your waves are pulling me under; velkan, birthing - Eva - 03-27-2020
your waves are pulling me under i'm caught in your riptide
In the distant, remote area of the tropical island. Eva made her way yesterday to the familiar area of the island where not many wonder to. The contractions had come suddenly, but far apart where she knew she had time to make it to her birthing place. It was a small quiet paradise that she found comfort in bringing all her offspring into the world.
The quite clashing of waves on the white sandy beach bring comfort as she lays on the tropical bedding. Overhead, she is shaded by the leaves of the large palm trees, hidden from the blazing rays of the sun. The contractions come closer, her breathing comes soft and controlled, allowing nature once more to take its course.
With several pushes, she feels the first of the offspring come. Soon after she feels another contraction and gives into nature to help guide her to push several times before another one is welcomed into the world. Eva had not been wrong—this season she gave birth to twins yet again.
Moving towards her foals, after the labor pains have subsided, she welcomes her two new bundles of joy. Eva tends to each of her newly born foals, cleaning them from head to hoof, ensuring each of them are healthy. The first one, a beautiful dark purple coat with seashells in his mane. Right away she notices the glowing appearance of his coat and the deep familiarity that she knows he is a nereid. “Eugene,” she says naming the first born of the twins and cleans the last bit of him before turning her golden gaze to the youngest twin. “And you will be Egwene,” she says as she examines the black purple foal—there was something emaciated about her appearance, but Eva seeing the antler stumps on her daughter’s head confirmed her assumptions. Egwene was a mirror image of her father as Eugene was a mirror image of who she was too.
Pulling each of her twins together close, she embraces each of them, and covers them with motherly kisses. Her heart filled with warmth more than it usually did on any other day. She more than content knowing she was a mother again this year.
the dame of ischia
@[Velkan] I thought maybe he'd want to come meet his new children. If not no worries, just wanted to get a post up of her new twins!
RE: your waves are pulling me under; velkan, birthing - Velkan - 03-27-2020
Is there a higher tier above feeling blessed? I feel like I’m floating so far above the world I can see the curve of the horizon. This time, I know the signs - this time I’m a little more prepared for what’s going to happen. My nerves are a little less shaky, which feels great, but I don’t know if they’ll ever go away completely. Sure, Donny and Millie turned out to be the most perfect angels who ever existed on this planet - but I give all the credit to their amazing mother for that accomplishment.
And here she is, doing it again! I am amazed at Eva’s strength and her love, overwhelmed by gratitude and affection for this family we’ve created. I could, and have, talk about them all day every day to anyone who even remotely shows an interest.
Sometimes I have to cut myself off though, like now, as I pace nearby to where Eva’s gone to do be incredible and brave. I’m still hesitant about being there while she’s giving birth - if only to murmur encouragements and give her soft nuzzles. I don’t know what the root of the fear is that holds me back there, whether it’s because I’m worried that’s too intimate for our unique situation or unwilling to make it seem like I don’t think Eva can do that part on her own. I know she can! She’s a goddess from the sea, and I am sure I have not even come close to glimpsing the depths of her strength.
Regardless though - I’m nearby in case she needs me and I drift closer once she’s standing. I can feel it in the back of my throat and in the sting of my eyes when I see them for the first time. Both darker than Donny and Millie, closer to my colouring but still with the flush of purple of their mother. “Eugene and Egwene?” I repeat, voice cracking with the tears I’m not quite keeping under control, and a smile growing as I reach out first to nuzzle Eva before looking once more to this new set of twins, marvelling at how quickly Eva and I have become outnumbered.
But I don’t say that, I can’t really form anything close to a joke right now because I am still so overwhelmed, so bursting with joy. I hope our older twins come along soon to meet their new brother and sister, though I fear my heart won’t be able to take the joy of all of us being together for the first time.
RE: your waves are pulling me under; velkan, birthing - Eva - 03-31-2020
your waves are pulling me under i'm caught in your riptide
There was no better blessing than being a mother she decided. After taking some time to just herself, Eva realized she had never been missing a piece of she was. She had never been lost, never forgot her identity of who she truly was in the end. Being a leader and a mother only completed the puzzle of who she was. It made her a stronger person, capable of leading her island family and caring for them as a mother.
Eva wanted more than ever to be her best self. It was important for her knowing she could become stronger and grow as an individual, especially for those she cared and loved. Ever since the late Tephra king came and removed her adopted mother from the throne, it had made her realized her home would need someone to look out for them, need someone who would always protect them.
She knew she had to be that pillar of strength and love for them all.
The purple sea mare hums a melody she always finds herself singing after a birth. It was one she loved so much Adria used to sing to her when she first came to Ischia. A song she wishes to past onto all her children—the beautiful island song. It was easy for Eva to become lost in moments like these, sharing the very few moments alone she would get with her children being so new to the world. These were precious times together—moments she looks back fondly onto with all her children now.
Eva knows that her dear friend will be here soon. He is always close by, allowing her to take her time and giving her the space, she needs. Birth was a beautiful thing, and an experience she wished everyone could experience, but there was a deeper connection she found when she was alone—when it was just her and nature.
When Velkan does come, she is always warm, so when she hears his hooves on the soft sand, she turns her gaze to him. Her golden gaze is warm and bright, sparkling with love and adoration. The purple nereid embraces his warmth, nuzzling him back in return too. “Do you not like their names?” She asks with some concern in her voice. Eva had never thought of asking Aodhan or Velkan if they had liked their children’s name she had picked out. It felt strange to consider their opinion on the matter, but perhaps Velkan did want an opinion next time.
Her lips curl up in a smile though, forgetting any concerns about their new children’s names. It was too late now, and she is already feeling overwhelmed with happiness at the addition for their family now. “They are truly beautiful,” she says in agreement and turns to admire her new set of twins. “And now we have our hands yet full again,” she says with a soft chuckle. Twins—yet again, but Eva couldn’t be happier.
the dame of ischia
RE: your waves are pulling me under; velkan, birthing - Velkan - 04-16-2020
I am quick to reply to Eva’s question, blinking through the tears forming as I smile down at her and nudge her again. “Oh! I like them. I just wanted to make sure I got them right.” It just wouldn’t do for me to mispronounce my own children’s names. Could you imagine the confusion that would cause? They wouldn't know which was their real name! “I don’t know how you come up with these cool names. Had it been left up to me, they would have been named after the first pretty things I saw - which would be ‘Eva’ and ‘Flower’ or something like that.” I realize that I’m word-vomiting a little bit so I clamp my mouth shut and tug at her mane with a small laugh. “Which are pretty names but not very creative for a new generation.”
I smile in agreement when Eva points out that we have our hands full again - and I have to say, I wouldn't have it any other way. I adored helping to raise our first set of twins, and I was anxious but so excited for these two new young lives. “We do.” I chuckle alongside Eva, though maybe now that Donny and Millie are a little older they’ll help out now and then the way Loire and Aeolus would when their other twins were young. “I’m so happy to be…” That’s as far as I get before I choke on the emotion in my throat. “There’s no one else…” Nope that’s not going to work either. I shake my head as if that’ll stop the swelling emotions, but of course it does not.
So I try to keep it simple with a very bashful smile lighting up my dark eyes. “Thank you, Eva.” I had thought that I had reached peak happiness when our other twins had been born but now with our family swelling by a couple more members I don’t even know what to do with all of the happiness inside of me.
RE: your waves are pulling me under; velkan, birthing - Eva - 04-17-2020
your waves are pulling me under i'm caught in your riptide
With Velkan’s quick reply, Eva felt her concern and tension slip away. Velkan reassured her with another warm nudge and that he was only trying to make sure he was pronouncing their names correctly. She knew their names were similar in ways, and perhaps they would be confusing to say the first couple of times, but she liked their names very much.
Her warm smile returns as Velkan continues to talk and compliments her on choosing names. Eva laughs softly at his silly comment of naming things he saw pretty—like Eva and Flower. It instantly made her cheeks turn warm and a soft pink color. “You might not be creative with naming our children, but you sure do now how to make me feel very special,” she says softly, and nudges her purple muzzle against the arch of his neck.
She was thankful to have someone like Velkan who was so easy-going and had a warm humorous personality. It made moments like these enjoyable, sharing parenting together made these moments even more exceptional. While they both could find the humor in having their handfuls again, they also knew how much of a blessing it was. Eva was also thankful for having other offspring to look after their newest additions.
When Velkan speaks about being happy, her golden gaze meets his own directly. It was moments like these, even if he was overwhelmed with emotion, she loved the most. Eva cherished his kind and loving words and being able to be the one to give him a family he has always wanted. There were no words to express her amount of joy that she could be the one to give him something like this.
The sea mare pulls herself closer to the black antlered stallion. She gently lays her head into the curve of his neck and falls into the warmth that radiates from him after his last words. “I already know,” she says softly. Velkan didn’t need to say anything ever. She could tell by the gleam in his eyes and the way became so fully of joy that he was full of happiness—a happiness she was happy she could share with him. “I’m happy I can share these special moments with you. Thank you for coming into my life that day by the river.” Because if she had not met him, she knew she would have been searching her whole life for the piece that he filled her heart with.