[private] heartbreak is a warm sensation - Printable Version

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heartbreak is a warm sensation - galadriel - 08-23-2021


Galadriel has taken to only leaving Nerine when it rains. She doesn't see a point in leaving the cliffside territory when it has everything she needs within it: frothing ocean, dark beaches, and fickle weather.

There hasn't been much time since Rel discovered the water-magic that changed the very chemistry of her body, but she has spent nearly every waking second trying to understand it. Her control over it has been hastened by her lack of interest in literally anything else--hence why when a thunderstorm breaks out over the southern border of Nerine, it only takes a few minutes of concentration to sense where the water is traveling to.

The water-creature chases the crashing thunder and striking lightning, lithe legs fading in and out of liquid and solid states. She grins as she gallops, body bursting forth through copse after copse of trees until the Forest becomes too entwined for her to maintain such a speed. She weaves slightly slower now, altering her path to bring her parallel to the River. It babbles with the rushing noise of a body of water met with too much rainfall, and Galadriel feels her skin crawling with the energy it exudes.

It's too hard to resist the whispering river. Rel's body shivers and then bursts into liquid, melding with her lifesource as if she were born there. When she resurfaces, her head is there but instead of skin she is made up of constantly moving liquid. Even with her strange, impossible body, a grin of sheer delight is pleasantly spread across her face.

@Star we talked abt this forever ago and you were still on my list of starters <3

RE: heartbreak is a warm sensation - Nashua - 10-02-2021

Nashua comes to the River often.

It moves towards Hyaline, and sometimes the winged stallion likes to imagine that the current could carry his apologies towards the East. The loss of his youngest child is an ache that he can't escape, and the hollowing emotion inside his chest follows him even here. Nash carves out explanations and reasonings against his beating heart and no matter how the thoughts rip him apart, nothing brings Bolder back.

(It's something he wonders often, if Noel blames him for the loss of their son.)

But his misery does nothing in keeping the North together, and so the Freyr is forced to consider other things. Nash thinks about his last meeting with Reave, and the striped pegasus keeps replaying their conversation trying to find the source of his brother's anger. Trying to find exactly where the rift had happened (and all the Freyr can surmise is that it is Aela's fault, as it always is; nothing good can come from her scheming).

He carefully steps along, trying to reconcile his mind to the fact that his younger brother was no longer the lanky colt that once roamed the Taigan woods. He had blinked, and like his children, Reave had grown up with Nashua apparently missing much of his foalhood. Missing enough that the bone-armored stallion who now ruled Nerine (and was now his heir) was a mystery to Nash. Something about the way that the River moves and gleams in the summer sun catches his attention; the way that it churns makes him pause.

A head rises from the moving water - crystal clear and light refracting a thousand ways through the liquid - that makes Nashua cloak himself. He vanishes within a heartbeat, revealing nothing where a striped pegasus had stood moments before. "I didn't sea you there." The now invisible stallion calls out, feeling oddly amused with the situation; did water creatures enjoy dry humor?
