[open] climbed a mountain and i turned around – - Printable Version

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climbed a mountain and i turned around – - Let - 04-01-2020

Let& Fenwe

Today seems like an early summer morning like any other on the cusp of spring; chilly, crisp, a rose-gold glow lacing everything. The sun lights the sharp edges of newborn leaves and painting the shallow dips and peaks of the meadow in pale yellow. Much of the meadow is chewed down short, but alas Beqanna’s grazing residents are pretty wise and there is a conscious rotation of the golden crop. Where folks graze changes often enough to where it all stays healthy, some patches even left alone to keep the wild flowers plentiful. Mounds of flowers are always left untouched, smiling proudly in a sea of eaten neighbors.

Let has hung around here for the past two years, giving birth to her daughter here and never really leaving. It is a safe and plentiful place, and Fenwe has managed to find plenty of friends, even if she’s never left the Meadow in her two years of life Let likes to think she’s pretty fulfilled. (Fen does not agree.)

“I see my friends, Mother, I’ll be back.” Her daughter’s smooth milky voice matches the same purring tone of her own. She kisses her lips to the girls soft shoulder to silently bid her adieu. The rules of not leaving do not have to be discussed, they’re known. And off Fenwe sways, to the hill in the distance with a group of young boys her age. Let only watches her for a moment before turning her attention to nibbling the fresh grass at her feet, her mind drifting away in daydreams.

hanging around, her and her daughter @[Fenwe]

RE: climbed a mountain and i turned around – - Aodhan - 04-01-2020


Ischia has lulled him through the seasons, and the spotted male has easily drifted from isle to isle and day to day. However, today he woke from the lull with the realization that on the mainland, it was already summer. He’s shaken his crest and though he’d spent the majority of the morning on his island scavenging for food like he usually did, by noon he’d decided he needed a little break. Stay connected to the rest of the world, too.

He hadn’t decided yet if he should visit Noah in the Pampas; though when the gold-spotted falcon flew past, he noted that there were a few changes; the herd had grown larger. He wondered sadly if that was despite or because he’d left the place last autumn, but pushed past. Today was a day for new things, not old ones.

How wrong he was.

Aodhan landed in the meadow, shifting back into his horse-shape no sooner than he touched the ground. The former-bird looked around the grass with a pleasantly-surprised look on his face for a moment; then, he noticed a suspiciously-familiar looking girl running past, with a group of friends it seemed. Gaping after Fenwe for a moment, he only then realized that this meant that her mother was around too, and turned to look for her.

She’s easy to spot - a beautiful combination of teal and white greets him from the corner of his eyes, and the knabstrup hybrid makes his way over with a careful smile - a smile of old friends, of one-night-lovers who hadn’t kept in contact very much after the one visit; she’d always made clear she didn’t want anything from him. And so he didn’t offer.

”She’s grown so fast.” he tells her as a ways of greeting; his green eyes taking in her face with a smile. They’re both older, too, and it probably shows. But he doesn’t think that’s a bad thing, not at all.

from the ashes a fire shall be woken

assuming Fenwe kind of ran off (:

RE: climbed a mountain and i turned around – - Let - 04-02-2020

Let& Fenwe

A small quiver, the slightest tickle, reverberates up her delicate legs through the frogs of her feet. Like the chime of a bell, so gentle it is that you can barely hear it, and her golden eyes tip up to see him there. “Aodhán.” her crisp voice lulls out of her, somewhere between a purr and a slow exhale. She smiles warmly, quietly, just lifting her head from grazing to watch him approach. She is neither a warm individual or a cold one, a little more cozy than the broken glass Queen herself, her mother, but only by a small measure. This man before her has always held a special place in her crippled heart, next to her daughter. After all, she came from him. Her literal and metaphorical sparkle certainly did not come from her mother’s lines.

She has.” the mother agrees, casting a stare to the filly enjoying the focus of surrounding colts. Let lets a half smile lack across her pink lips, she had never desired to follow the call of her hormones at Fen’s age, but she knew it was the most natural of things to do so. Even with Aodhán it was not quite the pull of untapped sexual desires and uncontrolled hormones – it was for the purpose of creating life, this is why she decided to tangle herself all in him that particular night. The flood of memories send tingles down her legs and she’s reminded that it may have started out for the sake of procreation, but some desires were certainly discovered that night and he was the only man to have ever done so. Still, she has never given him a hint of romance or attachment, even if the beast of love and affection stirs within her sometimes.

She’ll be glad to see you, Aodhán, I’m surprised she did not notice you, but when she does she will be thrilled. ” Let’s voice is calm and somber as it always it, crisp and smooth like cold milk. She’s never been one to force small talk, or delve into another’s business, so for her it I perfectly comfortable for them to stand in silence, breathing together and watching their child be alive, alert and healthy at two years of age. Well done.


RE: climbed a mountain and i turned around – - Aodhan - 04-26-2020


It seemed nearly impossible, this chance encounter - to run into her after all this time, precisely where she once had been. The two of them had been perfectly fine to live on their own, and he had accepted that as part of Let’s lifestyle. He’d once told her where to find him if needed, and it had not been necessary; and they had been doing well.

He nods to her as she does to him, suppressing an otherwise natural desire to greet her with a touch. She is a different kind of woman; though Fenwe seems to have no restraints when it comes to greeting others, he sees from the distance. ”She has more of me than I realized,” he muses - an interesting thought, since he’d always thought that it was his upbringing. Maybe there was more to his own family than he’d realized, too.

”You’ve stayed in the Meadow all this time?” he wonders aloud. He’d thought perhaps she might have tagged along with someone, and gotten a home that wouldn’t keep her when she left to wander, but that would help her watch the young girl at her side. But it seemed that all this time he could have just found her here. The irony of life.

The Knabstrup hybrid shakes his crest, eyeing Fenwe from the distance, content with waiting for her to tire, and come back from playing with her friends.

from the ashes a fire shall be woken

@[Let] ugh so I’m only three weeks late -facepalm-