[private] we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - Printable Version

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we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - breach - 05-21-2020


Mother had raised her to be strong and wild. Father had raised her to be strong and kind.

Breach ended up somewhere in the middle.

She was a personality as much in flux as her body itself—changing by the day and molded by the very world around her. As such, she found she enjoyed trying on different skins, different personalities. She enjoyed being coy one day and sharp-tongued the next. Enjoyed being soft and sweet or ruthless. There was no resting point for her. Nowhere for her to settle into a personality and let it grow around her.

Instead, she took flight with the slightest shift in the breeze. She shifted to match those around her, even letting herself change mid-conversation if it so suited her. And the truth of her? The pieces that did not shift, did not change? Those she kept tucked away close, placing them near and dear to her heart.

Today, for now at least, she feels weightless.

She wakes and moves from the rest of her family. For a second, she contemplates taking the shape of a small cub—she is, naturally, partial to the form of big cats—but she feels like seeing the world from higher. So instead she shifts into the form of a falcon. She stretches her wings wide and takes flight.

The world is a miraculous thing from this angle and she wishes that she could share it with her mother. Wishes that she could let Sochi see just how small everything is when you’re taking flight on the nearest breeze. But her mother would never want to leave the forest floor, she knows, and the thought doesn’t last for long. Instead, she angles her body on a downdraft and then tucks her wings in close.

She feels something like joy swell in her chest as she dives to the ground and, with a grace that belies her young age, she shifts. She takes several running steps to catch her balance as hooves strike the ground and her laugh escapes her finally, echoing slightly as she comes to a sliding stop and shakes her head, her thin, coltish legs prancing beneath her. Delighted, she turns her dual-colored eyes to the area around her.

She could only wonder at what adventures she would find today.

I want to swim until we both begin to feel the weightlessness sink in

RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - yadigar - 06-12-2020

there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
He was born like most children – soft and kind with the light still burning bright in his heart. He was gentle with his siblings. Yadigar loved his family as much as any young boy could. But his father’s love is barbed and sharp. Ghaul’s kindness is fickle at best when it comes to his only son. Scars mark the base of his wings where his father’s teeth sank into him while his sister’s claw marks cover half his face, robbing him of that beautiful golden eye. The wound is mostly healed now but he still shrinks back when anyone approaches from that side.

His milky eye stares blankly into the forest as he watches the outlines of everything around him. Seeing the world in temperatures and blurs of color has always been available to him and he gets along just fine, but he misses the color of the sky. He misses seeing his sisters’ smiles when they play.

Just as a slow sigh begins to escape him, he watches a falcon land gracefully up ahead. He has never seen one up close, and so he takes a step forward on little clawed feet to examine her. He startles backward in surprise when her shape changes to a child around his age. His mother changed, certainly, but her other shape was unique to her. This stranger can blend seamlessly with other animals! Yadigar edges closer with his wings raised just slightly off his back, poised to burst into flight if she moves too quickly.

In his blue-white eye, their future swirls and glows, but he remains unaware of it. He cannot see their first kiss or the inevitable arguments, a love that will tear them apart and put them back together a hundred times over. All he sees is a strange girl who smells like clouds.

Are you actually a bird, or a girl?” he asks, tilting his head as he traces his nose gingerly across her cheek to explore her face.

RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - breach - 06-12-2020


She had not expected to find another one this close—certainly not one that looked like him. Her heart slams into her throat in surprise and then thrums with delight as she tries to take all of him in. He is unlike anything that she has ever seen before. He is brilliantly colored and only half-horse in many ways that capture her attention immediately. So she doesn’t mind when she realizes that he is so close to her or that he doesn’t ask to touch her. She snorts a little in surprise at the question and startles back immediately.

“Both,” she chirps as she shifts back into avian form, but this time choosing a small blackbird. Her small cry barely breaks the silence as she flaps around his head, reaching down to playfully peck at the spikes that come along his neck. Not above showing off for the dragon boy made of stars and gold, she shifts again, this time landing on the ground as a young brown bear, rising onto her back paws.

She swipes playfully with her massive paws, an impish smile on her lips.

“Or maybe I’m this actually.”

She rolls onto her back and then rolls up as a young tiger, mimicking her mother’s form. This one feels right in a way that some of the other animals don’t, and she purrs a little as she stretches.

It’s then that she looks at him in the eye.

Then that she freezes, feeling a chill run up her spine as she finds herself in the reflection. Sees a million different futures play out with him in all of them—him, always him. Her heart stutters again and she finds that she can’t hold onto the shift. On a stumbling breath, she shifts back into her normal form, her pale neck slick with sweat and the exhaustion of multiple shifts making her limbs lead.

But nothing that distracts from what she had seen.

For a second, there’s nothing but the sound of her heavy breaths before she finally shatters the silence:

“What are you?”

I want to swim until we both begin to feel the weightlessness sink in


RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - yadigar - 06-12-2020

there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
He studies her face and the way the blurs of color twist with her expression. If she is intrigued, he cannot quite tell. Learning what certain expressions mean as opposed to others was hard enough when he still had his eye. When she startles back, however, his small ears perk up curiously and he sucks in a sharp gasp when she changes once more. If only he could change his shape like that. He would become a bird and fly away from here, never looking back.

His lips part to ask her to make him just like her, but then she changes again. That milk-white eye goes wide in shock as she continues to twist and bend into fantastic new forms. The tiger is, perhaps, his favorite.

Yadigar tilts his head when she goes quite still. The abrupt shift in her behavior confuses him. Is this another trick she knows? He edges closer once more as their future continues to play out in glimpses. What is he? The question is nearly as shocking as her magic. His wings lay more comfortably across his back as he considers it a moment longer.

I’m Yadigar. Whatever that means, I guess,” he answers with a short, faltering laugh. His right claws paw idly at the ground beneath him as he lowers his gaze to avoid her stare for a while. He is not nearly as wonderful as her and this fact makes itself quite obvious to him. “Can you change others too? I’d like to be a bird, I think. Just fly away and leave my old self behind.

A frown develops across his lips. He hates these teeth, these scales, and especially these claws. Feathers and brittle bones would suit him much better. But he forces himself to lift his chin and meet her gaze once more. The blind eye dims and resumes its empty stare. Somewhere, in the rafters of his thoughts, he stitches all his precious little dreams to the idea of her. If she cannot grant his wish then she can live it for him - take flight and abandon all the ache here.

RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - breach - 06-13-2020


She breaks the spell of his gaze, feeling herself shaken in the aftermath of it, to focus on the rest of him. His answer surprises her, enough that the playfulness bleeds from her and leaves instead a worry that settles into her bone and a confusion that she can’t shake. “Why would you want to leave?” The question escapes her before she can possibly think to stop it—not that she would. Of all of the things that her parents have taught her, she has never quite soaked in the lesson of politeness.

(And it wasn’t a lesson that Sochi truly put any effort behind.)

He is more timid than she would have initially thought the dragon boy would have been, and there’s a strange sensation in her belly at the idea of it. Why would he be so shy? Why would he not glory in the power of his claws and the gleam of his scales? She has never considered what it would feel like to not feel like you fit into your own body—even when she wore so many different forms, they all felt right.

“I can’t though.” She is blunt but not entirely uncaring, angling her fine head so that her dual-colored eyes can consider him more. “I can barely change myself some days.” She isn’t embarrassed to admit it, nor does she try to hide the toll that the shifts had taken on her earlier—her neck still slick with sweat and her breath not quite steady. “I still don’t understand though. Why you would want to fly away.”

It sticks in the back of her brain and she takes another step toward him, her coltish legs dancing a little as she settles in close. She wants to know—wants to understand better. Wants to understand him.

Wants to know the future she saw in his eyes.

Was it them?

Was it true?

I want to swim until we both begin to feel the weightlessness sink in


RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - yadigar - 06-23-2020

there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
Why would he want to leave? The answer is so immense that he can only laugh in response, but the sound comes out bitter and melancholy. Their lives are so wonderfully different that he cannot begin to grasp the opposite question – why would she want to stay? If he only knew, he would be crippled by his jealousy of her home life. Oh, the things he would do for a father who loved him and a mother who could see her husband for what he is. But his parents’ marriage, their love has warped their family into something dreadful.

He has seen the hideous face of love and he wants to rip it apart.

His ears turn forward when she answers him, and it breaks his heart into glittering fragments. The sound of her tired breathing fills the void between them as he stares at her small hooves. Slowly, he lets out the breath he’d been holding in. Yadigar lifts his gaze as she bridges the gap between them with excited little steps.

I want to leave because this world is awful. I’m tired of being hurt and hurting others. I want to be small and unimportant, I want to never stay long enough for anyone to love me,” he explains, and the words just keep spilling out like a dam has burst open. “Because when you love a monster, you become one. You can’t see right from wrong anymore.

And he wants to beg his family to see what he sees. He wants to hold his sisters’ eyes open and show them what their father really is when he is cooing over them or praising them. Yadigar wants his mother to take them all to Loess, to the one place he hates to step foot. But he can only beg and cry when they don’t see it – just like Breach won’t see it either. He is in a room of crowded people and not a single one can hear him screaming, it seems. None of them except his father.

RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - breach - 06-25-2020


She is not a dull girl, but his pain is so far removed from her reality, that it feels like an impossibility. She only knows the freedom of the wild and the joy in the shifting. She knows the law of the wild world that her mother has drilled into her—the power there is in living a life by your own rules, of your own accord. It is an impossible thing to feel trapped, to be unable to leave, to be stuck somewhere you hate.

Still, she tries. She tries desperately to discern what he is saying and to understand his pain. She stares into it like one might stare into the sun, but all she feels is blinded in the aftermath. She blinks and blinks again, trying to find her vision again, but the haze of his pain remains. It sticks in her throat.

“I don’t think you could ever be unimportant,” she finally replies, grabbing on one of the words that had stuck like burrs in her. “Why wouldn’t you want to be loved?” This in response to the later part of his speech. Breach shakes her delicate head, dual-colored eyes closing as she feels the beginning of a headache forming, the confusion settling like lead in her veins—leaving her feeling heavy.

She bites down, catches her cheek between her teeth, tries to use the small dose of pain to focus, but it doesn’t help her clarify what he’s telling her. Concern finally touches her expression as she begins to work through what he’s telling her—at least catching some of the meaning if the rest doesn’t take root.

“Are you a monster?”

Her head angles to the side a little, ears perking.

“My mother always told me that people might call me a monster, but that’s only because they are afraid.”

A pause, head dropping a little.

“I am not afraid of you, Yadigar.”

I want to swim until we both begin to feel the weightlessness sink in

RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - yadigar - 07-29-2020

there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
Yadigar was raised with no sense of freedom as Breach has. Instead, he was taught that fate is patient and it will wait as long as it takes for each destiny to be fulfilled. No matter how he fights against the rising tide, it will always crush him against the rocks. He has not yet learned how to stop fighting despite this. There is no part of him that knows surrender and so he keeps his eyes trained on the future that defies all the fortunes his eye has given him.

He lifts his gaze to hers when she says he could not be unimportant. It breaks his heart in two to hear the words. “I was born a monster and I will die a monster – not because of how others feel toward me but because of what I’ve done, what I will do,” he says with his vision trained on her face. She says she isn’t afraid and he finds himself scowling at her in response, nearly furious that she doesn’t find him revolting. How could she not see him for what he is? Breach must be like the others, then.

That kind of thinking will get you killed. What’s your name, anyway? That way I can mourn you properly, since you don’t know when to be afraid.” Despite his harsh words, he is creeping closer to her like a dog learning to be touched. She makes him angry in a way that others do not. Perhaps because her blindness is cast over him rather than any of his family members? He does not dwell on these things as he turns his body to stand side by side with her, though. Yadigar despises exploring his emotions or whatever inner truths they may uncover.

You’re very stupid. I don’t think I mind it too much, though.

RE: we come alive just past the edge of the midnight; yadigar - breach - 08-08-2020


He is different than anything, anyone, she has ever met before. Different than she had ever imagined someone could possibly be. Her eyes narrow slightly at his response and she scoffs, making a noise deep in the back of her throat. “I can’t imagine you’d do something so horrendous.” She rolls her shoulder, every inch the daughter of Sochi in this moment. “And if you did, I am sure it would be warranted. The strong survive. It’s the way of the world. You shouldn’t feel guilty for it.”

Her mother had trained her so well on that:

Never feel guilty.

He continues though and she feels that hint of anger. The brush of it against the edges of her mind. It doesn’t cause a similar emotion to swell in her, although she knows how to bite into the flesh of her rage. “My name is Breach, and you shouldn’t mourn me.” She tips her chin up slightly, as if in defiance. “I am not scared of death. When I finally do greet it, I hope to do so with my dignity in tact. Not afraid.”

She takes a deep breath, trying to center herself again, bringing her focus back to him. Her dual-colored eyes wash over him. Everything that makes him so different, so unique. She ignores the tightening in her chest, tries to forget the future that she had seen swirling in his eye. “I’m only a little stupid.” The mood lightens a little as her smile stretches across her face. “Not nearly as stupid as you though.”

She closes the space between them a little, bumping her nose against his cheek.

“I don’t think I mind it either.”

I want to swim until we both begin to feel the weightlessness sink in
