Give me just one more touch - Printable Version

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Give me just one more touch - Obscene - 05-13-2021

<link href=' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><style>#obsceneuno{background:url('') top left no-repeat;background-size:600px;border:2px #efeff7 solid;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #000000;width:600px;border-radius:300px 300px 0px 0px;}#obsceneunobg{background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(6,10,21,0), rgba(6,10,21,1)150px);background:-o-linear-gradient(bottom, rgba(6,10,21,0), rgba(6,10,21,1)120px);background:-moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgba(6,10,21,0), rgba(6,10,21,1)120px);background:-linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(6,10,21,0), rgba(6,10,21,1)120px);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(6,10,21,0), rgba(6,10,21,1)120px);margin-top:500px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-bottom:20px;padding-top:100px;}#obsceneunobox{width:520px;background:black;border:1px #d4af37 solid;box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #cfb53b;opacity:0.8;border:0px;padding:20px;}#obsceneunotext{color:#bdb76b;font-size:13px;font-family: "Times New Roman", sans-serif;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:0px;}#obsceneunoname{color:#ffffff;font-size:35px;font-family: 'Georgia', cursive;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;}#obsceneunoquote{color:#cfb53b;font-size:14px;font-family: 'Times', cursive;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:0px;font-weight:bold;}</style><center><div id="obsceneuno"><div id="obsceneunobg"><div id="obsceneunobox"><p id="obsceneunoquote"><font color="#eee8aa">Kiss me again<br>Kiss me until I am sick of it</font></p><p align="justify" id="obsceneunotext">
Spring is right around the corner and winter was starting to slowly relax it’s harsh icy grip. He had waited patiently for the fae to return, to see the tiny glittering wings sparkling over the snow and greet him in their coy truthful way. Waited for them to come back and explain where they had been, why they had left in the first place.

They never come.

The traces of them are still there, he finds signs of their presence. He finds their nectar (as if knowing he cannot survive without), sometimes he thinks he can hear the twinkling sound of their laughter. But he never sees them. For the second time in his life, he is abandoned.

He is not filled with the same raging fire that had spurred his first trip to the Mountain which makes the hard climb that much tougher. It’s still there, that vexation licking at his insides, but it’s subdued compared to last time. The depths of his red eyes are dark with worry and anger when he finally reaches the summit, just as tired and exhausted as last time. He regards the cold clearing with scrutiny, knowing that they are all just within reach, just out of view. <b> “I know you have something to do with this.”</b> He states clearly to the whistling mountain, addressing Beqanna’s faerie hierarchy that he knows lurk nearby. If his fae family had disappeared, he’s sure it’s because of them.

Curved ears twist back slightly, showing his displeasure as his lips tug at their corners into a frown. His voice dead of emotion. <b> “I told you I’ll keep coming back. Here I am. If you’re going to take them then the least you could do is give me something to remember them by.”</b>

<br></p><p id="obsceneunoname"><font color=#eee8aa><b>Obscene</b></font></font></font></p></div></div></div></center></style>

Obscene is back to petition for the trait Equus Fae
First attempt:


UPDATE: Will be claiming Equus Fae as one of my giveaway traits but don't mind a response if anyone has the time, no worries if you don't!