[private] Peace keeper; Lilliana - Printable Version

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Peace keeper; Lilliana - Izora Lethia - 03-30-2020

Something needs to be done.

Numbers, peace, friends, allies, all of these need to be apart of Taiga. She had been stagnant amongst her home for to long. The golden mare had taken enough time to focus her attention on herself, to grow into all she could be. 


Now is the time to refocus herself to her family, her friends, her home. 

1. She needed to find Lilliana. She had neglected her friend for far to long,  had not been there for her in her darkest of days until it had been to late. That was going to change.

2. She needed to make some appearances amongst allied lands and those yet undecided. Her plan was to visit Island Resort once again. When she had gone with Aten, Taiga had been in a different place. Ruled by those the pale leader of the resort did not trust. She needed to mend that visit.

3. She needs to make herself available to all that reside in Taiga. The love of her life was now comte and she needed to be his support amongst the decisions and stress that was inevitable in his position. She will be his backbone, his peace keeper.

The soft spring sun filtered it's way through the dense canopy. The air was chilled by the cover, but the golden mare stopped to lift her head skyward in a heated patch if sunlight. A gentle hum of pleasure filled her throat as she embraced her decisions she was about to put into action. Peace was truly an amazing feeling, more intense when backed by confidence, and purpose.

Her amethyst eyes opened, framed by long black lashes, scanning her surroundings as she moved from her little patch of sunlight moving on to find Lilliana.

Lethy would like Lilliana to make a social call to the resort with her, but would also like to talk to see how she is doing. (: once I actually post it to the right horse. Lmao

RE: Peace keeper; Lilliana - lilliana - 04-04-2020

The laughter of her sons echo through the shadowy haze of the Redwood forest and as the boys weave underneath and around the large ferns of Taiga, run rampant through its shadowed trails, Lilliana keeps an attentive eye on them. She always does. And the chestnut mare tries to assure herself that here - that especially in Taiga - her boys are safe.

Taiga, in every sense of the word, is home for them.

She tells herself that they have only been so long in returning to it because she had wanted to give her sons time to build their strength and then Fiorina had offered to teach Ruthless to fight. There had been foals in Nerine for her boys to play with - for them to test their limbs and their strength and their stamina - and that was why she had been so long in Nerine. There had been the need to discuss the terms of Ghaul's release and the return of Brine. 

Not because she was avoiding Taiga.
Not because there was something to be afraid of here.
Not because she had, perhaps, ruined the only home she had ever truly known with her secrets.

The sunlight glimmers through the thick canopy above her head and Lilliana turns a corner, standing beneath the base of a proud Redwood that she had often rested under during her first days in Taiga. Before the coastline had called her west and before she finally succumbed to the pull of Nerine. It's been years since she has stood in this spot and her blue eyes sweep from the base of the Redwood to the full height of its branches.

How long has it been since she has stood here?

She can recall exactly everything that has changed since she last had.

Lilliana doesn’t mean to glance so abruptly over her shoulder. She doesn’t mean to move so quickly. She doesn’t mean to be so reactive. But it's hard when her boys are only yards away and there is so much she can’t see. When there is so much she still doesn’t know.

The relief in her expression is almost palpable when gazes upon Lethia. If Aten was the Guardian of their Forest then his mate, @[Izora Lethia], was the Mother of it. "Lethy,” the chestnut mare exhales. "It's been too long.” There is something in her blue-eyed gaze that says how sorry she is for that, too.  "How is.. everything?" The chestnut smiles, trying to incorporate everything that has happened in Taiga recently. How Lethia was. How Aten had been with his recent return to power. What changes there might have been in the Redwoods since she had last been here - home, she reminds herself.


all that i'm after is a life full of laughter
(as long as i'm laughing with you)

art by vhitany

RE: Peace keeper; Lilliana - Izora Lethia - 04-05-2020

Her pace is slow and soft, but pays no attention to frightening those who are not prepared for a visitor. As she moves along winding around redwood after redwood an audible sigh of peace escapes her velvet lips, the corners turning up and crinkling softly with each pass through the gentle caresses of sun.

Her instincts tell her to head towards a specific comfort spot of Lilliana's and as she reached it she could hear the soft plays and bickering of siblings close by. Her amethyst eyes find Lilliana at the same time Lillana finds hers, and for the briefest of moments Lethy can see the uncertain panic sweep across her friends face before being replaced with sweet relief. 

Lethy is silent as she moves to embrace her friend. Only after she sweeps her cheek along the length of Lillianas, an invisible ringlet of pure, instantaneous peace clinging softly to her friends entire being waiting patiently to be accepted, does she talk.

A smile that crinkles the corners of her gentle, purple eyes lingers a moment to reassure Lilliana that it did not matter how much time had passed she did not hold it against her. "Lilliana, my dear friend. Everything is exactly how it should be right now. The more important question is how have you been?" her ears catch the soft laughter of children nearby forcing her own chuckle from her mouth, "Busy, I see." 

Even in this moment the undeniable change in Lethy was always present. Where at first she had been anxious and scared of the uncertain, to growing a family and embracing uncertainty from a distance, now the pressures of uncertain feelings did not saddle her and weigh her down. 


RE: Peace keeper; Lilliana - lilliana - 04-08-2020

Lilliana smiles up into the warmth of Aten’s mate.

She smiles up into the warmth of it and lets herself be comforted by the peace that the buckskin mare exudes. It feels odd - falling into the artificial craft of emotion but it seems easier than letting her pulse race. It feels a far easier thing to do than let her heart hammer and the little ringlet that Lethia coils around her is received with the same amount of relief that her presence was.

Perhaps, everything will be okay.

The smile blooms in the purple of Lethy’s amethyst eyes as it does on her dark mouth and Lilliana finds herself following the lead of the other mare, letting herself ease further and further into a feeling of calm. Perhaps it makes her weak but the Diplomat finds the weight between her shoulders falling away, something sharp in her starts to relent and the chestnut mare is content when the smile finally reaches her blue eyes. A copper ear keeps its attention on the antics of her young sons but Lilli tilts her head slightly to her golden companion, "Busy is one way of putting it.”

She looks away then, glancing at the flash of copper that races between one Redwood before its followed by the sheen of another. It’s the creamy flaxen that draws her eye - it always does  - before they are gone beneath the whiplash of an evergreen fern that shakes its dissent. The smile that warms her face is genuine because there is always a sense of peace when she looks at her boys. Despite the chaos of their world, they are her silver lining.

"I wouldn’t have it any other way though,” she admits softly before turning her attention back to @[Izora Lethia].

It's only the mention of how she has been that has stormcloud eyes studying her fellow Taigan. "I’m-”, she starts slowly, unsure of how to elaborate, "alright.” There is another moment of pause before the smile on her face turns chagrined, uncertain. "Did Aten tell you I stole a dragon?”


all that i'm after is a life full of laughter
(as long as i'm laughing with you)

art by vhitany

RE: Peace keeper; Lilliana - Izora Lethia - 04-21-2020

Lethy watches her friend with listening eyes, paying much more attention than one would during any normal friendly conversation. The peace she holds within her soul gives her pause where others wouldn't bother, letting her take in all the discomfort in her daily world, whether it's in her own children, her mate, or her friends. She smiles softly, mimicking the one her friend holds so closely to her heart as her gaze finds her children, but she can feel that peace she had placed so softly in her dear friends hold slip for only a moment as she spots the creamy flaxen. Lethy could never know just how deeply that small discomfort goes in her friends soul or why it bothers her so, but the troubled gaze her friend returns to her as she comes back to her present can not help but find a small spot inside of Lethy's heart that didn't sit quite right.

@[lilliana] is quick to change the conversation though, and Lethy doesn't object. She would let her friend come to her with all her darkest secrets and worries on her own, when the time is right. As Lilliana asks her question about kidnapping and dragons a small chuckle escapes her velvet lips, not because she agrees with what Lilliana did or that she does not think it a serious matter, but because she knew Lilliana would find a way to correct the matter at hand or to make what she did count for something. "Aten may have said something about that to me, though I would personally like to hear the story and reason from you." her amethyst eyes held a gentle gaze but crinkled in the corners with as much amusement as they did concern.