these wounds won't seem to heal; drow/any - Printable Version

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these wounds won't seem to heal; drow/any - noellen - 08-24-2015

anyone is welcome (:

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears

It has been days since that god-forsaken day had passed.

She can faintly remember the events that had occurred during her blood-loss induced wooziness. Familiar and pained mismatched eyes overtake the majority of her memories; she remembers the pleasure Khaos had derived from putting that very pain into those beloved eyes. But she doesn’t recall much of how she had arrived back into her safe little cave and curled around her son.

All that lingered was the grief and the pain.

But she had been saved by one she had never physically met. She’d only ever heard wonderful stories filled with love and affection about Quark – the mother of her dear friend. The compassionate gypsy mare had come to her during her time of need and had healed the many wounds that had been so cruelly etched into her hide. She was forever grateful that she wouldn’t have to parade for the rest of her life bearing the giant branded ‘K’ into her side. Noellen also attributed Quark to the survival of her unborn child for it was surely a miracle that she hadn’t miscarried during Khaos’ punishments. Then again, he had avoided her swollen belly for the most part.

The silver black girl remained unaware of Khaos’ fate, but she had no desire to ever return to Silver Cove. Emerald green eyes close briefly in remembrance of a quick flight over the land, softly cradled in a dragon’s claws, and then ever so gently placed within the jungle’s sheltering hands. Quark had assured her of her family’s safety and that all their needs would be easily met within their little sanctuary. Here she and her son had recuperated from their ordeal and here was where she had safely given birth to her third child – a silver black boy named Lawson.

Noellen fondly wondered if she was cursed to only have sons. She couldn’t deny that she loved all three of her sons fiercely, but surely it’d have been nice to have added a little girl to the mix as well. She glanced back into the lush foliage where her two younger sons where currently curled up together for an afternoon nap. Breathing the moist, hot air of the jungle in, she began to recall some of her earlier adventures with Drow within this place. It’s been years since she had last stepped foot within the kingdom, but it has certainly done much to help her though some of her mental healing.

She had been so lost and so depressed before. But her time spent here was doing wonders in helping her overcome her heavy emotional burdens. But she still remained quite anxious for news of any kind. Had Drow truly been healed? Quark had told her that he was healing. But Noellen hadn’t seen either of the two since she had been rescued. The silver black girl had moved her family closer to the others in hopes of perhaps seeing either of the two. Her worry was growing with each day.


html c insane | pic c | bg pic c

RE: these wounds won't seem to heal; drow/any - Tantalize - 08-31-2015


infinity overhead

and i whisper, are you listening?

When she wasn’t hunting down the few links to her past, she had taken to following the silver jaguar cub that roamed the jungle, the essence of the Amazons wrapped up in a quite fitting form. It become almost like a protective patrol, having no other purpose to serve in her spare time and that spare time seemed to spread for days. Today the jaguar cub, who was getting less like a baby everyday, was prowling through the undergrowth and the jaguar mare was prowling behind it. Every now and then she ripped a fern from it’s holding, eating quietly as her golden eyes never left her charge. The cat was moving with intent today, leaving her with less chance to grab her lunch. Soon they were both bounding through the foliage, the jaguar leaping through the trees and the jaguar mare galloping below it. Her footing rarely stumbled, having known these paths and it’s tricks for years. She wonders where they are headed, what the spirit exactly is looking for.

When she finally slows and catches her breath, the big cat is lounging across a log and looking none the worse for wear. It’s gazing at a mare and her own golden iris’s take in the female with some caution. After everything she had encountered and been through, she fell to suspicion quite quickly. Better to be safe than sorry. ”Hello.” She greets quietly, coming to stand before the spirit predator with a protective stance. This mare is unfamiliar and while she smells of the jungle… She’s never seen her face before. The Amazons had been unusually quiet so a stranger in their midst was something that should have been quickly picked up. However they were quite deep in the folds of the territory, not an area that everyone was eager to explore. ”Are you lost?” She asks, not sure what to make of the whole situation. If the spirit is at ease then she should be as well but her body will not allow it nor will her brain and heart.