[open] You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear - Printable Version

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You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear - Spyglass - 12-05-2022

As if the sea had returned its treasure, she lay amongst the kelp and wet sands, her demure body salted and quivering with each zephyr combing through her inky black hair. Warmth would momentarily caress her ribs, pulling at her to return as the tides began to shift. The shallows beckoned her back, promising to cleanse her troubled heart, and she longed for the waves to sweep her away deep into the abyss. She knew how easy it would be to let herself slip away and yet she stirs, willing her long spindly legs deep into the sand, one after another until long at last she stands. Her delicately curved ears flatten against her tangled crown, defiant. Her dished face braces against the ocean horizon and she turns away to face the ruins. 

Memories like flickering lights flood her thoughts and she thinks that somehow if only she could regain her footing and make a run for it, perhaps they’d grow stronger. She tries to focus on the brightest of them, using it as a guide to usher her through the strange landscape and she hopes one will materialize. Things would make sense then. But she is dizzy now, her breath sharp and there is a trickle of scarlet dripping that she hadn’t noticed before. Those firelight memories dance away, and she is alone.

“Hello?” she mummers, her sweet voice raspy, throat full of sand.

Fear grips her, spurring on the drumming of her heart so loudly that it’s all she can hear. Her legs buckle as she panics and the world spins around her. Nothing is familiar.

“Anyone!?” she shrieks, overcome with dread.

This wasn’t right. She shouldn’t be alone on some desolate – island? She wasn’t sure. But she needed help, to know the comfort of even a stranger, and then maybe the world would stop spinning and she could make sense of her condition. Desperately she stumbles forward, catching herself on jagged rocks, forcing herself forward until the sands solidify and she can catch another breath. How long had it been? She felt the dampness begin to evaporate from her velvety coat, sunlight sinking into her bones that stretched it so thin. Hunger answered that it had been too long, but she could not bring herself to lower her head to quell its demands. Safety came first and there was nothing about this place that gave her any sense of such. 


I saw the world I had walked since my birth and I understood how fragile it was, that the reality I knew was a thin layer of icing on a great dark birthday cake writhing with grubs and nightmares and hunger.

RE: You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear - Siasus - 12-05-2022

He walks along the new place as his ears perk up, and he looks at her. "Are you alright?" His eyes were relatively wide; seeing how her condition was surprised him at first glance and first view. What can he do to help? Asking her, of course, he had no other choice but to ask.

He trots along over, but not too close as to startle her while looking at her with worry. "Did you need help?" His voice was reassuring and kind in hopes of easing her.

A wandering one he was, he only just stumbled upon the place that he stepped foot on and came across to see a lonely mare. The sound of his hooves hit the sandy like ground and rocks below as he kept his green eyes on her to ensure she wouldn't fall over or stumble further. "I'm Siasus. You?" He kept his voice the same, trying not to startle her in any way and still letting her know she was safe.


OOC: Sorry if it's plain background and all >.<

RE: You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear - Spyglass - 12-11-2022

It was if one of the gods themselves had appeared before her and she whinnied upon the sight of Siasus’s approach. She closed the distance between them, her face shoved into his as if catching herself with him – he was instantly her rock, the foundation on which she could stand now and she felt her heart grow lighter. At last, she wasn’t alone and as fate would have it, a kind stallion had come to her side. She breathed in deeply his scent and all that it told her of his strength and vitality, and she was indeed comforted. 


"W-what is this place?" She asks him, momentarily letting her gaze stray from his and travel the ruins, "where am I?"


Spyglass turns her attention back to him. She searches his face for answers. He seemed confident, unbothered by the bleak environment and she considers perhaps this is his territory, although a strange one to claim as home. 


"I'm sorry Siasus," she nearly cries again, "my name is Spyglass, of Heaven's Gates, and I'm..."


Her eyes close, her vision filled with scenes of her former home, long since lost to antiquity. It comes in bits and pieces, but mostly she remembers her love for her home, gentle faces and voices near and dear to her.


"I'm terribly lost."


Her head and neck fall, sliding now against his and she weeps into his shoulder. She is a small, frail creature completely at his mercy.


I saw the world I had walked since my birth and I understood how fragile it was, that the reality I knew was a thin layer of icing on a great dark birthday cake writhing with grubs and nightmares and hunger.

OOC: Sorry it took so long for the reply! I caught the stupid Covid lol

RE: You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear - Siasus - 12-11-2022

He was caught by surprise of her face shoving into his, but he didn't bother as he allowed her to take her time.  He kept his expression calm, looking at her with hopes to see her calm down first before they could speak.

Once he heard speak out and noticed that she calmed down. "This place is just the Ruins. I only roam around in it. There is nothing to be worried or afraid of around here from what I have seen so far."

He looks back at her as she was given the answers that he could give to the best that he could.

Seeing her just about to say more as he didn't understand all too well about her home, but he then lightly and gently bumper his face to hers before she weeps into his shoulder. "It's okay. I can help you as I am just a nomad of these parts. I do apologize if I come as odd or unusual from most that you may have met before. If anything, did you perhaps want the time to walk with me around here as I listen what is bothering you." He offers kindness and an ear to help her. Comforting her as best as he can, he worried about her well being.

"Do not let your heart be filled with heaviness."


ooc: Your okay. No rush in it. ^^