Fear Controls You {Birthing} - Printable Version

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Fear Controls You {Birthing} - Vita - 08-01-2020


Aedan mentioned finding a home, was it the resort...? It was apart of Tephra, close to Ischia...there child deserved a place to call home. None the less, as she soared through the sky and unrecognizable pain struck her belly, she had no choice but to head for land on the island.

There was areas covered by trees and that was exactly where she headed. As she landed on the soft sandy earth she frantically looked around, was this it? Was she going to birth there child on an island away from Aedan?

She moved deep into the forest until the pain drove her body to the floor. It was almost natural as her body told her to push, still, she wished Aedan was here.

She could smell him...was it her mind wishing him here? Or did he travel to visit a possible home? Aedan, she cries out, once, in case her mind was not creating an illusion.

Only moments later did the child she carried for what seemed like forever, meet her on the earths floor. She glanced at the colt, swooning over every detail. He was a perfect blend of them, a pale blue overo, he had the same constellation speckling....a black mane...these gorgeous blue eyes.

Vita  couldn't help but smile, the first time mom was in love with him as she was with Aedan. She didn't know she could care for another like Aedan, but here this baby layed. Her maw gently brushed against the colts face, as he was still absorbing the earth around him.

Fear Controls You


RE: Fear Controls You {Birthing} - Aedan - 08-02-2020

aedan --

He’d thought they had more time, but ah, time is such a funny thing. It never behaves quite the way you expect. Or maybe he’d just been lying to himself that there was more time, because some part of him isn’t sure he’s ready to be a dad. It’s not that he doesn’t want to - quite the opposite, in fact - but rather that he fears he just won’t be good at it. It’s not like there’s a manual for this sort of thing, just his own experience with his own father. He’d had good enough parents, though perhaps they had not been as present as he might have liked. A thing he planned to change.

He is indeed on the island when she calls. His name and her voice (pained and fearful) during the day makes him panic. They hadn’t been supposed to meet up until later, and he’d let her know what he’d found. But something is wrong in the way she calls for him, in the fact that she is here, and he leaves behind the spot he’d been standing at a gallop.

He doesn’t know where to find her, but he knows to look for some sort of cover. There’s a number of places she could have gone as he looks around, and he does his best to follow where her voice had come from, pairing that with logical places she might be.

It does not take long for him to find her, though despite this, there is a child at her side. Their child. Aedan, though not careless, slows only slightly when he sees them and does not stop until he’s nearly upon them both, careful not to startle either or go crashing into them, but unable to keep himself from their side for longer than necessary.

He makes his way to her, dropping his nose to Vita’s neck, though his eyes never leave the boy. He is a beautiful thing, made so clearly of both of them, and he finds himself overwhelmed at the sight. ”He is beautiful,” he breathes into her neck, the smile on his lips wide and evident. ”Did you have a name in mind?”


RE: Fear Controls You {Birthing} - Vita - 08-09-2020

fear can hold you prisoner

It was almost too perfect, flying over the island when her labor pains kicked in, nearly the same time Aedan was exploring the island.

The foal was already born, but Vita found some odd strength in delivering on her lonesome. He arrived soon enough, there child already cleaned up and his gorgeous blend of them clearly visible.

Vita had lifted herself from the ground, encouraging the child to also find his feet. Aedan was in sight and eagerly made his way to the pair, his reaction forcing a smile on her maw. Her heart beats for him, as she glances between the two, her love and there creation.

His maw meets her neck and she gently returns the gesture. He compliments the boy and she agrees with a nod, Yes, he is perfect. She says as she glances over him again. They grow so fast and she just wants to keep him small and by her side forever. Though she can enjoy the time they have and she does when Aedan asks if she has a name. Her maw lowers to the boy and gently nuzzles his cheek before pulling her head back to Aedan. I was thinking Bran? She says, looking to her lover for confirmation of there first child.


hope can set you free


RE: Fear Controls You {Birthing} - Aedan - 08-18-2020

It’s funny how quickly the fear and worry and anxiety of having a child melts away at the sight of him. Vita returns his embrace, and though there is so much he doesn’t know, it feels like together they can figure this thing out. He doubts he’ll be a perfect father (is there any such thing?), but he doesn’t doubt that he’ll be a present father. He’ll be there to teach his boy the ropes, including some of the boyish things that maybe they wouldn’t tell his mother about. Like how to flirt. It was a skill Aedan had once been pretty good at, till Vita stole his heart.

Aedan drops his head to the boy, exchanging breath, marveling in the perfection of the child. Had his parents felt this way when he’d been born, or did they wonder where their son of the night came from? A father of the sun, a beautiful but plain mother. He hadn’t been the perfect blend of his parents by any means, unlike Bran. The name leaves Vita’s lips and Aedan smiles, turning his attention back to her. “That’s perfect,” he says, likely content with any name she could have come up with. “I suppose this is our home for a little while,” he adds with a chuckle. They wouldn’t be moving with a newborn in tow anytime soon. ”It seems like a decent enough place to live, albeit a little empty.”


the night is more alive and more
richly colored than the day.


RE: Fear Controls You {Birthing} - Vita - 08-21-2020

fear can hold you prisoner

Parenting, something so many equines take on, yet how? Theres no written instructions...her parents were great...but they pushed her out of Nerine so she stares at her child, she ultimately knows that she will never push him out. Preferably, she hopes that he stays with them on the island!

The pale blue boy struggles to find his feet and when he does it is wobbly. It had only been a short couple of hours with the child, yet already he brings joy she had not felt before.

Her eyes drift to Aedan, he approved of the name Bran and she only smiles in response. Bran, she whispers giving a gentle tug to the boys mane.

Her eyes glance back to Aedan when he speaks, noting that the Island should be there home...for now at least. Again, she smiles in response. She remembers when he had felt out of place in the nomad lands, she would do anything to please Aedan and if it was the resort that pleased him, she would live here. Empty is perfect, she says as she presses her shoulder into his. A nice quiet island to raise there children on.


hope can set you free
