pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Printable Version

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pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Tantalize - 09-13-2015


infinity overhead

and i whisper, are you listening?

It had gone rather better than she had expected. The pale mare had been waiting patiently for her in the cold shadows of her mountain home, the smokey girl at her side. ”I’m your Aunt Liz” She had greeted the child with her usual faint wisp of a smile, feathered wings and jaguar spots easily drawing the child’s attention. ”Your mom has asked me to take you on a little trip.” Since her wings were still useless to her and she had nothing to grab onto the child anyway, they had to travel the old fashioned way. She couldn’t help but feel though that she was being watched, the ravens in the trees creeping her out as they stared down at her intensely but not saying a word. It was more alarming then if they had all sounded an alarm. She knows Gryffen will know it was her. That is… If he doesn’t know already. Retribution will come swiftly.

It’s a long trek to the jungle and she only takes minuscule breaks for the child, knowing she needs to rest but not wanting to dawdle too long in case the white wolf was on their heels. While she had been craving coolness, it’s with relief that she sees the thick borders of her home and feels the humidity make her body break into sweat instantly. Once the are enveloped by greenery, she slows her pace. Although she knows these twisting paths well, the girl does not. There are many obstacles in the way, many new sights and smells and sounds that distract her. The jaguar mare does not mind, enjoying the fact that she no longer needs to hurry even though anxiety claws at her mind. She does not know what this action will mean for the Amazons and even more so… What this will mean for her. She needs to seek out the new Khaleesi immediately. As they explore the jungle, eventually the make their way to the usual stomping grounds of the sisters. It’s hear that she issues out a soft call for her Queen. As they wait for her, golden eyes gaze down at her niece and she asks her softly. ”Are you alright?”

pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Anguisette - 09-13-2015

The heat of the jungle feels strange on my skin, the closeness of the foliage stifling in comparison to the cool mountain home I come from. Where my past was craggy rocks and lands with beating hearts, my future is being shaped amongst the sisters. I had followed my aunt obediently the whole way, my little legs aching with the effort. I said not a word. Only my dark eyes showed the swirl of emotions I was feeling. Fear, for my future, grief, for leaving my family behind and a healthy dose of curiosity. The resiliency of youth was firmly on my side, and though the pain of leaving all I had known ached until I thought I would never escape it, time would ease the worst of the grief.

At the moment, it felt like my heart would never stop hurting.

Maman had told me very little, brushing away my myriad of questions with bright eyes and an encouraging smile. I was going on an adventure to a land where mares were in charge, she said. My Aunt Liz was very important and would look out for me. And most importantly, she'd said as she nuzzled the spot next to my ear, I must be very good and try not to think of her.

My young heart quailed at the thought but she had been quietly insistent.

You will have great opportunities before you, little one, and a new maman to watch over you. I love you too much to keep you here. And then she had watched us leave. My last sight of her was a pale ghostly form being swallowed by the mist, watched over by ravens.

I shivered at the memory, unconsciously pressing against my aunt's side. Her warmth wasn't the warmth of my mother but it was a small comfort. I bit back tears, concentrating on the path before us. I didn't think I would ever learn this place with all its twists and turns. I imagined I saw a black slinking form amongst the brush, and my ears shot forward, startled.

Aunt's question shifted my attention and I looked up at her, my voice shaky as I spoke.

"I'm tired, Aunt Liz." I nosed her side. "We're here, aren't we? I live here now… without maman or my father."

What am I to do without them? I wonder. My mother's words gently chastise me and I make an effort to obey as my aunt's call rings forth.

"Please, who are you calling for?"

daughter of Gryffen and Minette

RE: pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Lagertha - 09-14-2015

this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
Lagertha’s time is no longer her own, and if the warrior mare thought herself busy whilst General, Khaleesi is a whole other fucking story. Not that she minds, really. If this is what it is to serve the Kingdom, then bring it on. The iron woman would rather fall asleep exhausted every day and wake up eager to see what the next day brings, than a life of simplicity and boredom.

It is late in the day, and just when Lagertha thinks she’s done, she hears another, unexpected call. She pauses for a moment, trying to figure out what on earth it could be - but it doesn’t matter. With a shake of her head, she follows the sound, weaving in and out of the entangling foliage as quickly and quietly as she can. It can be a struggle sometimes, with her horns. But after a short time, she breaks through to the clearing and quickly finds the now-winged bay mare and… oh. A foal.

A foal?!

Lagertha mentally tries to wrack her brain and see if there were signs that Liz was pregnant. Is she really that freaking unobservant? As she moves towards the two at a trot, she notes that the child’s coloring is vastly different than Liz’s, which doesn’t always mean something, but often can. Perhaps the mare had taken a trip to the Adoption Den? But if so, why would she have summoned Lagertha? They would have met eventually. A handful of questions race through her mind as the horned mare slows down and stops in front of the two of them, a blatantly curious look on her face. She offers the child a small smile and eyes her slowly her up and down, eyes softening into something almost motherly. Almost. Then she shifts her gaze to her Sister. “Liz?” she asks simply, a short request for an explanation that hangs heavily in the already humid air.

What could be so important for her call to the Khaleesi this late in the day?

carnage x grim reaper; amazonian khaleesi

RE: pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Tantalize - 09-14-2015


infinity overhead

and i whisper, are you listening?

The poor girl was exhausted, dead on her hooves. While Liz didn’t actual have much of a mothering instinct (probably something she had inherited from her own dam) she still felt sorry for her and a need to protect her. She had given the battered mare her word that she would do the best she could to keep the child from it’s father and she would do her best to keep her promise. Her muzzle brushes gently against the dark cheek of her niece. ”Yes you live here now…” A rustling from the undergrowth alerts her to someone coming and as Sette asks who she has called for, she merely gestures to the mare appearing before them. ”For her of course.”

As Lagertha approaches with a questioning look, she can’t help but chuckle softly. Realizing what this looks like. ”Not mine.” She says with a shake of her head and then brings the girl forward. ”Sette this is Lagertha, Khaleesi of the Amazons. Lagertha, this is my niece Anguisette.” With the pleasantries down, she ushers the girl to lay down nearby as she discusses things with the horned woman. It would not do for the child to overhear them. When she is certain they can’t be overheard, she quickly explains in hushed tones. ”Her mother came to me asking me for help. The father is abusive and manipulative and she wanted a better life for her child so she asked me to take her while she stayed behind.” Here she pauses, feeling bad that she could not convince her to come as well. Also a bit hesitant to explain exactly why she had called Lagertha into this. ”The problem is the father is with the Chamber. And he will not be pleased that I’ve taken her away.” Golden eyes meeting hers as she gives a somewhat helpless shrug. ”His name is Gryffen and he’s my brother. Half-brother I should say.” Quickly correcting herself, wanting to distance herself from him as much as possible.

Arching her neck as her head turns to look at the foal, she murmurs softly. ”I didn’t know where else to bring her but here. He could easily find her in the Adoption Den. Here she’s at least protected.” A sigh falls from soft lips. ”If I need to find her somewhere else to stay then I understand. But I figured I would ask you first, considering the circumstances.” And of course by this she means putting themselves on the line to receive the retaliation she’s sure the Chamber will send.

RE: pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Joscelin - 09-15-2015

There's a song in your lung and a dream in your eye.

She hadn’t intended to be a part of their small meeting, hadn’t realized she would be right in the middle of things when she had chosen this place to try and get a few hours of sleep. But of course, since she is here, she cannot help but listen in. They hadn’t realized she was an inadvertent attendee of this meeting. She had been sleeping, at least for a moment. But their voices had woken her. Fortunately she hadn’t lain down for this nap, so it is a simple matter of stepping out of the foliage.

He skin is dark at the moment, no hint of light leaking from the cracks. Nor does she allow it to now that she is fully awake and aware. She doesn’t wish to frighten the child after all. Lagertha she had recognized immediately, the cadence of her voice easily recognizable. And though she has seen the mare with the jaguar spots before, they have not yet had the opportunity to meet.

She had caught most of their conversation thus far, enough to know the filly is the spotted mare’s (Liz, Lagertha had called her) niece and that the girl had been rescued from an abusive situation. The filly is settled into the nearby underbrush, exhaustion written clearly into every line of her small body. Her golden eyes flash as a hint of anger rises. That anyone could abuse a woman, much less a child, is despicable. She has half a mind to find this Gryffen character for herself, to teach him some respect.

But this is neither the time nor the place for such things. She gives a brief nod to the two women before approaching the curled up filly. She is slow, careful in her approach, so as not to frighten the girl. Dropping her muzzle, brushes it gently against the dark filly’s shoulder, offering her best attempt at a comforting gesture.

Hello. I’m Joscelin.


Tiphon x Elysteria

html c insane | picture c

pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Anguisette - 09-15-2015

A strange gray mare appears. My eyes widen, not in fear, but in childish wonder. I had thought my father unusual with his pale coat and glowing red eyes. But this mare has horns! Beautiful and elegant, they are ridged and look like they could scare anyone she didn't like. Perhaps the world is full of unique horses like this. For the first time I cast a rueful look on my own smoky black coloring. It certainly isn't as interesting as horns, or wings like my aunt.

She smiles at me. I return her flash of affection with an eager one of my own.

A Khaleesi? What is that? I think, curiously, but I am too tired to ask. I don't protest as Aunt Liz gently leads me to a cool spot to lie down. I can see her and Lagertha, the horned mare, but their voices are hushed. I frown a little. Will I forever be too young to know what is going on? It seems everyone but me knows why this is my home now, and why my maman is no longer mine.

I blink back tears, just as another new face makes an appearance.
Curiosity beats out my sadness and I find myself wondering if she will have something like wings or horns. I am starting to believe that everyone in this place is special. Maybe it wouldn't be such a scary place after awhile, especially if I could learn how to get around.

She introduces herself gently, and her voice is pleasant. I look up at her, my brown eyes wide.

"Hello." I whisper. "I'm Sette. It is, um, very nice to meet you. I think that's what I'm to say."

I yawn, and give Joscelin a sheepish smile. Maman had tried to teach me as much as she could about proper manners, but I was more interested in exploring. I return Joscelin's soothing touch with a nicker and lay my head down, dozing.

daughter of Gryffen and Minette

RE: pick apart the pieces you left | Sette, Lagertha, Any - Lagertha - 09-16-2015

I am iron and I forge myself

Some of the sisters might be called Feminists, but Lagertha is not one of them. Mostly because she doesn’t discriminate between mares and stallions. If she had followed in her brother’s path and taken herself to the Valley, she imagines she might have made the same strides there. But as it is, she chose the Amazons instead, and so she has a kingdom of women as her family. That doesn’t mean she’s going to champion all of female kind, and it doesn’t mean that she hates men. Bullies? Sure. Men? Nope.

Lagertha simply hasn’t found a stallion that is her equal. Someone who could match her physically and handle her dominant, almost combative (yet cool) nature.

When Liz returns from setttling the filly in for the night, Lagertha listens to the story, her lips pursing together into a hard line when she hears what’s going on. Not cool. Definitely not cool. “If we use the term ‘rescued at her mother’s request,’ I don’t think anyone can fault us except the father. We will deal with the Chamber if it comes to that.” She snorts in disgust at the thought, though she realizes that wars have been started over similar ‘insults.’ “And you will not be going anywhere. The Jungle is very safe.Even if they could find their way through the Jungle, you know the land very well and could hide her.” She pauses, an idea coming. It isn’t traditional but… might help?

“...Or I can always adopt her and give her my personal protection. I’d like to see someone try and mess with a Princess of the Jungle.” What a lucky little girl she would be, going from abusive father to princess in the span of a day. Not that Lagertha is an easy, or even good mother.  But she might be better than nothing.  


warrior queen of the amazons