Back to black [any] - Printable Version

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Back to black [any] - Pevensie - 08-04-2015

It has been quiet here of late, she has been quiet. The little pony stands amongst the dunes, scanning her desert homeland. She anticipates that soon she'll be heading to the field, to boost their flagging numbers. If a Queen won't help her kingdom, then who will exactly? This must be what her mother, so long ago, had spoken of - the highs and the lows of ruling a kingdom, the exhilarations and the disappointments. In reality, her heart yearns to go elsewhere.

As a warm gust of air blusters back her mane and sweeps her forelock from her eyes, her mind wanders to the white expanses of the Tundra. Her sides quiver in anticipation of a white stallion, somewhere in the snowdrifts, hopefully waiting for her to show up. Yet, she will never be his, not whilst she is theirs. And that Pevensie promised to be, the day she took the crown and the day she agreed to hold it - a daughter of the Desert, reborn here and made Queen. Her home, where she chose to raise her family. That, all these years on, means more than her old childhood dreams.

She smiles, casting her honey gaze over the kingdom, filled with pride tinged with sorrow. As she often does, she promises herself she'll do better. For the moment, that's all she can do.

Replies tomorrow, but muse asked for this. Someone go cheer her up!

RE: Back to black [any] - Shahrizai - 08-10-2015

all things are possible
even the worst of things
He whiles away his hours in idleness, and all the while, time is passing him by. He is growing old. Well, sorta old. Six is old, right? In any case, he’s not getting any younger. And while he has been standing by, twiddling his thumbs (or hooves), trying to figure out what he is going to do with his life, life has gone on around him. And then the realization had arrived. Hit him like a barrel full of bricks. He had known since he was two years old what he wanted to do with his life. Where he wanted to go. He had just been too dumb to see it, that thing that had been right in front of his nose this whole time.

And so, for once in his life, he wastes no time. He goes, his purpose clear and at the forefront of his mind. Sure, he had been set off track. But he has every confidence that he will get himself back on track in no time. His only regret is that he will not be by Val’s side. Oh, he has no doubt he will see her often enough. He can hardly turn around without tripping over her as it is. But he will miss seeing her every day.

It does not take him long to reach the edges of the Desert. His long legged strides cover ground quickly. It helps that the Amazons are practically next door neighbors as well. He hesitates only momentarily before entering. He does not believe the Deserts’ goddess will be offended that he passed the borders without announcing himself. She had seemed to rather like him after all.

He walks with relative ease through the shifting dunes. Having grown up in the land of a million tripping hazards, he has discovered that he is fairly sure-footed. He has not gone far, however, when he sees a rather large beast approaching him. He does hesitate then. It almost looks like a large cat, but strange. When it nears, barking madly, Shahrizai is shocked to see that it is in fact a sphinx. The creature bounds up to him, circling him once before approaching him and spending what he believes to be an inordinate amount of time sniffing him.

When the sphinx finally retreats, it offers another bark before it sits, looking at him expectantly. He tilts his large, blocky head, wondering what the creature could possibly want. With an (obviously) exasperated bark, the cat-man-dog gets up and bounds away across the sand. With one last baffled look at its retreating backside, the tailless stallion continues forward.

Finally, after cresting one last dune, he sees the oasis. He sighs in relief, his pace increasing slightly as he moves towards the promise of his future. In his inattention, he nearly barrels right into a small mare that blends far too well with the sand (for some reason, he always seems to be doing that. Running into horses, that is). He jerks himself to a halt with a surprised snort, wide brown eyes landing on hers.

Right, sorry about that. I’m Shahrizai. Can you help me?
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