muttered softly to him and only him. She was a broken and bleeding animal and he was her rock, an unstable rock. But he kept her from falling. He was the only thing she thought of for months and that is why she is so mentally okay. She couldn't get over the fact that he was back for her. This mad the small once strong mare wine slightly as she held in a sob. These tears were not the tears of heartbreak they were the tears of relief and happiness.
the hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues
OOC: Sorry I forgot to change accounts. Won't happen in the future. I am a little tired XD
RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - Nymphetamine - 11-23-2015
ooc: i told you the muse would come back. and BOOM. there it is. lets just pretend this is my first post mmmkay
Time is so relative. Time can be as quick as a hummingbird’s wing through the summer air, or as slow as watching flowers come to full bloom. Time was a terrible way to judge the span of days that had separated the blood bay from the object of his infatuation. Infatuation? No… it was more- but he was not sure what. He didn’t know where it this would go, where it had gone. They spent a period of time together before he started his job… the job he can’t tell here about… the job that would put her in danger if things went south. He shouldn't see her now- he was not alone- never alone anymore, due to the invisible raven upon his back. Well he was never really alone- not ever- not with the pull of the dead ever present in his mind. He ignores it most days- it was just part of being a necromancer, something he thought he had lost when he fled his home, but had resurfaced while in Chamber. The blood bay didn’t seem to care, didn’t want to care about his babysitting fowl, he wanted to see her; needed to see her. There was simply something he needed to do, to say, to check on. Keeva.
The time he spent away from her had been quick to him at times…quick as he convinced Straia that he was truly wishing to spy for Chamber, not against.- adrenaline coursing through him keeping him awake and ready. It was then his necromancy came back (lucky for him) it had been a turning point, helped get him from the cage, and keep the Raven Queen interested in his usefulness. It had been slow too. Slow as he waited for Straia to give him the information he was aloud to share. Slow as he waited for a believable amount of time before he left to reunite with Mast. Slow as he stood in shadows and aside in conversations listening for interesting tidbits of information to share with either side he was a believed spy for. It was consuming. And while the fae with lavender eyes was a soft hum in the back of his mind constantly, she was often just that- background. He still thought of her often- just the time had eased the constant thoughts, and he had to have that or else those thoughts would have endangered him and her.
Chamber was intoxicating, the power, the possibilities, the strange and intriguing inhabitants all settled around you in this haze. It took hold and started burrowing in- slowly making you its own. When he originally met Killdare he was appalled once he learned of Chamber and that Killdare would be from such a place. Nymphetamine shook his head, as if he was shaking the fog away- trying to remember. Chamber set fire to Gates- and he wanted to revenge Gates for them….and to get his closure on his on family’s demise. He still wanted that… but he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel the draw of Chamber.
His thoughts were jarred as a wind pulled a familiar scent to him on a chilled autumn breeze. There were floral notes, soft and feminine, the crisp clean cent of grass… but there was something that was different- missing. His nostrils flared pulling in the scent, his eyes widened with recognition Keeva. She was here… but why had her scent changed? What had changed, what had happened while he was gone? It was then he saw her. From the distance he thought she moved a little differently, the muscles didn’t seem as pliant…. or there was something else undetectable from this position, or even he just didn't remember that detail. He perked up as she called his name, pausing before reacting, waiting to hear her intonation. He exhaled when it was upbeat- happy- at least for now. Keeva!
She was upon him quickly, muzzle taking him in, melding into him. There he realized she didn’t have the scent of the other stallion upon her anymore; that she no longer smelled of her herd’s lands. She simple smelled of the meadow. The meadow with the beaten down grasses, yellowed from the intense heat of the sun all summer long. He looked over her, taking a step back as to look at her better- big picture. His eyes hardened as he looked her over, her eyes were the same shining pools he remembered, but held sadness too, and they weren’t as vibrant anymore. He rare hide seemed to hang a little looser on her frame. She wasn’t starved no- but she wasn’t fit- she looked as if she had been withering away in his absence. The young stag’s eyes softened- She had been through something rough while he was away- and he knew not if it was due to him. Tell me, did your old stag do this to you? Tell me and I will take care of him. His voice was firm and serious. He would open the ground up and have the fleshy heathens he controls pull him down to their eternal resting place. He didn't understand this change, his thoughts whirled with scenarios. Why had she been living in the meadow?? He needed to know, he would pull that cowardly beast apart had the stallion neglected his charge.
Nymphetamine was still scanning her checking to make sure she was fine when she said she thought he was done for good. He froze, and looked at her eyes, so full of emotion and went back to her side, pressing against her, reassuring her he was there. He heard her whimper- not sure what cocktail of emotion had caused it. Now Now, I’m not going anywhere---for good. I told you I owed you an explanation. I could go anywhere for good, and not give you that explanation. I’m here. His words were light at the start, a small chuckle- the idea of him being stolen way was amusing to him, but his words grew serious and more reassuring. She seemed more fragile than before, like the spark was dampened. Internally Nymphetamine felt guilt fill him- he had caused this. While Keeva didn’t come straight out and say it- he figured he was a large factor. He took several deep breaths against her skin. I thought of you often….I am ashamed in the way I left you.
He felt the invisible raven upon his back, he had forgotten for a moment it was there. Straia said it was a constant reminder of her ever watching eyes- he hoped her other ravens were giving her more interesting information at the time. He focused back on Keeva, pushing the bird away out of his mind, Straia be damned. I just wanted to protect you- and I still want to protect you- but I couldn’t stand not looking for you. I had to make sure you were still ok. Keeva, I should have come sooner…. He trailed off, anger and guilt racking through him. He hated that he surely had a part in her weakened state. How could he. How dare he. He stilled against her as he internalized these thoughts. He would have to do better- be better. He knew not how he would do right by her and do his jobs for gates and chamber—but he would have to find a way… he wouldn’t leave her alone in the meadow to shrink away in to nothingness.
in my heart, that barless prison discolours all with tunnel vision
RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - Keeva - 11-24-2015
The time she would spend with the blood bay stallion wouldn't ever be enough for her, she need he could be snatched away by the Chamber any time. Time is such a weird concept for the little mare, she could not wrap her head around how it seems to speed away when you are alone but when you are with someone you truly want to be with it stands still but that amount of time wouldn't ever be enough, it feels like mere seconds. She could not fathom the amount of horror the blood bay went through as he entered the borders of hell on earth. Why did he just go with Magnus to the gates of Haven? What was Haven anymore? Everywhere she looked seemed to be wrecked with war or plagued with tension as on coming war was immanent. Where was a place that she could call home where it was safe. All she knew anywhere with Nymphetamine would be safe because he made her feel safe and at home pressed against his side breathing in his intoxicating scent that made her heart fell like it would explode for her chest, it made her bones ache with the need to be close to him.
Her cupped ears caught his words and her body relished the sound of his voice "No he didn't do this to me. I did with out knowledge of what I was doing." She said bringing her head up from his chest the tears that soaked her soft eyes now gone and happiness replaced them. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head when he pressed up against her reassuring her that he was there "If you go anywhere for good. Take me with you please, I cannot be with out you again" She muttered into his side as she closed her eyes to block out the painful thought of losing him again, she would surely die from losing him again. "You never left my thoughts, I always worried on where you were and if you were safe. I care for you more deeply than I have ever cared about anyone else." She admitted looking up at him her eyes sparkling with some kind of emotion mixed with, whats this? Affection? The word is so forgin to the mare. "Don't just look for me. Take me with you. I need to be by your side I don't want any other to protect me. We can make it through anything, I can feel it. We are meant to be together not apart" She said pressing her muzzle to the side of his face then letting it trail down to his shoulder and keeping it there.
Yes this is were she wanted to be. Forever
the hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues
RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - Nymphetamine - 11-26-2015
Nymphetamine took her in; her dulled coat, her sunken lavender eyes, the stains from past tears shed. He usually didn’t care to rescue little fae’s that couldn’t rescue themselves. The blood bay didn’t usually care to feel the need to care how he affected others- he was young, and needed to make his name known. Then Keeva waltzed into the scenario and he quite literally lost himself for a moment. They collided, crashed into one another in a way that he had no way to explain. It was extremely inconvenient; he was not planning on winning over a fae, to take on that responsibility. Yes, their collision was quite inconvenient, but he did not wish it way. Nymphetamine cherished her in a way he assumed his father cherished his mother…or something. He didn’t know what to make of it- he was too young to have experienced this. He had seen others and learned from them what it was to have affections- but to be in it himself was nothing like he had expected. He took her in; and wanted to make everything right.
He stilled as she spoke, hearing her release the previous stallion from blame, his rage receding, though he felt a little twinge of frustration spring up with the lass. She mustn’t let grief or worry of him effect her so- he would be gone often and she would have to go on- no matter what she knew of him or his whereabouts. He stopped, untangled himself from herm and moved several paces away, needing the physical distance to say what he must. Nymphetamine was stern with her in this- he could see her shrivel up into nothing over him. He looked at her seriously, with a tough of sadness hidden within his dark eyes. “You have to promise me you will be more careful, I can’t promise much, but I can promise being with me will not be easy.” He didn’t mean to chastise her, but he need her to be strong, even if there was reason to worry. He won’t tell her exactly what he was doing- she needed to be able to deny knowing anything for certain. He could however prepare her. He had a feeling he wouldn’t want her to be out of his sights for long now—and neither would she.
He moved back to her side as she spoke, and sure enough, she spoke of not wanting to be away from him. His sense of procession and responsibility for the lavender-eyed fae increased. In all honesty he already considered her his- despite not needing the complication. The blood stag took in the cooling air, trying to decide how to address this moving forward. He safety was at his main concern- and together would not always be the safest for her. He sighed heavily; the thoughts whirling through his mind were cumbersome. There had to be a way. Strong words fell from his mouth, breaking the moment, bringing in reality. “I cannot take you with me everywhere, lass. I can’t tell you everything it would place you in too much danger. I do not think you naïve enough not to sense I am involved in something…tricky. Too keep you safe means to keep you distance from me, at least to some extent. The young conjurer wrapped his neck over the top of hers letting his head rest upon her withers, as she trailed her muzzle to his shoulder. I have pulled you into my life, it may be to late to keep you safe, in reality, and even I cannot fight an entire kingdom. So I will just have to be successful, on all fronts. When this is done- I will take you with me for good.
What a mess this collision has caused of him. He was torn, and lost in the newness of this. He was resolved to do so much, now he had this all consuming fae that tore him open like a 10 blade cuts flesh. He knew not what was to come…and she might easily not like his truthful response, though the reality was she would have to- if she wished to keep him. Nymphetamine knew there was no chance of protecting her otherwise. He decided to push aside the future, the worry, and just enjoy her- and actually get to know her- the intensity of the collision had made him over look the fact he knew little about her. Come, let’s walk.
The blood bay pull away from fae and began to walk, not that he had a grand purpose, other than to change things up. Ok, Ok….and to help her start building her muscles back. She would have to be in shape to try and come with him- though he had yet to fully decide on that. Nymphetamine looked over at Keeva thinking of all he didn’t know about her. He knew she wasn’t a drama fan, and that she had been unhappy about her last herd. But that was generally it. He should know more. ”So, I have so many questions. Why do I no longer smell your stallion anymore? I also realized- we don’t actually know anything about each other. He snorted a laugh- it was true, though he felt he understood her spirit there as little about her past they had discussed. She didn’t know he was a necromancer, or how he came to Bequanna, she didn’t know about the bird that reported his every move to Straia (and she would never know). He listened for her reply and they walked around the meadow together, ignoring all the what-if that leaving this meadow together would bring.
in my heart, that barless prison discolours all with tunnel vision
RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - Keeva - 11-27-2015
Silence settled over the pair briefly before the blood stallion spoke to her again scolding her telling her to promise to be strong and careful and he promised being with him wasn't going to be easy. "I didn't ask for easy, if I wanted easy I would of stayed in the background with Kii" She said with a slight edge in her voice her sassiness bubbling to the surface for a moment, "I promise to be careful and strong as long as you promise not to become like those foul Chamber horses. I know you went to the Chamber I can smell it on your skin" She said stepping back and giving him a stern look. She wasn't mad at him she was more worried that he will be influenced by the Chamber's so called power. She flicked her tail in the slight frustration she felt towards the stallion. Yes, she will try to stay strong but it will be hard knowing that he is doing something sketchy with the Chamber, she didn't like it one bit but she would have to deal with it until all of this resolves. She didn't like the idea of him getting hurt either.
He moved back to her side easing her stress levels slightly but he spoke again bringing reality the one thing she was trying to avoid in this moment. But she expected Nymphetamine to bring it up. "I don't want to stay somewhere or go anywhere with anyone with the knowledge of you being in this business, whether you will come back to me safely or not. Whether you are alive or not. I have been in the presence of stallions enough that you think you are strong enough to handle this on your own. You are not invincible Nymphetamine. That is why I want to be by your side to fight this with you. If we are going to be together then we need to fight things together. I am willing to to that for you" She finished her speech as her eyes flared with her promise and her feelings for him. She would do anything for this stallion, risking her own life was at the top of the list.
He wanted her to walk with him as she changed the subject to getting to know her she sighed softly as she walked his pace beside him. He asked her why he didn't smell Kii on her anymore and she decided to start with that. "I left my herd lands because I felt that it wasn't right for me to be owned by a stallion that never paid any attention more or less had a decent conversation with me. Like I said before you left I don't want to be a background piece anymore. Plus I wanted to belong to another stallion that has shown me that I could actually be myself around him. I hope you know that stallion I am talking about is you Nymphetamine. I want to belong to you." She said turning her head and looking up at the blood bay stallion and smiling softly as they continued to walk. "Now tell me about yourself Nymphetamine" She said looking at the creek before the pair and wondering at its beauty
the hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues
RE: Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Keeva] - Nymphetamine - 11-28-2015
Nymphetamine knew that a part of him could be happy in Chamber. He didn’t want to admit it, he didn’t start this job, no this life to fall in with Chamber. Chamber was supposed to be the enemy- he was supposed to want to take them down. The necromancer still had the same end goal but the draw he felt to Chamber was unexpected this quickly. Yes, many of the inhabitants were odd- twisted and cruel. Yes, they didn’t meet the code of morality that most of Bequanna did, but he knew his mind and knew that in reality Chamber could suit him.
Keeva might smell Chamber upon him but she didn’t know why- and she didn’t know how he felt about Chamber how he knew in a way he already was one of them. Her temper erupted and she spoke angrily of her own abilities and what he must promise to her. A promise he could not keep, not in earnest. He listened intently, his eyes flashing with his own temper, which was easy enough ignite. His anger was not truly at her, she had a point after all. No, his anger was a deflection of his feeling about Chamber- even if he wasn’t aware of that fact. There was a moment before he responded, where he wanted to calm, but his own anger bubbled up and over flowed. She had seen it before- he was not truly a softhearted creature. He decided she needed to know exactly what she adored- what she loved.
Nymphetamine stilled and reached out with his mind, feeling down into the ground until he felt it. His mind wrapped around it, and pulled it up out of the dwelling below their feet. The floor beneath them rumbled as dirt shifted away from the thing rising from the ground. Nymphetamine looked at Keeva darkly, she needed to know this about him- to understand him. Just beyond them and to his left stood a corps of horse long since dead. This one was lacking the flesh that typically dripped from these creatures; it must have been at rest for quite some time. Nymphetamine told the corps to rear- and it did, he told it to canter off in a circle around them and it did. He did this all with his mind- there were no words spoken as the dead beast completed his tasks and Nymphetamine watched for the fae reaction. He didn’t give her time to talk, but spoke frankly, dark, and raspy. ”Part of me already is a Chamber beast. You cannot control the dead and be, in some way, connected to the twisted beasts.”
He began to realize his anger was not with her then. His tail flicked, and he huffed out a sigh of sorts. He didn’t like that she was so hateful towards Chamber due to his own ability to see how he fit there. If she hated Chamber- she probably hated this part of him. But he could do nothing about it, he wouldn’t hide himself for the fae’s sake. He shook his head and the corpse fell to the meadow floor in a heap of clacking bones. He told the dead thing to slowly return to the ground- not wanting to rumble and disturb the fae more. His voice was calmer, his realization allowing the anger to shrink back into its container. I’m a Necromancer, a dark gift, but I do not dislike it. More so, I enjoy this gift…I don’t know if I like how he connects me to Chamber. You need to understand, I can promise to not be something I already am- in some way.”
Eventually their conversation turned back to them staying together, helping each other, and he was back at her side. He wasn’t happy about her being involved, but Chamber would already know of her- the invisible babysitter-bird on his back would report of her. But would report nothing that could make them think he was against them- as he had said nothing- had kept her in the dark of his true job. It was mentally draining to check himself constantly, but he must to keep himself and Keeva safe. One day he would tell her, she may understand his reaction more, but until them he would have to deal with it. She spoke warmly now- her eyes soft again. He was fascinated how her eyes changed when she was angered and when she was not. They seemed to physically change and the moment whatever irritation left her mind they transformed to these shining pools. He wanted to help him, have his back, and she wasn’t afraid of a fight.
He was proud of her, of her will, even if he didn’t want to allow her to put herself in danger’s path. He knew that she was strong willed- obviously so, and that she would do as she wished, he would be ill advised to try and stop her. So when she said she would help him- and wanted to, he just pressed against her. He swallowed his protests, and let her have his back, ”I may not be invincible, but neither are you. We will travel together and you shall work alongside me, but I call the shots in Chamber, you are not to actively engage with them or show yourself. I will tell you why when I can. But for now, please do not fight me on this. If I find myself in trouble, I will call for you.”
He was not going to budge on this but he kept his face open and warm though his will tough and telling him to harden. But he had been too quick to anger so far, and he had to watch himself- he had a right to be angry and frustrated- but it should not be at her expense. He listened to her and then got her walking. She spoke of why she left the stallion, Kii. She was so sure of herself and what she deserved- Nymhpetamine wondered how she came to want him- young, much younger than she, and less stable that she deserved. He moved along, listening and feeling he possessiveness of his heart take hold of her as she aid she wanted to belong to him. He nodded, and reached out with his maw and brushing her neck before returning to watch where he went. ”You really are strong-willed. But you will never belong to me. But I will welcome you to stay by my side as long as you wish.” They approached the creek and she turned the questions to him. He stopped, and lowered his head to drink. He didn’t really enjoy talking about himself, his past especially, but she deserved to know about him.
He raised his head and looked at her, his eyes became a little distant, as he told her the tale of how he came here. His voice grew a little bitter- the anger rippling outward, at the memories.”I came to Bequanna after a long journey. My entire kingdom, and region was burned after an attack on my parent’s lands. My parent’s ran a kingdom similar to gates---just not as heavenly. They were attacked when I was barely a year and a half; the raiders set fire to our lands, but the fires were not contained by the power-wielders. The fires spread fiercely taking out the common lands between kingdoms, as well as other kingdoms not that were not a part of the attack. My parents died, while getting me, and other young ones from our kingdom out. The raiders had no qualm with us; the raid was unprovoked. I traveled for months, alone, until I found Bequanna… and well now I’m here.”
The now three year old fell silent, allowing her to react, absorb, and for him to squash memories. He wasn’t looking for a pity party, or even comfort. It was his past, and he had to find resolution himself. It was what made him drastically more mature than most 3 year olds, what made him so independent, and so angry. The fires were what drove him to take on the life he had now, and no amount of coddling would change it. Nymhpetamine watched Keeva closely, curious how she would move forward with this knowledge. The creek flowed, and the world turned around them, but the necromancer was at peace for a moment, feeling like it was a moment that he would remember.
in my heart, that barless prison discolours all with tunnel vision
ooc: o.o just over 1400 words.....whoops. muse vomit ^.^