Part the veil [any] - Printable Version

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Part the veil [any] - Whisteria - 10-13-2020

As the veil grew thinner, the physical realm was starting to come onto focus. Sunlight hung on the mist as she strode slowly into the world, she had not felt the warmth on her bones in what felt like an eternity. She had hung in a muted, watercolor scape of what she once knew for so long, but when she finally came out on the other side, nothing was how she remembered it. The land had changed. Whisteria tried to navigate back to Paradise Beach, but it was gone. Even the great kingdom of the Gates that shared a territory with her old home was gone. At first she wondered if there was a mistake, if she hadn't actually returned to Beqanna. But she was soon proven wrong when she reached the very familiar field. 

Crystal blue eyes took in the landscape, colors she hadn't seen in so long, but everything surrounding the field was different. A large mountain hovered high in the distance, she could see a far off pine forest that had not been there before. Even the air smelled different than she had remembered. The pale woman strides forward gracefully, each footfall careful of stepping on beautiful summer blooms. She is in awe of the equine here, never before has she seen so much color and so many strange bodies. It was so foreign to her, though she knew of mythical equines, she knew there were never this many. For there were few mythical territories in Beqanna. 

Little did she know that there were no longer restrictions on where one could live based on their abilities or appearance, for the mythic had become the general populace of Beqanna. She wondered if she would not be welcomed into a mythic territory or herd, as she was so plain and boasted no magical ability or attributes. Whistera stood quietly, just taking in this new world. Where would she go? Who would come to offer her a new home? Her delicate head raised into the air with a look of curiosity and wonder in her crystal eyes, chestnut ears alert. A new adventure awaits.


RE: Part the veil [any] - Cutthroat Casanova - 10-13-2020

I can't do this alone anymore
'Cause I'm no good on my own anymore
Though the grassy field was seemingly normal, he too was in awe of the strange equines that inhabited the area. A plethora of colours and unique attributes lay before him, the Summer sun warmed his grey coat as he moved through the vivid green grass, his ears twitching as the blades made a gentle sound below his feet. Casanova had never bore witness the magnificence of magic, he was quite convinced that it wasn't actually real, it had to be a trick of some sort; though, admittedly the fake effects did look convincingly real - he would need to remember to ask them how to do that later, it could be good for attracting some partners.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, his eyes settled upon a white figure, and sparks flew into his yellow eyes. The stallion stood there in awe, glancing around him after a while to see if anyone else was seeing what he was seeing. He couldn't see anyone else approaching, so he took that as a queue to make his move, and pranced proudly towards the pale equine, making a show of himself as he did so. He'd realized though, that he had nothing to really say. His steps quickly became awkward and slow, nearly tripping over his own feet as he made his way towards her. Slowing to a walk, he took in a deep breath and hoped she'd at least noticed him approaching, before speaking up. Or, maybe it was better she hadn't noticed his embarrassing attempt at showing off.

"S-so...I heard there are angels on this island. Guess I got lucky and found one of em', care to bless me with your company?" If he was capable of blushing, he'd be beet red now, and he scolded himself internally for his pathetic attempt at breaking the ice.
Cutthroat Casanova
