[open] I Am Titanium |Auto Quest| - Printable Version

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I Am Titanium |Auto Quest| - Kreation - 05-09-2024

With my new found friend nestled between my wings, we had set out for the meet up spot.  Twisting and turning through the remains of forest, our way lit by the remnants of Tephra now safe in our grasps.  I was determined to return my little purple companion to its rightful home!

Assailant and I parted ways not long after exiting the forest.  Deciding it best to stay afoot, as to not lose my prize in the unpredictable winds, I proceed across the river waters.  My mismatched wings cling to my sides, slightly lifting to assure neither get wet.  Unlike the feline in my care, I did not care for water.

As I am about to climb the bank, I hear a plop…  Oh shit!  My neck cranes as my amethyst eyes scan the water for signs of the cat.  “You little turd get back here!” I call out while frantically scanning the area.

Suddenly a purple tail splashes above the river's surface, sending droplets air bound to cover my body.  I shake violently in response, before turning around and lunging into the water.  “Come here little fish cat,” I call out in a high-pitched voice, “here kitty kitty kitty!”

A small purple form dashes about beneath the crystalline surface around me.  I do not move for fear I would step on the little slippery bastard!

My eyes lock on the form as it turns and heads for me, it's outline obscured by the effects of the liquid it hid beneath.  A smirk creases my lips as I anticipate the creature's trajectory.

Jumping to the left with a “I gotcha!” I plunge my face into the cool waters and snatch the cat's scaly skin in between my dull teeth.

“Yous a bad bad kitty,” I slur from unmoving lips as I step towards the bank.

The purple creature swipes its webbed paws at me with hiss as it tries to free itself from my hold along the back of its nape.  I tsk at it as I reach the grasslands stretching from the river's shores. 

Once away from the waters I crane my neck around and drop the cat at my withers.  “There… Now you be a good fish cat and stay right where you are.”

It looks to me with its bright cat eyes, clear lenses wiping over them unnaturally as it blinks the dryness away in a reptilian-like manner.  A shiver creeps up my spine at the sight, “you are one strange looking thing, aren't you?”

With a tilt to its head, it looks at me with perplexed eyes.  Perhaps to it I looked strange, being all cyborg like.  We stare at each other for a little longer, a smile beginning to creep onto my features.

Soon it turns in a tight circle along my spine, the finned tail dragging along behind it, settling itself into a small, scaled ball between my wings.  “That's a good kitty,” I say, “you take a nap while I figure out where we are meeting everyone.”

My silver purple eyes look out across the vast expanse of land.  In the furthest distance was the Mountain, which was ultimately our end destination.

I march to a steady beat across the plains.  Occasionally I stray from my path to browse or if something sparkly should catch my eye.  I had an affinity for shiny things. It was a trait I got from my grandfather Klaudius, the ones whose bones I was fused with.  I also got his coloring, wings and filter less charm!

As I begin to muse over my family I find a slight spring in my step.  Part of me wonders if by bringing back Tephra I would also bring back my family.  If not in physical form, at least their essence.  Having been alone for so long, my heart longed to be reunited with them in any way possible.

Lost in thought I do not notice my rapid jolting of my pace has shaken awake my passenger.  That is until I feel tiny needles digging into my flesh. 

Stopping abruptly my spine arches at the tinge of pain, something I'm not accustomed to feeling.  “Hey, watch it up there!” I growl, “I'm not completely indestructible.”  I turn my head to look at the purple creature shifting itself around on top of me.

Turning to look at me, it sits, wrapping its finned tail around its front paws.  Then lifting one paw to lick it before rubbing it along its fin laced face.  As it runs the paw over its scaled flesh, it illuminates in a brilliant display of purple hues.  “Oooo shiny,” I say, part of me wished I could glow in such a way.

With its face now clean the fish cat looks to the delicate trinket of metal around my neck.  The clasp at my wither's chimes lightly with each shift of my body, enticing the attention of the creature.

Instinct brims within the cat as it swipes at the tiny metal links.  Now standing its tail twitches in a predatory nature.  “Oh you like that do you?  I made it,” a proud smile bears my pearly white teeth.  It was crafted a top the Mountain the day they gathered to quest to bring Tephra back. 

The creature's attention remains fixated on the intricate craftsmanship of the breast collar, adorn with my family crest.  “Hey, why don't I make you a little collar!”  I say excitedly as I turn, “come down here and stay still,” I instruct the purple cat.

Leaping down, it retains the sitting position it had on my back earlier.  With intense eyes it watched as I began to pull iron strands from my collar. 

It begins as a glowing meld of orange.  My magics twisting and crimping the metal to form a miniature version of its parent piece. 

The fish cat's eyes do not stray from the focus it held on the forming trinket.  Their only movement is the tracing of each bend in the metal as it is made.

Once finished I present the gift, holding it out for the creature to approve before securing it around its neck.  At first it looks to it with uncertainty, but then smiles and looks up to me with an approving mew.  I smile happily, “You like it huh?  It looks very sophisticated!” I wink as the cat turns a few times, then raises its head proudly. 

I laugh and motion my companion to climb aboard so we may continue on our journey. 

The fish cat smiles then lunges up onto my back.  It's tiny paws kneading my flesh as it turns and sits.  Curling my neck to look at it, assuring its security before moving on.  It leans forward, purring softly before pressing a single paw against my shoulder.  The same purple illumination flares up, but this time it seeps into my own flesh, causing a scrolling burst of glow throughout my body.  There is a warming tingle that radiates through my body.  “What was that?!” I say in surprise.  The fish cat only smiles as it composes itself again and sits tall atop my back.  I laugh before turning back and continuing on our way.

We arrive at the base of a large tree come dusk.  My amethyst eyes roam the area looking for any sign of the others.  “Hmmm, we must be early little friend,” I say kindly.  With a shrug of my shoulder, I turn to see the sun sink beneath the horizon.  “What a beautiful sunset!”  I say as I watch the bright oranges and pinks streak the sky.  But soon they give way to the dark tones of night, and I find even more beauty within the deep blues and purples.

Suddenly there is a soft purple glow coming from, what I think is my companion.  I turn to look and to my surprise the jagged lines I had seen on me before -from the creature's touch- is again illuminating my skin.  I find a stark similarity in it to the scrolling on the collars I had fashioned.  With a rise of brow I look to the cat, “Is this your gift to me?”  The cats head tilts in thought before nodding.

I smile graciously as I examine myself in the darkness.  Each line of lavender glow felt as if it had always been a part of me.  That it had been made that day my brothers and sisters crafted me in the volcano of Tephra.  Only now activated by the creature I had rescued from the forest and promised to return to their home.  Our home.

Little did I know this was only the surface of what my friend had gifted me in its appreciation.  Deep within me the iron of my body was intermingling with the magical properties the cat had bestowed upon me.  If I had thought myself indestructible then, I was even more so now. 

Never would the mortal sand of time etch away at my existence.  Nevermore would disease stifle me, its threats empty should it decide to encroach. 

My heart solidifies into an ironclad fist.  Its weakness's fading away as the magic of immortality consumed the last remains of my mortal being.

Say What You Wanna Say

Auto Quest for Immortality- given to her by the Felis Marus rescued from the forest in the Tephra land quest. 
Word Count 1535