[open] breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Printable Version

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breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Eva - 09-20-2019

breaking like the waves down on the coastline
breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

She had once heard there was a time for everything. A season for every purpose under the blue heavens. There was a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot; a time to tear down and a time to build; and a time for war and a time for peace. Yet, knowing the purpose of her current season now was a mystery.
There was a season of change upon the small tropical island. A quiet serenity she had known for so long was beginning to crack. It was a season for time—perhaps to plant something new or uproot something that must move along with the world. Their small perfect knit life would not always be the same, but simply it was the notion of life.
While the world she knows changes around her, time simply does not stop. It does not hesitate to move forward like she has done previously with the birth of Aeolus or the changes Ischia is experiencing now. Time only knows to go forward, never turning back. Eva wonders if life would be simpler now if she could manage to be like time itself. Would she be able to change the past or current situation she finds herself in presently? It was a lot to change and knowing if she changed one thing it could change everything that she has presently now.
But she cannot wait for herself to be like time. Time moves forward and she cannot wait for the world to come lay itself before her. Even now, as her pregnancy comes to an end, Eva cannot hold it off. Her belly swelled all these months and she anticipated the date of her second child would come anytime now. Perhaps that is all she can do with time now and the information she has. She can only wait and see what happens. But the turn and turmoil of politics must wait—the contractions are beginning now.
Eva can feel each contraction come and go. The pain is not as much as it was when she carried Aeolus. She is thankful for that at least. A simple blessing in times of uncertainty gave her something to look forward to. She can only hope the same for her child that is to come now.
The purple nereid found herself in the same quiet place before where she gave birth to Aeolus. There is something comforting about the remote location on the island. Perhaps it is the quietness and removing herself from the world in these precious moments of being a mother. Soon enough she will have another blessing to add to her family.
Laying herself down on the seashore, Eva feels the contractions becoming closer. She makes herself comfortable as the time comes for her to give birth. Naturally, the nereid lets nature take its course.
When the birth is finished, Eva moves to look at her offspring that has come into the world. She is in awe to find a beautiful gilded champagne dun filly with elegant golden points. There is a soft glow around the newborn filly too. Eva smiles at noticing the glow her daughter inherited from her.
Eva rises from her position and tends to the newborn like she first did with Aeolus. “My sweet little girl,” she says softly with warmth and happiness. Eva cleans her with tenderness. Wiping every spot of her daughter’s body clean. “You will be called Loire.” It was fitting for how beautiful her little girl was.


character info: here | character reference: here


RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Aodhan - 10-19-2019

little fire
All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
Ischia is to him, the island of dreams and surreality. It is the place where mythical and beautiful mares hide away from the world, and who knows what kind of animals are hiding far away from its shores. Aodhán theorizes that there must be males too, but he hasn’t met them yet and isn’t sure if they’re territorial in some way or not, hence, he isn’t sure if he wants to meet them. Well, excluding the son he shares with the beautiful Eva.

Late last summer was when she visited the Pampas, and honestly he feels quite ashamed for not visiting her after that reunion, not spending more time with Aeolus. The truth is not that he didn’t care, but that his mind had been occupied with worries he didn’t want to burden them with. And what could he offer her anyway? A home? A family? He’d been with others, not that there was anything much romantic about it beyond the one night itself, but still. He was capable of love for more than one, and therefore, could not favor one over another.

Or, perhaps he did favor Eva, secretly? Who knew. He was here again just for her, he knew. Perhaps it said something. Perhaps it said nothing at all.

It was a thought that he didn’t linger on; he reached the shore at that point and exchanged his seaturtle form for a faster one on land; the white ferret quickly made his way over the sand towards the jungle, and once there through the undergrowth.

The scent of blood and birth fluids reached his sensitive hunter-nose, and the ferret weaseled his way closer to see. The purple mare had only just given birth, a filly, softly glowing like her mother, though very light in coloring; marked with a metallic gold.

Could it be? He blinks; but as Eva names her child and cleans her, he knows that there is only one way to find out.

The shifter shifts; taking his natural birth-form of white base and gold spots a little ways away, he then slowly nears the pair. Loud and slow enough to be heard before scaring them, or so he hopes.

@[Eva] aaaaand let’s pretend I didn’t post this like maybe 7 weeks late

RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Eva - 10-20-2019

your waves are pulling me under
i'm caught in your riptide
In the paradise that Ischia offers, the purple nereid continues to tend to her newly born daughter’s needs without a worry in mind. Her focus remains heavily on her daughter. Memorizing every curve and marking that is marked onto her daughter’s fragile body.

She begins to hum a soft song. One of the many songs Adria had sung to her as a child. Loire’s ears flicker towards her mother at the sound. The little filly liked the soft tune her mother was singing. However, she didn’t particularly like how much her mother was grooming her so much.

“Mama!” Loire laughs softly. “Stoop!”

Eva smiles widely at her daughter. “Just one more spot,” she says with delight.

Loire sighs with slight annoyance, but Eva continues where she left off on her song and goes back to cleaning behind her daughter’s ear.

The little filly’s ears flicker back and forth quickly at the sound of loud hooves against the shore. Her gold eyes glance around and stop until they land onto a white and golden spotted stranger. “Mama!! Mama!!” She exclaims with worry but also excitement. “Who is that!?” She asks loudly.

Eva quickly turns to see who Loire is talking about, especially at the sound of loud footsteps coming their direction. A soft smile once on her purple lips quickly grows at the sight of Aodhan. “It’s your father, Loire!” The purple mare says with joy. He was a sight she was well-pleased to see.

“Hello Aodhan,” she says sweetly with a hint of play in her tone, “It’s so good to see you again. Come meet your new daughter.” Eva gestures towards Loire who remains still on the ground curled but with wide eyes staring at Aodhan. “Her name is Loire,” she adds glancing to her daughter and then back to Aodhan with a joyful smile.
lady of ischia


RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Aodhan - 10-23-2019

little fire
All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
The spotted baroque nears them with deliberate sound, yet the girl, as young as she is, still sounds a little startled. It’s a good thing that Eva recognizes him immediately, even if most of their meetings he had looked rather different. Then again, she’d always seen through it. That she’d recognize his colouring and his eyes every time, honestly he hadn’t really thought about just yet.

The purple nereid moves sideways, and the vision on the filly is more clear. A glowing golden-white beauty; her colour is so light that the difference between his own ‘true’ white and hers can’t exactly be seen, unless he’d press up against her she might prove to have a minimal cream color. ”Loire,” he repeats and steps closer to meet her, after which he caresses Eva’s neck shortly. A golden river, he thinks, looking back to the girl with adoration clearly visible. She’s not ice-covered like her brother, nor does she display teeth now or then. Yet she’s capable of glowing, indicating that mayhaps she will be able to do more when she’s older. And even if she doesn’t… ”She’s so beautiful, Eva. Almost as pretty as you.” he adds, more or less joking. How could he possibly choose? They’re different, as dusk and dawn.

Focusing on the purple nereid once more, his thoughts seem to take a different turn as he remembers this isn’t their only child. ”Is Aeolus around? I bet he’ll love having a sister.”


RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Eva - 10-24-2019

your waves are pulling me under
i'm caught in your riptide
She could never forget those emerald green eyes. Not since the first day she had met Aodhan. Even so, how could she ever forget the very first day they had met? It was one of the most magical days of her life. A memory she holds close to her heart.

It was those emerald eyes that gave him away instantly. Eva blushes softly at his warm caress against her neck. Her golden eyes flicker across his golden spotted body. It was something new, something she had never exactly seen before. But all the same Aodhan was still the handsome charming stallion she had met in the waters of her home.

Her gaze moves over to Loire at the mention of her name. She had considered the same thing Aodhan does now. Curious to see what sort of abilities their new daughter might have. Nothing had caused her to feel alarmed like she felt with Aeolus, but given time it could likely change. Eva doesn’t focus on that right now. At his comment, Eva pushes her muzzle into his neck and nudges him playfully. “Not in front of our daughter,” she says jokingly as her smile curves into a soft and amusing grin.

Loire, still wide-eyed, stares up at the gold spotted stallion. She blinks when he says her name but her eyes instantly light up with admiration. The soft cream color filly moves her long limbs from underneath her and pushes all her strength into them as she attempts to stand up. At first everything feels off balance, she stumbles, almost falling back down onto the ground but Eva reaches out and catches her before she does. The purple nereid then pulls away, watching, and allowing Loire to find her balance and first steps into the world. On her second attempt it is easier, Loire finds the balance between her long limbs and hooves that anchor her into the soft sand.

A smile of triumph grows across her cream-colored lips. “I did it!” She adds with excitement. Eva nudges the filly tenderly and then kisses her soft golden nose. “You did do it,” Eva says with happiness. At the mention of her brother's name, Loire’s brow furrows into confusion. Eva laughs softly at seeing Loire’s reaction. “You have an older brother, Loire. I think your father is right—he would love to meet you.”

Eva glances to Aodhan with a quick smile before turning her attention towards the treeline. A soft call escapes her lips, and instantly a sunset colored yearling bursts through the tropical foliage just before she finishes. She should have expected that Aeolus would be hiding nearby—Aeolus had been on high alert ever since Eva’s belly swelled with new life.

“Dad!” Aeolus calls as he makes his way quickly to them. The purple nereid smiles warmly when their son joins them. “Aeolus meet your new sister, Loire,” she says indicating towards the lightly colored filly at her side. Aeolus grins wide as he looks to his new sister. “Welcome to the family. It’s gonna be great having someone to hassle now—I mean play with!” His grin turns into a playful smile as he then looks towards Aodhan and Eva.
dame of ischia


RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Aodhan - 10-30-2019

little fire
All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
There’s something magical about seeing a child - his child - so young; so fragile yet so alive and curious to explore the world; when everything is still new to them. With Aeolus, he hadn’t been quick enough or confident enough to think Eva might want or need to see him again, and hadn’t known he had a foal until she brought him over. Though he had had the luck of meeting Let and Fenwe again, there was something much more special about being present right after birth, and having their yearling son soon complete their little family. He felt whole in a way, he mused.

Gleaming over the little girl’s successful efforts, he nodded along with the two females as they stated she had indeed done it. Aodhán was just musing if he should leave them to it to nurse and rest, when Aeolus appeared after a single soft nicker from his mother.

Green emeralds gleamed with a spark of mischief at the sight if the boy who obviously had been close to them already. Such a little sneaker - but then, perhaps their son favoured his mother colour-wise, but his father a bit more in personality. Somehow he figured Loire might be the other way around, but time would tell.

Aodhán quickly ruffles the boy’s crown in greeting, watching him greet his sister with a raised brow at the words that quickly flow from the boy’s mouth. He corrects them too quickly, but it’s already too late, his parents are on to him now. ”Sounds like you haven’t been hassled enough in my absence,” the spotted stallion proclaims as his neck warps around the sunset-and-golden colt, pulling him back through the sands (and perhaps make him stumble, but at this age he should be able to handle that), as if to let his words be followed by deeds immediately.

He glances to the nereid, but decides they can talk about the topic of where they live, later. This is his family after all; but some things are best discussed as adults. ”Easy on your sister. She needs food and rest.” he tells his son, playfully pulling on his ear to distract him.

@[Eva] ^^

RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - Eva - 11-03-2019

your waves are pulling me under
i'm caught in your riptide
Her heart begins to swell with warmth. It was in a moment like this she wanted to picture forever. Seeing her entire family together could not be described in words. Eva had never thought of having a family of her own when she was younger, but when Adria had found her and brought her in and made her part of the family things changed. The birth of Aeolus had instilled that seed into her deeply. She now wanted to ensure her entire family would have a place that they know they could find love and protection.

Always and forever.

No matter what.

The purple nereid’s lips spreads across her lips as Aodhan takes over the role of parent. Aeolus, as rambunctious as he can be sometimes, simply could never hold his tongue. Eva, of course, doesn’t blame him. She had given him her entire love the first year of his life—perhaps overbearing him more than usual. But she would still give the same love to her new daughter now.

Aeolus laughs at his father’s words. Not realizing what his father had done, Aeolus is caught up in his father’s grip as he is pulled back. He feels his hooves give way on the sand beneath him. The purple colt begins to sway a little has his balance is thrown off by Aodhan. Aeolus stumbles beneath his father’s grip just a little, but when Aodhan turns look at his mother he pulls away from his grip. A mischief smile spreads instantly as he releases himself from Aodhan’s grip.

Eva and Loire watch as the two wrestle for a moment. An excitement expression spreads across Loire’s face at what is happening. Eva smiles softly at Loire’s expression. Loire obviously had no idea what she was in store for with having an older brother like Aeolus. However, Eva knew her son would love her new little sister with all his heart and protect her with everything he had. It was those quiet moments she shared with her son during her pregnancy that confirmed he would indeed be a loving brother regardless.

Aeolus smirks happily at his father’s playful gesture. Loire quickly turns to Eva at the mention of food, now realizing she was actually hungry after all of the commotion that was going on. Eva smiles softly at her new daughter indicating she will eat in a moment. “That sounds like a good idea.” Eva says now feeling she could actually use some rest after making sure Loire was taken care of.

At the mention of that, Aeolus tugs at his father’s mane and runs a few paces down the beach. “Well then come on dad!” He calls out waiting for his father to join him. If his mom and new baby sister needed to be alone then it was time for them to go off and do real things. “We got real stallion things to do!” He says loudly and raises his head high and prances a little ways down the beach further before letting a burst of laughter out.

Eva laughs softly at her son’s display. She then turns to tend to Loire’s needs of food and rest.
dame of ischia

@[Aodhan] I figured maybe we could have Aeolus and Aodhan thread now while Eva/Loire rest since I know you have been wanting them to thread together! We can continue here or another thread. Idm either way.