Ruinam slowly walks along the ridge if the river, his stride lazily spread across the terrain as he halts, taking in the autumnal view.
Small orange and yellow leaves speckled the landscape, the river also carrying its share of dead leaves as it gently passes by Ruinam, creating a soft hum that the ivory-stallion enjoys.
He is quickly joined by his white-coated companion who is wary as he approaches the river, bending close to the edge to take a sip.
The stallion joins him and takes a quick drink before continuing forward, his neck drooping toward the ground as his frame bends to support his weight which is now lazily displaced through his entire body.
The stallion lingers around the area for a while, entranced by the fast-moving water for a solid five minutes before moving toward the trees, the brightly coloured stallion rubs his side against a nearby tree, its bark raking against his neat fur, taking small pieces of hair away with each scrape.
An audible huff rakes through the stallion's lungs as he settles down in the nearby foliage, crossing over his legs comfortably as he observes autumn slowly take a hold of the land, killing everything off in a spectacular fashion, sprucing everything up with fantastic colours, a rather interesting scene in his opinion, something that had made him admire Sylva when he lived there.
His companion surveys the landscape nearby, taking on a rather serious stance as Ruinam's protector who smiles at him, amused by the fox.
The stallion waits patiently, usually, someone turns up by the river, whether it is to drink or just follow the stream, the river's attractive hum and gleam usually preys on one's curiosity.
And just like that autumn had rolled around once again. The season was a nice relief from the summer heat, but soon enough the land would be covered in the freezing white snow. He didn't mind it too much though, he was graced with the fire breathing trait, creating warmth whenever he needed it.
He had been a nomad since he was a yearling, his twin brother was always struggling to stay on the right path. When he caved and went to Sylva who at the time was ran by a maniac, he couldn't help but search for him. Dario's efforts were a fail, and though father would probably never reject him, it was too much to bear.
He remained silent, hiding in the shadows as he watched the plague come and go, and a war erupt from silence. He knew one day he would have to face his home again, but for now he would enjoy the nomad life.
He found himself enjoying the trees that lined river, all changing colors and some even beginning to fall. As he neared the shore of the river a small grouping of leaves had gotten caught on a stray branch.
He lowered his head and with a deep huff a flame escaper his mouth and with it the branch lit on fire enough to dislodge itself, freeing the trapped leaves. He gives another small huff and the tops of the leaves lit on fire as they traveled down the river.
His eyes followed the leaves and barely fifteen paces away was another stag he had not noticed before. He watched as the leave traveled right by the spot he stood, but safely passed him and the white companion that stayed tucked by the stag. Sorry about that, he said with a hint of a laugh as he approached the stranger.
I can remember a time when I was so afraid when even my shadow wouldn't follow me
Even as a young child Elaina found herself waking early each morning to enjoy the view of the rising sun as it topped the horizon and cast a warm pink glow over the landscape of the giant lake, reflecting off the giant falls that blundered to the ground with astonishing velocity. It felt good to be home. For the first time in a very long while, she knows only calm when she awakes from a night of slumber, only crystal clarity. It brings a soft smile to her dark lips but immediately, she remembers where she is now. She rises on all fours and gives her lithe figure a shake, long, golden tresses fall haphazardly across her shoulders, settling in wind tangled curls against the golden curve of her neck. Long lashes blink slowly against the deepening predawn light as paper thin nostrils flare, inhaling the scent of unfamiliarity, something Elaina has not experienced in quite some time. All was still quiet in the early morning, even now my little sunflower could hear the soft patter of bird and their songs.
An easy sigh escapes her lungs once more as carefully she picks her way through this land. She wishes there was a pair of silver blue eyes (silver blue eyes that remind Elaina of her godfather) to look to, but Elaina hardly knows where to start looking for Lilli. Maybe she shouldn't have chased her down, maybe she should turn back now. But Elaina knows she wont, she will never go back to Beyond. She cannot bear to continue to watch the legacy family fall apart back there. This began earlier, before Valerio disappeared again, before Aerwir and her grew distant, before Marcelo left her behind. It began in the evenings, the same emptiness she felt every night when she suddenly found herself alone, parentless, as if they had vanished into that eternal night sky. No matter her begging, which had been adorable as a child and much more effective back then, with her big amber eyes and her father’s lopsided grin. They left her all the same. So many of them.
That morning her mother did not wake, something died inside of Elaina. Some of that calmness washed away in the wave of uncertainty that swept over her, a fire built in the chambers of her chest to compensate for the immense hole left by her.
Here is the part of the story where she found herself in the meadow more and more.
She could not bear to go home.
To Aerwir.
And when she did, she found it wasn't the same. There is something that feels sinister in the air, here, something that throttles her as she steps over its borders, something that has been growing and growing inside of her, waiting for that inevitable moment when it would burst through her skin and transform the sunflower child once and for all. And it did. And it has. And Elaina turned around and walked away abandoning that place, abandoning those people, shuffling blindly through the dark as if she is no longer afraid of anything. Hardened.
Beqanna. She thinks here and now because she cant hear the thundering falls nearby nor smell the mist.
An amused smile curves across her delicate features as she watches the boys. Her long, blonde locks fall easily over the delicate curves and contours of her face as slowly she ambles towards them. She watches for a moment again with the faint traces of a smile on her face. “Hope I am not interrupting your play time, boys,” she says as she emerges in front of them, tossing her golden head on greeting, revealing that heart shaped birth mark upon her brow. “I can always leave if you consider three to be too much of a crowd.”
The island resort had been quite an interesting place to live, the many estranged structures cast a shadow of thought almost every time he saw them, why were they there and who built them.
Of course, the stallion had seen horses with the ability to change how the earth or sky moves, though he cannot think of a reason as to why these structures exist or why these horses would even bother building them.
He casts the thought aside as a pleasingly soft breeze passes him, cooling off his ivory-white coat from the previous hot and sharp sunlight, though the river was nothing compared to the heat of the resort, another thing he was happy to get away from, to cool off somewhere else and have time to think for himself.
His head turns sharply as a flock of leaves passes him at speed, followed by the voice of another male.
"That is quite alright" he replies, though not quite sure of why he had taken an apologetic tone. Before he can introduce himself, another voice joins the gathering "Hello there, please, the more the merrier" he smiles, his stature taking the form of a slight bow as he greets both the horses "I am Ruinam, what brings both of you here today, if I may ask?" he speaks softly, a warm smile appearing on his white face as he turns toward them both.
As he stands quietly his companion enters the fray, though small, the fox thinks it is more of a protector of sorts, only there to protect Ruinam from danger, it does not seem to mind its size.
The fox slips by Ruinam's slender body and begins to walk toward the two horses, his fur is mildly tangled and quite dirty, mostly compiled of dried blood and earth. The fox had usually done a good job at keeping himself clean, though when exploring he did not seem to care much.
"Don't mind him, he likes to think he is a guard dog" he nods with a smile, looking down at the small critter that now begins to sniff the two horses, observing them carefully.