[PQ - in progress] causin' trouble in the dark - Printable Version

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causin' trouble in the dark - kalika - 05-21-2024

She marches up the Mountain, teeth gritted with determination yet again. Surely the fairies cannot refuse her forever… right?

Either way, she plans to be relentless in her pursuit of what she views as personal improvement. Just one chance to prove her worth, that she is more than a cotton candy powder puff of a soul.

They always say that the third time’s the charm, so she stands in the small clearing, resolve (and maybe just a touch of desperation) shining from her eyes.

all I want is a party doll to come along with me when I'm feelin' wild


image by mac4tu

Kalika has returned to quest for Poison Manipulation (3)
previous attempts: [1] [2]

RE: causin' trouble in the dark - Officials - 06-08-2024

Some poisons build up slowly, accumulating within the body until there is finally enough toxin that the victim begins to suffer. So it is with Kalika’s journeys here, the frustration mounting and ebbing, as the level of her determination builds up ever higher.

This time, at last, there is enough of it in her to affect the fairies, to rouse them from whatever it is they do when unsummoned.


Kalika has rolled for a successful quest. Bring the fairy three poisonous/venomous objects/plants/animals. Participate in at least 3 threads that must involve taking other horses on quests, finding the animal/plant/object and having to take/bargain for/steal/go through some obstacles to get to/whatever to actually get it.Respond here when you are finished, and link all posts.