The joke was on me [ANY] - Printable Version

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The joke was on me [ANY] - Quorra - 08-04-2015

perhaps we've forgotten that we are still pioneers

and we've barely begun

The white-speckled buckskin walks amongst the thick wooded depths of the Valley, bringing back vague familiarities in layout to the forefront of her mind. She makes her way, her leggy yearling daughter by her side. Whilst Quorra remains thick-set, Anjou has a far more dainty look around her, her pretty blue roan body blending far more subtly into the dark shadows beneath the canopy.

Quorra stops the pair beside some large boulders, half-set into the steep slope behind her. If this is to be her home again, she'll need some friends she decides. And Anjou - she will need some allies. It's a harsh world - it's a harsher one without someone to have your back.

The mare lifts her head, sniffing for the presence of another equine lingering in the breeze. Many have passed this way, a few recently. Hopefully someone will come back to investigate their presence, provide them with an introduction. Unlike her mother however, Anjou settles to graze, bemused, at the foot of the boulder, taking solace in the shelter of the mighty rock.


because our destiny lies above us

RE: The joke was on me [ANY] - demian - 08-09-2015

D E M I A N ( carnage x adalind )
He had been roaming around in the shadows of the valley for weeks now. Silence had taken hold of the dark kingdom ever since the walls of separation had been torn down. Mythicals could live where they wanted without their traits being stripped. Non-mythicals could live in mythical lands without the gaining of powers or traits once they proved themselves. Beqanna had decided it wasn't meant for differences. And so the lands pushed them together.

But even though the kingdoms had come together in a sense, Demian had chosen to remain where he felt at home. He didn't make his way to the chamber like many of the others. It had been quite a while since he heard the sound of others moving through the kingdom. But when he heard their soft footsteps, he found himselve turning towards them and making his way through the heavy underbrush of the forest. "Welcome to the Valley," he said with a deep but quiet voice as he stepped into view.

His dark black coat had started to gray over the last year, but amongst the dapples lay glowing orange jaguar spots across his entire body. Dark black wings remained tucked carefully at his sides as he came to a stop a respectable distance away from the mare and her child.

He didn't want to be seen as a threat when he was just there to welcome them both. "My name is Demian," looking down at the little one and then up at the mare he smiled a small and crooked smile. "You know, you were lucky the boundaries were down. Many couldn't usually cross the borders without repercussions had they not made themselves known at first. But never mind that... May I ask for your names? And is there anything I can do for you?"

Shifting back on his ankles he rocked slightly before coming to a complete standstill and pursed his lips. He was not very practiced in the ways of greeting others. For the last two years he had been entirely alone. The lack of social skills may cause others to find him odd... Yet he honestly didn't care if she or any others found him as such.  
immortal winged black hybrid stallion