A Terror in My Eye - Rosesong - 10-14-2015
![](http://www.torange.us/photo/2/13/Horse-eye-black-and-white-1238492803_81.jpg) <!-- --> I walk down to the meadow, a terror look in my eye. I neigh for help, but fall down to the ground unconscious before I can finish calling for help. Blood trickled down her legs, from walking in thorn bushes. A fresh scar, from make a cat's claw, on her eye. Amoura beep
RE: A Terror in My Eye - Texas - 10-15-2015
and I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand He’s halfway to sleep when he hears the sound. Immediately alert, the bay stallion looks up but sees nothing, only undulating waves of golden summer-end grass. Still, he is sure he’d heard something, and decides to leave the shelter of his aspen copse to investigate.
Texas moves in the direction of the sound, his grown gaze searching at eye level. So when he stumbles on a mare laying in the grass he shies away for a brief moment before recognizing her as not a threat. It’s a mare that he’s never seen before, but for a moment her roan coloring reminds him of Eld. She’d looked nearly as bad as this mare when she’d arrived in the Falls, and so while he is tempted to leave her, he decides instead to stay.
The coppery smell of blood is off-putting, even to a General, but he lowers his black nose and nudges her gently on the shoulder. “Hey,” he says, tapping her side with one dark hoof, “Hey, wake up.” She can’t die here; the Meadow would smell terrible for months, and her body would attract predators. Best wake her up and find out what the matter is.
texas ![](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ruinedecho/texas_zpsym0omlqr.jpg)
RE: A Terror in My Eye - Rosesong - 10-20-2015
![](http://www.torange.us/photo/2/13/Horse-eye-black-and-white-1238492803_81.jpg) <!-- --> Amoura , she looked up at the stud. She tried to stand up, placing her hooves out in front of her. She finally stood up, looking around, but only able to see a blur. "Who are you?" she mumbled trying to visualize his face. All she could see was a huge blur. Amoura beep
RE: A Terror in My Eye - Crotch - 10-20-2015
Crotch, as always, is on the prowl looking for some mighty fine female tail. It's who he is. It's what he does. There is no changing this. So. Whatever. The obsidian steed treads lightly upon the topography, his banner held high; his petals swivel as the zephyr rustles the green spades above.
Finally he spots a damsel in distress.
Quickly, for Crotch is the fastest horse in all of Beqanna by a lot, he runs over to the fair maiden while she is still unconscious. "'Lo?" He nudges her with his soft velveteen muzzle. "Hey, are you dead?"
Noticing her scratches, he asks, "Hey, how did a cat reach your eyeball?"
Another behemoth approaches and Crotch says nothing when the femme fatale wakes, letting her speak.
RE: A Terror in My Eye - Texas - 10-21-2015
and I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand As she struggles to stand, Texas takes a few steps back, allowing her space. She’s not close to dead after all, at least if she’s able to stand and speak. That’s a relief.
He glances over at the paint stallion that’s arrived, and realizes that with any luck he might be able to pawn her off on him now that he’s been assured she’s not dying. “My name is Texas,” he replies as he turns back to the roan mare, “What’s your name?” texas ![](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ruinedecho/texas_zpsym0omlqr.jpg)