[private] you've got a cold hard truth; cranatomy - Printable Version

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you've got a cold hard truth; cranatomy - lilliana - 04-28-2020

Taiga is best known for her colossal giants; for the trees that seem to have been crafted by Gods themselves. It’s fog lends it an air of mystery and maybe in the past (or what she knows of it anyways), that might have afforded the residents of the redwood forest some privacy. Where some horses might have found the presence of so many trees and such large ones gathered together, where horses might feel confined by what surrounded them, Lilliana had become enraptured by looking up.

There was a touch of immortality in this forest.
And how does one (especially one so unfamiliar with it) not fall in love with Magic the first time?

Lilliana had grown up afforded a luxury that wasn’t realized until she no longer had it. Their home had been small and quiet but the mares and children of Legado’s line had been, primarily, left alone and in peace. The few who had dared to disturb it had been greeted by a sterling mare who could be as brutal with her words as she could be her teeth, who could be as sharp with her tongue as she was her hooves.

Mares are stolen from Nerine. The Isle burns. Craft and Anatomy - another one of Lilliana’s wayward promises - are stripped from Taiga.

This place has no luxury. It has no reputation. Things, she knows, that will have to change. 

(She tries not to blaze but it so, so easy to rage these days.)

An ear pricks as she hears Nash ask his brother a question and there is soothing relief flooding her chest, knowing her boys are still close. The copper mare comes to stand at the base of a large Redwood, one of the oldest in this place. (The time it has stood against, the lives that must have played beneath its branches.) The former Desert queens are a long way from the time, from the place that they called home and perhaps that is why they have carved out such a special place in her heart. Maybe that is part of the reason she becomes so determined to get them back.

Autumn dances through the branches and the remaining leaves rustle, allowing sunlight to shimmer down in gilded rays. "I’m sorry,” she tells them, "but thank you for everything you have done for Taiga and her children.” Her boys are included in that, with gifts still to be realized. Help that will come when they need it, she likes to believe.

For a moment, she considers asking the air around her if they mind where they go. Taiga? Pangea? Nerine? Does it matter to a force that exists between realms? It something that clutches in her chest. She had never asked.

Her plan at stealing Ghaul, is at best, a ploy. It doesn’t spare where Craft and Anatomy go and does nothing more than to antagonize the Pangean heir. But maybe they don’t mind. Maybe the cracked, hard ground of angry Pangea is no different than the sweet ocean breezes of Ischia. "Taiga needs help,” Lilliana finally admits. (She needs help but those are words she won't say out loud.) Lifting her head and looking to the treetops, "I don’t know the names of your old Gods and I don’t understand your laws of Magic.”

She considers offering to help bring the Deserts back (though she shudders at the thought, remembering orange eyes and dying suns). She considers offering to bring back any old land that they wish, if it would grant her another boon. (And that’s how she has always been taught Magic - if they sink Pangea, couldn’t they raise something else instead? The Deserts? The Gates? Dare she hope it, the Dale?)

"Short of my sons,” she breathes, "I offer anything I can give.”

Nashua is quick to break the silence, whatever watchful peace was here now gone. His laughter echoes through the trees and Yanhua, all copper fire, gleams in a lost ray of sunlight.

@[craft] @[anatomy]

approval for one last Taiga trait given by Leah via Discord <3