Welcome home (Syl) - Printable Version

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Welcome home (Syl) - Skullu - 10-23-2015

Despite the long walk to their home it was a comfortable silence, the mare had ample amount of time to talk but the walk was short lived in fact it felt like they where home in no time. He knew this by the way the air changed from humid to slightly cool and it smelt of salt. He smiled softly as the grass gave way to sand and some beach grass and the crashing of the waves became loud. He stopped at the top of the hill and looked down upon his land and looked over at his mare and smiled this is how life was supposed to be, a beautiful place to live in and a beautiful mare at his side. He closed his green eyes and relished the feeling that the cool air brought to his skin "What do you think darling?" he asked as he looked over to the brightly colored mare.

He took a moment and listened to the seagulls cry and call above them and how it sounded with the wave crashing and the breeze blowing at the right speed. The name of this place did it justice it was Paradise    


How am I supposed to fix you? When you love being broken?


RE: Welcome home (Syl) - Syl - 10-25-2015

The journey to Paradise Beach is a long one, made longer by the fact that she has to stop to give birth half way there. It’s a quick and easy birth, surprisingly, and they’re back on their way in a few hours. But by the time they reach the Beach, both Syl and the foal are exhausted.

The boy (that she’s named Szeth) immediately flops down into a hollow at the base of a tree with a loud sigh and closes his eyes. Syl smiles at the sight, then turns to look at their new home and take it all in. It’s a gorgeous little territory, with a long, thick forest ending in sparkling sand dunes at the water’s edge. Waves lap at the shore, and seagulls wheel and cry overhead. It’s beautiful and peaceful - a perfect place to start a new life.

Skull asks her what she thinks, and she turns to him, eyes shining and a big smile on her face. “It’s beautiful Skull. I love it already.” Her eyes turn to look at Szeth, already snoring at the base of the tree. Poor little thing, such a big day for him already. But this will be a good place for him, and Skull has been so welcoming to him already that she thinks he will be a wonderful father.

But for the moment, she thinks Szeth has the right idea. “Is there perhaps somewhere I could rest? It’s been quite a long day.”


when you think of love do you think of pain?

RE: Welcome home (Syl) - Skullu - 10-25-2015

The roan watched as the little colt flops down at the base of the tree they were near to and with in moments he is asleep his little face peaceful. The stallion stood close to Syl watching the waves crash. The little family had been through a lot in one day, tensions at the field and then the birth of Skulls adopted son, which he was proud to be the stand in father for such a strong little foal. When the bright mare asks if there is a place to rest, since they had a long stressful day, he nods and smiles then replies "Yes, not to far from the beach there is a cluster of mangroves and in the middle is a nice thicket big enough to fit 3-5 horses so it should be more than enough space to keep safe and rest" He said walking over to the colt and gently nuzzling the tiny body.

"Come now little one, lets get you to your new home. You can rest there and you will be safe. I'll stand and protect you" he said is green eyes hooded and his body relaxed his tone soft and sweet. He loves this child as if he was his own. He was belligerently happy with how the events turned out today


How am I supposed to fix you? When you love being broken?

RE: Welcome home (Syl) - Syl - 10-26-2015

Now that she’s safe in Skullu’s home, her mind can’t help but travel back to the field. The pale, red-eyed stallion (Gryffen was his name?) that had accosted them there had scared her a little. He and been intimidating and aggressive, and he had wanted Syl. She’s thankful that Skullu had been there to give her another option, and grateful to Exemplary and the chestnut stallion who had backed them up. Their timely arrivals had protected her. It’s one thing for a stallion to take on one stallion and a very pregnant mare. It’s another thing entirely for him to take on two stallions, and two mares (albeit one pregnant mare).

She’s safe now, or so she hopes. The look on Gryffen’s face as she walked away makes her doubt. But there’s nothing she can do about it. She has her newborn son to worry about, and besides, she has faith in Skullu. His actions have proven him to be a good and honourable stallion.

She smiles at him as he speaks of a peaceful patch of mangroves. His little territory is becoming lovelier by the moment. “That sounds perfect.” She watches as he walks over to Szeth, nuzzling the little boy awake. Szeth blinks sleepily, then drags himself up onto his feet and shuffles quietly at his new father. Syl takes a few steps forward to join them, then looks to Skullu to follow his lead. She can’t wait to get a little rest.


when you think of love do you think of pain?

RE: Welcome home (Syl) - Skullu - 10-27-2015

Waves crash as they walked along side the beach as they made the short trip to the mangrove thicket the roan stallion flicked his ears as they came closer and a buck jumped from the trees spooked by the equines sudden approach to his resting spot. Once they got inside the noise from the outside muffled slightly and the light dimmed as they arrived at the opening in the grove. "Welcome home Syl and Szeth, I hope you two like it. If not I will go and find another place for you to rest." He said meeting Syl's eyes his eyes shining with affection. "For now we shall rest here and I will stand and watch over you." He said arching his neck and glancing at the foal beside him with his tiny muzzle pressed on to his leg, a smile graced his lips as he admired the tiny body of Szeth, he will make a tall proud stallion soon enough.

He walked to stand at the opening to the thicket to watch the sky turn a rose color mixed with a light peach color. This was his favorite time a day here at the beach because the water turns the same color as the sky does and it looks like a endless palate of paints an artist is mixing to turn the canvas into something beautiful. It reminded Skull of his own life because it was a boring blank canvas before he met Syl then the splashes of color appeared and it turned into something beautiful. He admired all the events that happened that day and a small smile made its way onto his lips.


How am I supposed to fix you? When you love being broken?

RE: Welcome home (Syl) - Syl - 10-28-2015

The walk to the mangrove stand is beautiful and as the minutes pass by, Syl feels all the more fortunate that Skull had found her in the field. She can see the beginnings of a life here, a wonderful, peaceful life, different from anything she’s ever known. Here she can forget her awful beginnings, her abandonment by her mother, her early life on her own, her family history, her time as Nerissa’s play thing …

She and Szeth can build a life here. They can be happy.

Her smile widens as they reach the stand and Szeth welcomes them in. “Thank you Skull.” She peers her head in, looking into the dim ring of mangroves. It’s quiet here - the mangroves dampen both light and sound - and the sandy earth looks soft and comfortable. Szeth for his part immediately makes himself at home - the boy stumbles on wobbly legs to a small depression in the sand and flops over, sighing loudly. She chuckles as he tucks his legs under him and his head to his side. The soft sound of snoring quickly fills the grove. “It’s perfect Skull. And look, Szeth clearly think so too!” He offers to watch over her and Szeth and her heart melts even more. “Thank you again Skull.” She hesitates. She’s never been much of one to talk about herself, she hadn’t even with Kreios, Szeth’s father, but there’s something about Skull. She feels that she can trust him, at least a little. “I … it’s not been an easy few years for me and … I really appreciate what you’ve done for us. Thank you, truly."

She looks away from him awkwardly, suddenly embarrassed. Then she walks into the grove and finds her own soft spot to lie down in, and lays her head down to rest.


when you think of love do you think of pain?