this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Kensa - 07-03-2019
you could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you
Northwest of Hyaline an odd spur of Beqanna forms the Kingdom of Nerine. Though very little separates the windy coastal land from her own mountain home she has never called here. Being unfamiliar with the place means she travels on foot to its tree strewn edge and stops just there for a moment. On her right a cliff drops away toward a choppy sea; these northern waters seem more unruly than those that curl in to her own small beach.
Winter here has a bite, and she is lucky her coat has grown into winter luxury and Ophanim’s child growing steadily in her belly keeps her body temperature a few degrees higher.
The decision to wait here for someone to meet her, or delve in and ask for forgiveness is an easy one. Hyaline’s borders are open, and Kensa endeavors to be a welcoming hostess. The days of every new arrival being treated with suspicion are well and truly over. She cannot expect everyone else to operate under the same ideals however, and actually appreciates being a contrasting figure. When she continues it is with caution, respectfully keeping herself on a visible track that will take her to a more central part of Nerine and the grey beach. She fully expects to be intercepted and since her errand is simply to visit with the occupants of Nerine she wears an open expression. A game is afoot but the sabino has no malicious intent, and while this could be a chance to gain some intelligence for her troublemaking her first priority is meeting with Heartfire.
The two mares have previously met in passing only, and Kensa does not know what to expect of the blue roan Queen—not that she is ever put off by the unknown. Whether she finds herself within a polite distance of the woman, or if she is stopped in the midst of her trek matters not. Her greeting is warm, eager but absent anxiety. “Heartfire, I hope I haven’t trespassed at an inconvenient time.” The words are an apology if she has crossed a line by coming so far into Nerine, there is no sarcasm to be had in the words. “I have never been to Nerine before, I am impressed. There is beauty in the severity.” She means this, but her eyes find loveliness more readily than others do.
@[Heartfire] Is this just for Hearfire...? Maybe. I don't know. I guess if you (being not Heartfire) want Kensa to decide to kidnap you, you could come say hello but mostly this is for Heartfire and so let her post
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Heartfire - 07-08-2019
She's got the devil's eyes
The sharp chill and stark simplicity of the northern kingdom suit the Nerinian queen quite well. She has long appreciated the kingdom for what it is. Though she has never held the same significance in a tract of land as so many others, she rather enjoys her home. She can almost understand why so many cling so tenaciously to a piece of rock when she looks out across the crashing waves and windswept cliffs. Still, she will always retain the awareness that the soul of a kingdom is not in whatever piece of earth they are on, but rather the people that inhabit it.
Still, it is a certain type that is drawn to the northernmost kingdom. Whether it is the land that hones them or the spirit of her residents that colors them however, is somewhat open for interpretation.
She becomes aware of the visitor some time before she crosses the borders into her kingdom. She makes no move to intervene however, until her intentions have become clear. It is obvious this is much more than a social visit. And, as far as Heartfire is concerned, rather fortuitous timing. Heartfire had been intending to have a discussion with the woman now making her way towards her.
She is aware of the changes that had swept the eastern territories. Aware that power had been rather obtusely shifting, though quite where it would land seems still up for debate. And, well, Heartfire had always had a great deal of interest in unrest. Perhaps the eastern kingdom had not quite landed fully in this woman’s grasp, but the blue and white mare is well aware that power is much more than a title.
Others may dismiss the gilted woman, but Heartfire would never be foolish enough to do so.
Turning, Heartfire moves to intercept the visitor, her gait casual, her lack of concern evident in the ease of her step. Though Nerine may not have the open borders Hyaline does, neither are they so quick to condemn those who trespass. After all, borders are somewhat arbitrary when one sees as much as Heartfire does.
As the two meet, cool blue eyes assess the lovely woman with an uncommon frankness. No doubt Kensa is used to eyes on her, but the combination of impersonal curiosity, sharp impartiality, and a glint of impossible knowledge is something rather unique to Heartfire. They had met once before, but now, with her entire focus on the other woman, the experience is rather different.
One corner of her otherwise unsmiling lips twitches faintly as Kensa offers her unconventional greeting. Though Heartfire is not a woman prone to small talk, she finds her opening comment rather amusing. Is there ever a convenient time to trespass?
“I agree,” she replies simply, acknowledging the compliment on her home, though she declines to expound. “Actually,” she continues after only a brief pause, her gaze sharpening thoughtfully, “I’m glad you’ve come. I think it’s well past time we had a tête-à-tête.”
and they'll cut you like a weapon
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Kensa - 07-08-2019
you could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you
She is disadvantaged and knows it very quickly. It is a feeling not unlike the one she sometimes gets with Starsin. Being seen more clearly than she wishes to be, or at least the impression of her own transparency that exceeds what she comfortable with these days. Once everything had been on display for everyone, heart on sleeve, thoughts written in the infinite variations of her expressions. Kensa is wiser now, knows better than to be so raw all the time.
If only for her own sanity.
Still the clear clean warmth in her manner does shrink back from Heartfire’s acute scrutiny. It is a disappointment to be considered worthy of the Northern Queen’s notice, but it seems too unusual a thing to say. “In that case, let us begin.” Her own preference for directness will perhaps be appreciated here, though a dash of coyness cannot be helped “What am I meant to say on these visits? Hyaline seeks Nerine’s friendship? We are only a little territory. Hardly worth your notice.”
But you have noticed me already.
Has her Queen.. Her King called on Heartfire ahead of her? As if to speak for themselves and for her, their feral offshoot. Truly Kensa has no idea what Heartfire might want to discuss with her or if she will enjoy the discussion at all but she cannot stand here silently waiting for Heartfire to question her or render judgement of her so far quiet activities.
@[Heartfire] One hot pile of garbage fresh for you.
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Heartfire - 07-22-2019
She's got the devil's eyes
She had long ago recognized the discomfort her scrutiny could bring others. Most were quite loathe to admit it, of course, but there is a distinct vulnerability in having one’s secrets laid bare. Especially when one unerstands that those secrets are available for perusal. Though Heartfire so rarely openly admits to such things, she is well enough known at this point that many are aware, at least peripherally, of her unusual ability to acquire information.
Which, as far as she is concerned, is quite beneficial. After all, it would be exceedingly difficult to barter information if no one knew of the veracity of her abilities.
It is not difficult to discern that the woman before her doesn’t quite know what to make of her. Quite probably she had not expected her to have taken notice of her kingdom, much less have a great deal of desire to enter into a discussion over how they might mutually benefit one another. But then, it is not the size of the woman’s territory that intrigues her.
No, there is far more value in quality than quantity, as far as Heartfire is concerned. And though Kensa may not yet realize it, her position is decidedly unique.
Tilting her head slightly, Heartfire eyes her sharply, gaze openly considering. “Size hardly equates worthiness,” she replies mildly after only a moment’s silence, turning her words back on her. “Unless, of course, you believe yourself somehow less?” She eyes her hard, expression almost expectant. “And, if that’s the case, I’m unsure why you would have come here.”
and they'll cut you like a weapon
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Kensa - 07-23-2019
you could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you
Kensa’s gold trimmed ears twitch only slightly, Heartfire routes her but Kensa is not humiliated nor does she think that is the roan woman’s intention. So a very soft smile, amused with her own fumbling, fades gently into her immediate reply. “No. I am surprised to find that you know of me.” She has not considered whether or not she is worthy of anything for some time, she simply forges ahead, learning, growing stronger.
“Hyaline is less than no other. Only quiet under my leadership...thus far.” Excluding a minor act of treason on her own part, and perhaps a small rumor or two that only supported the appearance of their being a quiet state interested only in enjoying their lives among the mountains. Kensa’s lips press and she exhales thoughtful, she knows next to nothing of Heartfire and so allows her curiosity to take rein. “Please tell me how you know who I am and what it is you wish to speak of. Are you aware of me by means of some ability?” Like Starsin, who knew her long before they ever met by plucking her name from her own husband’s mind. “I’m sorry if it is rude to ask, my own gifts are minor compared to some and I am too curious for my own good.”
She will happily offer intelligence on herself, but doesn’t want to bore Heartfire with something she may already know by means of her own abilities.
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Heartfire - 07-25-2019
She's got the devil's eyes
Despite the baldness of her questions, she does not once truly doubt the woman before her believes herself quite worthy. She may not be a mind reader, but she has learned enough of equine character to recognize such things. And it’s a rare thing to find such self-doubt in a queen anyway. After all, one does not rise to leadership by believing oneself unworthy of it.
Lips twitching in response to Kensa’s free dissent, Heartfire eyes her somewhat more speculatively. The rather untoward suggestion had not appeared to offend her in any way, and has gained Heartfire exactly the answer she wished. And a little more insight into the gilt-edged woman.
Whether it is a useful insight or not remains to be seen.
“Quiet means nothing,” she replies thoughtfully as Kensa admits to the state of her own home. Nerine is no more noisy than Hyaline. Heartfire would never believe quiet equated weak in any way. So many saw strength as only the might of one’s muscle and bravado of one’s army. In truth, there is far more to it than that.
After all, many believe Tephra and Loess the mightiest given their recent clash. But Heartfire could so clearly see the ways in which they’d hobbled themselves. Their battle had exposed weaknesses she doubts either kingdom would be pleased to have bandied about. A hazard of ignoring the more subtle strengths that do not shine and gleam so well in the lustful gaze of others.
And a boon to her.
After a somewhat lengthy silence in which she openly considers her companion, Heartfire finally replies to her final, pointed question. “I am,” she admits then, easily enough. “I know a great many things.” She pauses, a heavy, brief silence. “Things such as how easily you bend the ear of the many men in your acquaintance. Have you ever considered the kind of power there is in that particular skillset?”
and they'll cut you like a weapon
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Kensa - 07-27-2019
you could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you
A sweep of dark lashes, once, a single smooth and meaningless blink. Her face is otherwise still, calm. Kensa wonders what else she expected the roan to say, but in the end she is not surprised by what she has been recognized for. Heartfire sees a red sparrow who has not learned to use its serrated wings. Silence settles between them and the little mare is placid as she considers that this is the one kingdom with which she has established no ties, and what might be gained or lost in this interaction. Ironic, no matter how Kensa tries to reject ambition she finds herself in moments just like this again and again.
There are a great many responses she might give, one quip in particular rises to the surface helplessly.
Women too.
This she does not say, there has only been Starsin and that was and is something else.
A slight incline of her head and then Kensa relaxes her expression, cheeks rounding up beneath her eyes. She is satisfied with Heartfire’s answer for now, thoughtful in her reply. “I have considered it, though I have focused on little more than my own amusement.” The Khaleesi likely had not expected her to demure or otherwise try to attempt some kind of modesty and Kensa does not bother to pretend at it. “Hyaline has benefitted, but not because I meant it to.” The sabino is not ashamed nor does she think it a sign of weakness to not have wielded her beauty of the fertility of her flesh to greater gain. She has only just begun to learn of the other lands beyond the East, their politics and people and what exactly Hyaline might find of interest within them. If she means to influence Beqanna and lead the band of rogues that will keep all of them from resting easy she will need more information, that which she might not be able to gain herself would be an even greater boon.
Smiling once again, Kensa sighs pleasantly and opens herself to Heartfire’s suggestions. “I keep pretending I’m not interested in power.”
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Heartfire - 07-29-2019
She's got the devil's eyes
Their shared candor is rather pleasing to the roan mare, and a faint thread of satisfaction works slowly through her. Though this does not show on the delicate lines of still features, there is a sense of companionship here. A tingle of shared understanding. Perhaps, on the surface, the two women may seem as though they have little in common, but Heartfire very much doubts that is true.
No, they are far more alike than anyone might realize. She had only to encourage Kensa realize that now too.
Though Heartfire could hardly be considered promiscuous, it is not because she believes herself above such things. No, Heartfire had long ago realized her strengths do not lie in the amorous arts. It would have been a waste of her talents to make any attempt to refine such things. However, in the right hands, such skills could be incredibly useful. And incredibly powerful, if one cared to wield it as such.
The subtly prying questions Heartfire had posed to Kensa served far more than mere inquisitiveness. The answers were hardly the point (though they were certainly useful). No, it was the way in which her companion answered them that proved far more insightful.
“And why not?” she asks on the tail of her demurring comment. “Would your response be the same, if Hyaline had been hurt by it?” She probes deeper, digging into the heart of it, the curiosity honed by a decidedly pointed edge. Perhaps the woman before her didn’t wish to admit it, but she must realize that her actions have not been entirely for her amusement. Perhaps that played the primary role, but she had not allowed pursuit of her amusements to harm her kingdom.
And that is the start of it, isn’t it? Certainly Heartfire had not originally sought to capitalize on her abilities. In fact, much like Kensa, she had used her sight primarily to amuse herself. The recognition of the benefits beyond amusement had come only when opportunity had presented itself. And she had dared to seize it.
“We all once pretended we weren’t interested in power,” Heartfire says after a momentary silence, amusement tinging the surprisingly gentle edges of her voice. “But at some point, the pretense no longer holds.” She pauses then, her gaze sharp on Kensa. “How much longer do you think you have Kensa?”
and they'll cut you like a weapon
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Kensa - 08-12-2019
you could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you
“I would never deliberately do anything to harm Hyaline.” Heartfire knows this already, and so Kensa spares her any kind of emphatic protest. She sees perfectly well what she is meant to understand about herself. Her efforts are not wasted even when she thinks them meaningless, too she has resisted doing things that might harm Hyaline. She remembers herself to that day after the war of thorns and fire, meeting with Castile. Desire and flirtation mingled with diplomacy, though she took care, protected herself and her home. Other meetings, other company charmed. Kensa sees that just pretending she is doing no harm is blindness.
She can do more, and there is a dark, rich, beautiful desire in her. A visceral craving for experience.
A sigh accompanies a self deprecating smile that turns a trifle wolfish. “I think I had until this morning, Hearfire.” This morning before she’d crossed into Nerine found herself unexpectedly exposed. She does not think she will ever be quite so terrifying as Heartfire, but what the little mustang mare is capable off has merited notice. Even someone so used to being noticed can be surprised by what others see from time to time. “So what do I do next? Now that I can’t pretend anymore. What did you do?” She is genuinely curious and more than that she wants to know if she can make a friend of Heartfire.
@[Heartfire] sorry this sucks the next one will not suck ob:
RE: this isn't what it could be; heartfire mostly - Heartfire - 08-16-2019
She's got the devil's eyes
It’s simple enough, to point out the obvious. The correct application of words and a woman with Kensa’s intelligence could so easily be shown the truth, after all. They are very similar in that respect. Heartfire had never been so blind to her own foibles that when the truth had been exposed she had refused to see it, and neither is Kensa. Indeed, it says a great deal about the Hyaline Primarch that she is so willing to step forward and grasp what was offered so soon after recognizing the reality of it.
If there is any ally that Heartfire would like to cultivate, it is those like Kensa. The ones who refuse to blind themselves even when the truth is not always comfortable or convenient. The one’s willing to do what is necessary to seize their own dreams and visions. The ones who understand strategy and patience are just as much (or more) powerful than anger and brute force. Even the strongest things break if one applies pressure in the right place.
And Heartfire is exceptionally skilled at discovering those weak points.
Slowly, the barest hint of a smile curves her dark lips, an exceedingly rare thing to grace the northern queen’s features. The self-deprecation of sudden understanding is easily swallowed by the wolfish recognition of new doors opened, and Heartfire is pleased to see it. Beneath the quietly demuring facade of a thoughtless coquette lies the heart and mind of a prodigy.
It’s an interesting question she poses however. One there is no simple answer to, unfortunately. For a long moment, Heartfire merely peers thoughtfully at Kensa, as though that single look might portray all that had happened since that moment to bring Heartfire here today. Finally, as though all of that could be summed up so easily, she simply says, “You decide what you want.” Pause. “What you truly want.”
Not nearly so simple as it sounds, regerttably. If anyone should know, it is the roan mare even now suggesting it. Tilting her head slightly, she continues, “Do you know what that is yet?” Her lips twitch faintly then, not truly expecting an answer. Certainly it would not be something summarized so easily as “a crown” or “a kingdom”. “I doubt it, but perhaps I can help.” Her blue gaze sharpens then, unreadable meaning behind that unnerving stare. “Perhaps we can help each other.”