I'm so excited, delighted. - Printable Version

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I'm so excited, delighted. - Felinae - 09-19-2015

I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

#I’m writing in English again for the first time in ages, please bear with it! Feedback is always appreciated~

Poof. Just like that a bluish young mare appeared at the same spot a small bluebird had landed just a few moments before. Snorting softly she let her gaze travel across the plains of the meadow. The place had been her home for a while now, it had even been the place she was born some years ago. To be honest, she didn’t remember the exact amount of years it had been. As a young adult she had been on a trip to the Desert, going after the trail of her father, if her mother’s words had been correct.

The only thing Alausi had ever told about her father, Felidae, was that he carried the same blue colour as she did. And that had also exactly been the reason why her mother had always hold some grudge against her own daughter, while at the same time she couldn’t seem to let her go. Nowadays her mother was just as a mystical creature like her father was, and honestly, the cobalt blue roan mare didn’t really care. It was her life now and she wouldn’t waist it by trailing after unclear leads from the past.

It was strange to feel the ground underneath four hooves again, after having lived in her bird-form for quite a while. She had felt more safe that way, observing the grounds from high up in the sky and spending time safely hidden in the branches of a tree. Still feeling a little foreign she twisted her ears around, just as her gaze moved across the plains, trying to catch up with her body while taking in her environment once again. Eventually she lowered her head, still alert, to start grazing. Feeling more secure in the proximity of some trees she didn’t really move from her spot, finding support in the idea she could just jump up to hide between those familiar branches.

RE: I'm so excited, delighted. - demian - 09-19-2015

i scrounge in the dark, digging up old memories of you and me
The differences in Beqanna had become the new normal and the old normal had become rare. Now it was all about who had a gift different then the rest of the them. One that was more powerful, or more unique, and on rare occasion both. So when the jaguar king stood at the edge of the meadow and watched the bluebird shift into a cobalt blue roan mare, he barely flinched. Instead his lips quirked upwards into a slight smirk. It wasn't every day that a trait presented itself in such a delicate manner. And even more so rarely did it's colors follow afterward.

It wasn't the fact that her trait was so different that had caught the stallions attention, it was the delicacy of it that had caught his eye. It was so very rare to witness delicacy in a land that had been ravaged in the many ways it had in the past century. "Hello," he allows his smirk into a smile as he alerts her to his standing behind her. If she were to look back at the moment, she would notice how the jaguar spots caused a soft orange glow to surround him in the shade of the trees until he stepped out into the sunlight, dimming their glow.

With lighthearted steps he moved up next to her and now the most prominent feature of his own were the graying set of wings tucked carefully at his sides. "I sometimes wish I could do that. Turn into a little bird, rather than have to lug these big things around all day." He lifts his wings slightly in a sort of strange shrug and lets his smile change into a sort of awkward tilt. He was almost grateful at this moment. He had wondered where the awkward side of him had gone in the past year. Ruling a kingdom had seen to strip it of him and he had always liked that little part of himself.

Slowly he steps a bit away from her, turning slightly so as to face her in order to show her he didn't pose a threat. "I'm Demian, are you new around here?" Now that's one typical greeting... He had completely intended to be headed home, but her pretty blue color had been too difficult for him to ignore. Though what harm could it do? To meet a new face and put off going home to attend to his daily duties? No harm had ever come from taking the time to say hello to someone. At least not yet. He meets her gaze, his dark brown eyes searching her own before he looks out at the gathering groups dotting the neutral territory.

"I do apologize if I am bothering you or if I interrupted your waiting for someone. Just figured since you had landed right in front of me that I'd say hello." With a soft chuckle he rolls his shoulders in a slight shrug before glancing back to her.


RE: I'm so excited, delighted. - Felinae - 09-20-2015

I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

It was the greeting word that first alerted her of the stranger’s presence. Slightly surprised her head moved up in the air while her ears turned towards the sound and head slightly to the side to look at her sudden companion. Felinae had deemed herself safe, how wrong she had been, the little forest offered a home to other beings too. It was only a short moment that she thought she had seen glowing orange spots painting the male’s coat, but right now he supported a totally natural color, unlike herself.

Having recovered from the shock the blue girl dipped her head slightly, a friendly smile supporting her lips as she looked at the stranger. “Good day.” It had taken her lips a moment to form the words, it had been a while ago since she last had been around others. Even though her coat supported a bold color, her personality was much softer. A slightly shy and even a little naïve, still pure and unformed like a newborn was.

A soft snickering sound came from her direction, the smile that had been on her lips only grew. “But you at least know the feeling of the wind underneath your wings” she replied, eyeing the greying wings before glancing at her own back. The stranger might be right, but Felinae wished she could unfold her wings right now, to ruffle them in the air before tucking them against her body again. Somehow the awkward air of the still stranger made her feel at ease, it was like he seemed less threatening with the goofy look.

“New?” A grin appeared on her lips when she repeated his words. “Not at all. It was somewhere in these fields that I took my first steps as a newborn at my mother’s side.” She met Demian’s gaze again after she had let her gaze travel across the fields. “My name is Felinae” she finally finishes the introductions after introducing herself too.

Stretching he head out in his direction she sniffs the air. He smelled so different than the sounds of the meadow she knew so well. But it were Demian’s words that prevented her from speaking up about it. After hearing his words she bursts out in a few giggles, shaking her head as she looks up to meet his gaze with a small smile. “Please, do not apologise yourself. You’re not bothering anyone”she replied right away. If it had been possible a small blush would have supported her cheeks as she realised what he had said, he had seen her shifting forms, how could she have been so careless to show it just to anybody. Mentally scolding herself for a moment longer she lifts her head again to look at Demian again. “If I may ask, what brought you to the meadow in the first place? I can tell this isn’t your home like it is mine.”