[PQ - in progress] Fire Renews All - Printable Version

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Fire Renews All - Umani - 05-02-2024

Umani is sitting with Doctor, staring off into the night sky when she hears a call from the stars above the Mountain. A feeling of urgency washes over her as she realizes that she must embark on a quest. As she stands up, she looks up at the sky and sees a comet in the shape of a Phoenix streaking across the sky. Umani takes this as a sign that she is meant to join forces with the Phoenix and sets off towards the Mountain once again. She lets out a whinny, her mane flowing in the wind, as she yearns to be free and embrace the journey ahead. Perhaps this journey will bring her the closure she seeks.

She's questing for the 3-space Phoenix mimicry that was approved on Discord

RE: Fire Renews All - Cloud Fairy - 05-04-2024

Always they come, thinking that some flashy ability will solve all their problems. As if, once able to glow or cause boulders to explode, they still won’t be carting around the same baggage. It can be exhausting.

No phoenix appears before Umani. Nothing so poetic or beautiful. Instead a great ball of fire shoots towards her out of nowhere, slamming into her body. She will feel some pain, but mostly just uncomfortable warmth. When the largest flames die down, her entire body is left in living flame - bright and blinding to look at.

Congratulations, @Umani has successfully rolled for a quest!

For the duration of this quest, Umani is covered in fire and extremely hot to the touch - she will scorch the earth if she stands still for too long and burn anyone who tries to touch her. Which is why Umani must write at least (3) posts attempting to get someone to touch her despite the harm she will cause them. The attempts can be split between multiple other characters or with just one. The quest will only be considered completed once at least 1 other character touches her and is burnt (to whichever degree desired).

RE: Fire Renews All - Vic - 05-05-2024

Does this have to be played another person or can it be another one of my character? @Cloud Fairy