the world as i know it is coming to an end - Printable Version

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the world as i know it is coming to an end - Gale - 07-08-2022

this is going to break me clean in two --
this is going to bring me close to you

The rain had woken Gale, falling cold and heavy, drenching his iridescent navy hide with thick icy splashes. He could not feel his hind legs, and when the stallion lifted his head, found himself partially buried in the sediment of a creek bed. The water was colder even than the rain, and Gale reasoned it was probably why he cannot feel his legs.

The amount of time he’d clearly spent in the water would have permanently damaged most, but as Gale regained consciousness, his magic had begun to repair the damage wrought by months spent submerged. Soon he was standing, and the blue lightning flicker of his magic has ceased dancing across his hide.

Taking a drink clears his mouth of the taste of rot and mold, though he takes a second and a third, feeling the cool rush of the water as it settles in his stomach. When he raises his head and looks around, he recognizes nothing. The trees that surround him are mostly bare of their autumn finery but the hills he can see between the trunks might belong anywhere. He can see nothing from where he stands in the creekbed, but perhaps if he finds a higher vantage point?

Even as the thought occurs to him, an image appears in front of him. It is of Gale, iridescent blue and white winged, seen from above, the hills of the River’s eastern shoreline spreading out around him. Gale looks up, to where a black osprey flies in circles overhead. It’s Erne, his companion, and as Gale recognizes him, reality comes rushing back at him.

He Sees through Erne’s eyes how he’d come to be lying there in the water, how Mazikeen had tossed him out of Hyaline and the water had carried him here. Six months have passed, and Gale has only now woken from…whatever it was that had been.

He knows what Casimira and Beyza had meant. He understands why Malik still looks haunted despite his words saying otherwise. He knows why Mazikeen won’t have him in Hyaline.

He knows each intimate detail damage that the Curse had wrought while it inhabited his body, and the refreshing water of moments earlier feels suddenly like bil within him.

Overhead, the osprey circles while the navy stallion stumbles, then falls with a splash in the shallows.

When he wakes, the pair of them will make their way to Islandres.

I know this is the wrong season but when i started it it was still fall so whatever!

RE: the world as i know it is coming to an end - Heda - 07-09-2022

Since Heda had returned she had made it her mission to explore the changes within beqanna. Whether it be minute things, like the autumn toned fauna or the creatures within these lands she found herself reuniting with an old part of herself that had been hidden away for years. This was the self that once drew her to Loess. Although the meadow is very much a familiar place to the navy pointed damsel, there was much for her to explore.

As the wind carried her gold flecked wings, she allowed her gaze to study the terrain, she found that an aerial view often gave her a better perspective of what exactly had changed, and it wasn't much to note on. The meadow will forever be the meadow, it was untouched and just as she had remembered it. With average orange hued foliage dotting the land, signifying that autumn's lips had kissed every inch of the earth with the change of the seasons. Guiding her wings downwards she neared closer to the terrain, inspecting every inch with a sense of curiosity in hope of finding even the smallest change within this land but to no avail. That is until a glint of blue within a shallows of a creek catches her attention.

Her feathery limbs guide her as she gracefully glides towards the creek bed, as she draws closer by the second she realizes that this blue lump is a body, and a sense of urgency is ignited within her. Her mind swirling with worry as her glide turns into a dive down to the autumn hued earth, leaves crunching beneath her hooves as she lands hard and abrupt, navy legs staggering as she reaches the creek.

"Are you okay?" the words fall out her mouth laced with worry, as she peers down at the blue iridescent stag lying within the shallows. There is a familiarity within the hue of his coat, it reminded her strongly of her daughter's husband who was adorned with the same iridescent blue. Although worried about the state of this stranger, she couldn't help but think that perhaps this fellow could be one of her grandchildren, but first she must make sure this collapsed man is alright.
Love Is Weakness

@ Gale 
Couldn't help myself haha