[private] ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS - Printable Version

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ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS - Zain - 06-13-2024

One could say the undead thing was on a mission.  There was an insatiable twisting in his gut that rumbled demands.  Beckoning his feet to move from any resting position, fore he could rest when he was dead.

Well maybe not given current events.

His glowing red orbs look upon the angelic formation now, in the blackened night.  What kind of demonic kingdom has a healing waterfall?!  It was asinine, and he was looking to fix that.  Surely if Pangea had a magical entity, so too did the other lands.

Deciding best not to cross into the Dale, having stolen two of its members very recently, he looks to the land of pine forests.  His lengthy gate carries him swiftly out of the barren desert and into the cover of pines. 

It wasn't hard to find the magic seated there.  He was a creature of fire and to find a tree eternally burning without becoming ash was quite the sight.  He appraises it silently with a twisted grin on his undead face. 

Moments pass and there is a feeling that crawls across his body.  A warmth, a burning.  It prompts him to turn around and see a set of silver eyes peering at him from within the dark cloak of the pine boughs.  The devious grin returns to his face as he offers a greeting, “Well hello there.  Who might you be?” 

The zombie man was accustomed to playing with fire and today is no different.

ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

@ Kreed

RE: ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS - Kreed - 06-13-2024

The Ringmaster grew restless tonight, as with most nights.  I preferred to slumber on and off in the heat of the day, leaving my patrolled wanderings to the cool air of the night.  As with most night walkers it was simply customary.

So it does not surprise me when I scent another crossing into the thick pine cover.  He tastes of dust and death, and when my eyes fall upon him, staring at my Chambers entity, I am not shocked that he looks of it.

My silver eyes watch as he hungrily covets the spiraling flames of the eternal light.  It's orange glow refracts off my eyes giving them a ghostly shimmer.  I remain unmoved within the confines of the trees, only sending out a thread of magic that coaxes the undead creature from their fixation on the tree.

When he turns to find me peering at him he would not know that it was I who moved him.  Not physically obviously, but just a slight sensation that would prompt a feeling of not being alone in this place.

My assumption that he is a nightwalker too is confirmed in the curl of his torn lips as he speaks at me in smooth tones.  Those of the light would be hesitant to converse with shadows, let alone ask them their name.  Nor would they be fumbling around in the darkness unless very lost.  The reflection in his face says he is right where he wished to be.

So I step out from the black shroud, allowing the light of the tree to show me for what I am.  The crown of bone I wore was held high, even to one of tall stature like him.

My eyes held his gaze, examining his face more deeply now.  There was a smugness about the way he spoke.  And that grin held a thirst –for what I was not sure.  My stone expression hints my lack of amusement in the situation.

“I think a better question is who are you and why are you in my kingdom?” I say with no clear emotion as I take another step from the pine trees.


Crown of Bone and Thorn

RE: ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS - Zain - 06-13-2024

Even though purpose had driven him here, he was not dead set on any particular outcome.  So when the apparent Queen steps from the fog and reveals her true self without introduction he is not surprised.

Her voice is hollow but her question does not go unanswered for long.  “Ah so you are the ruler of this fine land.  I am Zain, of Pangea, the Kingdom of Carnage,” he says simply.  He had no reason to lie to the unnamed ruler.

His glowing red eyes begin to appraise her now.  The spirals of bone, the bristle like coat and cloven hooves.  She was perfectly suited for what he had seen of this land.  But her other inquiry had gone unanswered so he offers it now.  “I was simply admiring your entity here,” his body shifts as the glowing light of the flames dances alongside his shadows.  “It is very fitting of your land… Unlike Pangea that harbors a healing waterfall,”  there is a slight hint of disgust in his voice at the mention of the anomaly in his homeland. 

The undead thing was no fool and he had no intentions of laying claim to the burning tree.  Not now anyhow.

ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

RE: ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS - Kreed - 06-13-2024

It is only now, when they stand squared off, does my view move to the burning tree. 

Surprise does not come to my face when he says he is from Pangea.  I had expected as much given the way he looked and acted.  What does stir interest is the way he states the land as being governed by Carnage. 

When I had first returned to Beqanna I had made a stop in the kingdom but had found no one there.  I remember stories from my grandfather, who ruled over Pangea, and of Carnage's influence there.  How odd the dark God had regained leadership after all this time.

My attention is shifted when he speaks of the entity and its worthiness within my kingdom.  The crown of bone on my head simply dips in agreement.  An eternal burning pine in a forest of pines, there could be nothing more fitting.

I sense the undead stag had come here looking for something and I can't help but assume it is an entity with his soured words of his own lands.  “That is quite odd,” I pause in thought, “Pangea does not strike me as a land of healing…  I have heard of a southern kingdom that may be fitting of such magic. There is little I know about the land but it is said to be next to heavenly," which is probably why I haven't ventured that far, I think.


Crown of Bone and Thorn

RE: ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS - Zain - 06-13-2024

Heavenly…” the word tastes sweet on his wicked tongue as he considers what information is given.  “Sounds like fun,” he says in an almost sadistic voice as a smirk tugs at his undead lips. 

Shadowed figures dance about his large sabino frame with angst.  A slight puff of smoke rises from his gritted smile, “then I best be on my way.” Destiny waited for no one in this world.  Only what you carved out with your own hands would leave their mark in the layers of these lands.

He walks forward and slips beneath the veil of darkness once more.

ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS